Church With The Family

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The next morning: Sunday:
Morgan Sampson P. O. V.
I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I attempted to reach to get my phone, but failed because of Lucas's grip.
"Lucas.." I whispered-yelled, and looked at Lucas.
"Huh?" He groaned with his eyes still closed.
"The phone is ringing.. and I'm trying to get it. But you're holding me like a pillow." I said, letting go of me, and then turned around.
I got out of bed and then got my phone to see it was my mother. I sighed and answered the phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Oh I'm sorry sweetie, did I wake you?" My mom asked.
"Oh no mom, I been up." I said sarcastically.
She laughed.
"I'm sorry baby but I'm just letting you know that today we're all going to church because your brothers and sister are here." She said happily.
I groaned and whined.
"Mom! You know what, I'll go only because I want to see my brothers." I said sighing.
"Morgan! Stop that.. I don't know what it is with you, Lisa, and Layla." My mom fussed.
"It's not Lisa and I it's little Miss I know everything Layla." I said irritably.
It was quiet on the other end and I sighed.
"Momma I'm coming. What time?" I asked and Lucas sat up, then looked at me.
"It starts at 11 but be there for 10:30." She said, I mentally groaned.
"Ok. Well I'll see you at the church then momma." I said hanging up.
I sighed and looked at Lucas.
"I'm sorry that I woke you." I smiled and kissed his lips.
"Nah, Baby you ain't wake me. But that was ya mama?" He asked me.
"Yea...she wants us to come to church...I haven't been in church in a long minute. And plus I need church for some healing." I sighed and he laughed, then we both got out of bed.
"Babe whatever...c'mon. I'll get Miles ready while you get Sammie ready." He said rubbing his eyes.
I nodded my head and checked the time.
7:50, great timing.
"But first I'm about to brush my teeth, and get breakfast going." I said walking in the bathroom and finding an extra toothbrush.
"I'll help you." Lucas said making me laugh.
"You know how to cook?" I laughed and he stale faced me.
"Hey....maybe one day you could teach me." Lucas said.
"Yea Yea. Here." I handed him a toothbrush.
He looked at me with a smirk then started brushing his teeth.
"Do you have to shower?" He asked, and I shook my head.
"Took one last night." I said rolling my eyes.
"Yea..But you prolly stink and need one again, so join me." He said raising his eyebrow.
"No I do not stink! I will not be taking a shower with you." I said walking out the bathroom to go wake Miles and Sammie up.
"Kiddos! Wake up." I yelled walking into the room that they slept in, which was the playroom.
I yelled again, and they didn't move.
"Y'all come on! I have to make breakfast. And I'm making pancakes." I said, mostly at Miles. Another thing that him and his father had in common. They loved pancakes, no matter what time of day it was they still wanted pancakes.
A couple of seconds later, Miles got up and walked over to me.
"Mommy I want some pancakes." Miles said hugging my legs. I rubbed my hands through his curls and smiled.
"Ok.. get Sammie up... we're going to church today." I said waiting on his response.
He nodded and lazily walked over to Sammie to get her up.
She looked at Miles, then me, and she finally got up.
45 minutes and an extra not needed shower later:
I glared at Lucas as he smiled and pulled into the church's parking lot.
"Babe I don't like you at all." I said angrily.
I was angry at him for one because we were all ready and Lucas decided to take his precious time to get ready and rill me in. He was successful in doing that. Secondly, I'm mad at him because as he was rilling me in, he thought it was a good idea to rip my dress.
"Baby. I'll buy you another dress, and you know that." He said trying to grab my hand but I pushed it back.
He stopped the car and turned the ignition off. We both got the kids out and they walked before us, while we walked hand in hand behind them.
I smiled and was so happy at this moment...but that smile instantly turned into a frown.
"Well...if that isn't my baby sister, is that another baby I see. Without a ring on that finger. Come on I taught you better than that." Lisa and I's older sister, Layla retorted.
"Well.. my older sister, with 2 kids whose fathers aren't in their life. And a husband that's still cheating on you with your best friend." I replied and Lisa, loud and obnoxious self died in laughter.
"It's not that funny Lisa... besides you have no family." Layla retorted.
We were in the middle of the parking lot going at it.
"Leave her out of sissy is smart. She's not gonna marry just anybody like you did...three times." I said making Lisa laugh again.
Lisa could talk mess, but when it came to Layla she would get as scary as a fly.
"Girls. Girls! Why do y'all do that? We just did to church and y'all arguing already." Our eldest brother, Marcus said. Then our older brother, Logan came over.
"Wassup with my sib—I know y'all not arguing already." He complained.
Lisa and I laughed.
"And who is this lil fellow we got?" Marcus asked, and both of my brothers started siding Lucas up.
I stood in front of Lucas and smiled.
"He's my boyfriend." I smiled, but they didn't.
"Ok....boy space friend. Right?" Marcus nodded, and I rolled my eyes.
"Oh my spaces. It's one word. Boyfriend.. my boyfriend.." I retorted.
"I know for I understand she's the baby and all, but darn let her live. For God's sake she's 24." Lisa fussed, and I kissed her cheek.
"Thank sissy." I smiled.
She nodded, and we talked a little more before going into the church. Lucas finally started opening up to my brothers, and I was happy. But, I was still frustrated with the negativity, a. k. a. Layla.
Church went by well...hopefully dinner could go by the same way.

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