The Wedding Reception

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*not edited*
Omniscient P. O. V.
The couple walked hand in hand, as they entered the beautiful reception hall. They were the last ones to come out, and now it was just them two.
"Babe this is beautiful." Morgan said in awe.
Lucas stared at her, and brought her close to him.
"Not as beautiful as you though.. I can't wait to get this dress off of you." Lucas mumbled into her neck, making her giggle.
He brought his lips to her lips and gave her a little peck, which then turned into a full blown make out session. They were loving each and every bit of this peaceful and quiet moment, but Lucas was really loving it because he was really planning on taking that dress off of her, but that plan went right away when the wedding planner and the photographer came out.
"Hey newlyweds! It's time for pictures!" The photographer said excitedly.
"Lucas you better smile too." Morgan warned him.
Lucas put his hands up in surrender.
"I can smile now because I know you ain't going no where." He smiled looking at the camera, while Morgan blushed looking away.
She snapped the photo.
"Awww..that was beautiful. But this one imma need y'all to smile on this one." She ordered, and they followed her instructions.
"Alright. There you go." She smiled, and they walked away leaving the couple along. Morgan was about to follow behind but he pulled her back.
"Babe I'm hungry." He mumbled, and Morgan looked at him weirdly.
"Umm..we're about to go to where the food is." Morgan laughed.
He smiled at her.
"I'm not hungry for that food yet. I'm hungry for you right now." He mumbled, and pulled her into the nearest room there was. Once they made it in, Lucas locked the door and hurriedly walked over to Morgan who was smirking.
"First time having sex while married."
25 minutes later:
The couple walked into the room that was beyond gorgeous.
"Herrrrreee is the newlywed couple that everyone has been waiting on." The DJ said into the mic.
Everyone watched as they walked hand in hand swaying to the beat of Let's Stay Together by Al Green.
Once they made it to their seats they were greeted with their food, and Morgan's siblings. They didn't even look up because they were into their delicious cuisines.
"Y'all..y'all could tell when black people eating cause look.. they not looking up from they food." Logan said, and Lisa elbowed him in his stomach.
"Leave them alone. But baby sister we're about to give our speeches. Well I am.." Lisa said getting a mic from the DJ.
Morgan now gave her all of her attention with a smile, but soon turned into a frown when she saw her oldest sister up there. She saw Layla and Lisa talking, and then Lisa gave Layla the mic. Morgan got up but Layla gave her a look, and she down.
"Alright hey everybody if y'all don't know me, I am Morgan's oldest sister, and I just want to some things to my youngest sister that I have. Ummm...Morgz baby sis I'm sorry. I have did so many wrong and terrible things to make your life miserable and I can honestly say that I'm sorry. I may not show it, but I really love you a lot. I love you too Lisa..and until this day I will apologize. And keep on apologizing until you accept it." Layla confessed and an endless number of tears rolled down her face.
Everyone was in tears by now, and Morgan was in tears her own self.
"I forgive you. Today is my husband and I's day. I don't want any confusion or anything. Okay? And I love you too." Morgan said standing as Layla made her way over to her.
"I love you too." Lisa said, and the sisters hugged each other.
Everyone in the audience aww now, but soon after everyone else said their own speeches Morgan and Lucas were ready to go on their honeymoon. Of course, they couldn't go just yet because they hadn't cut the cake yet and also because their parents would flip.
"Ok.. after we cut the cake I'm ready to go head out." Morgan mumbled to her husband and he thought for a moment.
"Babe how about we leave now..because didn't you put the order in as 7:30? It's 6:30 now." He whispered to her.
Morgan froze and face palmed herself.
"Yes, which is why we are leaving" Morgan said getting up and walking over to her parent-in-law and parents table.
" guys we have to go. I'll explain everything to you when we get back. And that will be in three weeks." She told them.
She stood there for a moment and let them realize what she just said and then she jetted to the main door, which is where Lucas was. But instead of stopping she kept going.
"Come on, they're probably coming." She laughed and ran out of the main door.
Lucas chuckled and walked and went to their car.
Morgan Sampson P. O. V.
On the airplane:
I rubbed my husband's face as he slept. I was so happy that I was finally married to someone who loved me, and showed me the love and affection that I needed. It would be the simple things that he did that would have me head over heels. I can already feel that he's great husband, father, and man in the upcoming years. He felt me staring at him and started talking.
"Babe I know my mother in law taught you that it was real rude to stare at people." He said with his eyes still closed.
I laughed.
"Babe I can't help it when it's my husband." I smiled, and he pulled me into his lap then started tickling me.
"Babe you know I love you with all my heart right?" He asked getting serious.
I nodded.
"Of course babe..I love you with all my heart too." I smiled back at him.
"Well guess what?" He asked with a smile.
"What? Imma show you how much I love you when we get to Dubai." He said beginning to kiss my neck.
"We're already on the honey moon. So you could show me now." I giggled.
"You right because I paid good money to have this private come here girl gimme them lips." He said kissing me.
And all the way to the Dubai we made love all night long.
Before Lucas I thought it was going to be hard to Love, but I found out it wasn't when Lucas came into my life.

•••••••••The End••••••••••••
There will be a sequel!!.....just don't know when🤷🏾‍♀️😂
I love you guys😘💙
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