It's a..boy or girl?

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3 days later: Omniscient P. O. V.
"Uhhhhhh....babe! This isn't working...I'm not going, you go find the gender out yourself." Morgan whined, with tears in her eyes. Lucas sighed and watched his five month pregnant fiancée to get in a brand new pair of jeans. Today was the day that the couple found out what they were having.
"Babe you have to go with me in order for the both of us to find out the gender...besides, you can get a bigger size or wear the stretchy ones." Lucas suggested, nonchalantly.
Morgan gave him the meanest mug she could ever form, and then burst into tears.
She was in her second trimester, and her emotions were everywhere.
"So I'm big now Lucas?" She cried.
Lucas sighed and was about to say something, but Sammie walked in. Sammie saw her mommy crying and got sad.
"What's the matter with you mommy?" She asked.
"Your father just said something to me that hurt my feelings." She said wiping her eyes, and Lucas sighed dramatically.
"What he say?" She asked, and Lucas face palmed himself.
"He said I was fat!" She cried.
"No I didn't!" Lucas yelled with his deep voice.
"Yes you said maybe you could try a bigger size babe." She retorted, trying her best to make an impression of Lucas.
Lucas laughed, trying not to show his irritation.
"I don't sound like that...and that doesn't mean you're big. You just thick in all the right places. Be thankful. Pregnancy is giving your body life." Lucas exclaimed, walking over to kiss her and Sammie's forehead.
"Awww..daddy that was sweet! And even if you can't fit the jeans, you could wear a dress like me mommy!" She smiled her mommy.
"You're right. But I need you to do something." Morgan said, tickling her.
"What mommy?" She asked laughing her little heart away.
"I need you to wake Miles up so we can go and find out if it's a sissy or bubby in here." Morgan said excitedly.
Sammie's eyes jumped in excitement. She was more excited than her parents were.
"Alright... Miles! Miles. Wake up!!" She yelled, making Lucas and Morgan laugh.
Lucas stared at Morgan and his members immediately got hard. He quickly walked over to her and kissed her.
Time to have a little midday snack.
Morgan Sampson P. O. V.
I quickly walked in my doctor's office, leaving Lucas, Sammie, and Miles behind. My appointment was at 2:30, and it is now 2:45 because someone thought it was a good idea to get a little snack. I can't lie and say it wasn't good because it was, but that's not the point.
"You can get the pout off ya face, because you was asking for it." Lucas whisper-yelled coming behind me.
I was about to say something smart back but the desk receptionist told me that I could already go back.
I walked back to where my doctor was with Lucas right behind me. I glared at him.
"Babe can you back up from me?" I asked irritably.
He shook his head, nonchalantly.
"No I can't." He said, looking back at Sammie and Miles who were playing on his iPad.
"Well I'm sorry dad, but you're going to have would you just sit over here, so I could put some gel on you. It's going to be a little cold." My doctor said walking in and sitting down on the rolling chair.
I nodded my head lifting my dress showing my boy shorts.
"Just had to wear a dress today huh?" Lucas mumbled.
"Yes I did..because you called me big." I mumbled back.
He was about say something back, but I held my hand up, to shut him up.
"Okayyyy..there's y'all little baby." My doctor pointed to the screen.
I got super excited, and tears filled my eyes.
"Awwww...Babe, baby girl is so pretty." I said.
"My boy ain't no girl." Lucas snarled.
"Yea whatever. Sammie and Miles. Y'all wanna see y'all sibling." I asked.
They nodded and walked over to the doctor.
"Well you are at the stage where you can find out what the gender about that?" The doctor asked, and Sammie jumped up and down.
" looks like someone is excited to see their.....babyyyy brother! It's a boy!" My doctor exclaimed.
Even though it was a boy, I was still happy. I just want him to be healthy.
"I told y'all!" Lucas yelled high-fiving Miles.
"No! No! It was supposed to be a girl. I wanted a girl mommy." She yelled walking over to me, with a pout on my face.
"Hey...hey..hey! Mommy wanted it to be a girl too. But God gave us a boy. I think he gave us a boy because when daddy and Miles isn't here or there to protect you, he will be there for you baby. You think so?" I asked wiping her eyes.
She nodded and grabbed my hand, then we walked out of the room. I walked over to the lady who had the ultrasound pictures. I was about to walk over there, but Lucas walked over and got them. I shrugged and made my way to the car, happy as I don't know what.
Several hours later:
Lucas Mathews P. O. V.
I looked at my watch and saw that it was going on 6. Morgan and I had just finished putting the kids to bed, and now the house was super quiet. I just wanted to chill with my baby right now, but she was no where to be found.
With my man instincts, I instantly got up, and walked downstairs, to see her in the den. I was about to go mess with her, but stopped when she started talking, to her stomach I'm guessing.
Morgan Sampson P. O. V.
I sat down, and just felt my son having a ball in my stomach.
"Hey, come on giving momma a hard time. You wanna hear a song that I sung to your brother once." I asked rubbing my stomach, and I felt him punch my stomach.
"Imma take that as a yes." I nodded and thought of a song to sing.
"Alright listen imma sing I got you by Ciara." I let my head go back and started singing.
"It all can get so out of control sometimes
You can lose your faith, you can lose your mind
Lose your grip, get stripped of your pride
Till you don't know how you're gonna stay alive
And this world can throw you off the track sometimes
Your friends can stab you in the back sometimes you just break down
When this life try to wreck you, I protect you
I got your back, I got you
I take your side, I lay my life down for you
I'll crawl over broken glass, I will stand in the flame
Take the bullet, take the blows, I will take all the pain
Anything, anything that you gotta get through
Hey, hey I got you
Hey, hey I got you"
I sung and then heard footsteps behind me. I turned and saw Lucas standing there.
I smiled.
"You creep... how long were you standing there?" I asked.
"When you started complaining about my boy." He said nonchalantly.
"You invading my son and I's privacy. We were having a moment since he was cooperating. But now...he's wilding out again." I playfully snapped.
Lucas walked over to me and sat down.
"What your thinking about naming our baby boy?" I asked randomly.
"My name. He's going to be a junior. Did you not see the picture he looks exactly like me." He said cockily.
We laughed, and I hit his arm.
"I don't think I want my son to be a junior." I laughed.
He smacked his lips.
"Find a name, and give me a good reason why you don't want his name to be mines." He asked.
I pursued my lips together and faked like I was thinking.
"You don't have a good reason. So the name is Lucas O'Neil Mathews Jr." he said picking me and taking me upstairs, while I laughed.
I guess he could be a junior, I'm going to be ok if he's a healthy and handsome baby boy.

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