Preparations For The Baby Shower

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                                                   *not edited*
Several months later:
Morgan Sampson P. O. V.
(Morgan is now due any day now)
"Babe! I'm about to go!" I heard Lucas yell.
I rushed where he was at looked at me.
"This is like the hundredth time this week!" I yelled.
"What do you mean?" Lucas looked at me weirdly.
I sighed, and tears rolled down my eyes.
"Lucas you have been doing this ever since you proposed to me! You leave early in the mornings and then comeback late at night. I'm starting to think you're cheating on me. You just leave me with Sammie and Miles, then you expect me to cater to each and every one of your needs! It doesn't work like tell me, who is it?" I snapped.
"It ain't nobody!" Lucas snapped back.
I rolled my eyes.
"You're lying! Who is this girl?" I yelled.
Lucas started rubbing his temples, trying to calm his nerves.
"There is no girl.... in the end it's found to pay off and you're going to be happy." He said passing me up and sitting on the bed.
"You're saying that I'm going to be happy when I find that you're cheating on me... oh, well I'm going to be excited as heck.." I yelled, walking over to his closet and get my shoes.
"What are you doing?" Lucas asked irritably.
"What does it look like? I'm leaving, so you don't have to leave. Bring her over here." I said walking out.
I was being petty, but I didn't care.
I walked out of his bedroom to go in Sammie's room to get Miles.
"Miles let's go!" I said, and he started crying.
"We will be back calm down." I lied to him.
"No stay here Miles." Lucas said sternly.
"No..that's my child! You don't tell him what to do!" I looked at him.
"Lil bud, you don't have to go. Remember what I told you about..that's why mommy mad." Lucas said winking at him, and Miles winked back.
"Momma calm down. It gon be alright." He assured.
I looked at him, walked out, then went to Lucas's room. Lucas walked in and sat down, then sighed.
"I don't know why you're're about to leave." I rolled my eyes.
"Morgan! Oooo! Listen, there is no woman! There is no other family. No nothing! Why you need to understand is that baby girl, I'm not going anywhere..whether you like it or not! And you don't need to be stressing over this.!" He said frustratingly.
I nodded my head, with a pout.
"Okay baby." I told him and he nodded.
"Now I'm about too go. Not to another woman or family. But I'm going to your sister Lisa house. And yes we are going to be talking about you. If you don't believe me, I'll call Lisa right—" I cut him off and kissed him.
W both sighed together.
"Yes I believe you babe, and I'm sorry." I mumbled against his lips, and then sat on him.
"I accept your apology, but you can't be getting all stressed out over this. I already told you that I don't cheat." He mumbled, tapping my thigh for me to get up.
I got up, and watched as he walked out of the room.
Lucas Mathews P. O. V.
I got out of my car and walked to Lisa's doorpost to knock. Logan, with a plate, answered the door.
"Wassup Gee?!" He yelled dapping me up with his empty hand.
I shook my head.
"Nothing, just your baby sister." I sighed, and walked in the house.
I walked in and saw Lisa already decorating her house, this is what I have been doing. Helping Lisa get everything situated for a surprise baby shower, and a surprise wedding. Tomorrow is the actual baby shower, I'm just helping her decorate for tonight.
"Logan and Marcus! Come help me put the banner up!" Lisa yelled, looking at me.
"Oh hey brother." She smiled.
I laughed and looked at all what she did.
"Sis this look good. What you need my help with?"I asked.
She shook her head.
"Well nothing now. Just make sure my baby sister is here tomorrow exactly at 2:30." She said putting her hands on hips.
"Alright." I said about to walk out, but she stopped me.
"Wait! You could bring Sammie and Miles tonight. Pack a week worth of clothes." She smiled.
"Oh sister I love you so much." I said, dramatically hugging me.
She laughed, and hugged me back.
"Well you go and tend to my babies. I'll finish this! And remember 2:30." She yelled walking out the den.
I laughed and walked out of her house, and made my way to my car.
Time to go and put a smile on my fiancée's face.
The next day:
"No babe..we not doing this today! You are putting this on! End of discussion." I fussed at Morgan.
Here we were again she didn't like what she had on.

"Why can't you just put the dress on?!" I asked rubbing my temples

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"Why can't you just put the dress on?!" I asked rubbing my temples.
"I am!" She yelled.
I sighed and nodded, then walked out of the bathroom. The baby shower started at 3:00, we are suppose to be there by 2:30, and it is 2:45. I walked out to call Lisa. She picked up on the third ring.
"Lucas! You had one job to do! You still failed. Where is she?" She yelled into the phone, almost making me drop it.
"Calm down! It wasn't even me.. she said she wasn't going to wear the dress and then she changed her mind." I said.
"I don't care! You are the male, and you are the more dominant one. You can make the orders sometimes. This is a time when you make the orders... I gotta go!" She fussed at me.
I said alright and hung up. I sat there for a minute and decided to take her advice.
Morgan Sampson P. O. V.
I looked at myself one more time before leaving the bathroom to put my shoes on. I looked at my shoe closet, and decided on putting my heels on.
As soon as I was about to put it on, Lucas snatched the shoe out of my hand.
"What are you doing? Give it back!" I yelled.
"No." He said shortly.
I tried to reach for it, but he held it above his head.
"Lucas stop playing. I wanna wear those!" I whined.
"No! You are wearing those scandals." He fussed.
"You don't—" he cut me off, and started yelling.
"Morgan! Put the freaking shoes on! Why do you always do these things?! Just cooperate and put the shoes on!" He yelled, and it seemed like I jumped out of my skin.
I rolled my eyes at him to the best of my ability, and he glared at me.
"You need to hurry up Morgan! Because I'm about to come over there and pick you and take you to the car bare foot." He said walking leaning on the doorposts.
I rolled my eyes, and started putting my scandals on. After I finished, I rolled my eyes again and walked pass Lucas, then made my way to the car.
"Roll them again Morgan. You really playing with me.. in a minute imma snap on you yo." He said as we left out of the house.
I walked to the car and got in. I watched him, while he had the angry look on his face, and I couldn't lie..I was a little wet in the panties.
"Stop staring at me." He mumbled as he pulled off, and then grabbed my hand.
10 minutes later:
"Wake up baby. We here." I heard Lucas say, as he shook me. I groaned and sat up.
I looked at my surroundings and noticed that we were in my sister yard.
"Babe why we here?" I asked opening the car door.
I looked at Lucas, as he walked around to my side and grabbed my hands.
"Remember when you said that I was cheating on you?" He asked, and I nodded my head, trying to catch his drift.
"Well this the evidence that I'm not." He said smiling and then grabbed my hand.
We walked hand in hand, and I couldn't help but notice my parents, Miles grandparents, and some other cars that were familiar.
We walked up to the door and then opened it.
"Surprise!!!" Everyone yelled, and I smiled at Lucas with tears in my eyes.

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