Sunday Dinner

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Lucas Mathews P. O. V.
"So are you guys going to follow to the house or go home first?" I heard Morgan's dad ask all of his children.
I can honestly say that hanging out with Morgan's family was nice, minus Layla's negativity. I don't understand why she's so negative about things, about life period. She's just a vibe killer.
"Uhh babe you need to change clothes? Because I know Sammie, Miles, and I need too." Morgan asked me walking over to the car, and I opened her door for her.
She blushed, and I smirked.
"Why thank you baby." She smiled, and got in.
"You're welcome, and yea I do need to change clothes. So we can gone head and go." I said closing her door, and I went back over to the drivers side to get in.
"Ok well imma call my dad and tell them that I'm staying." She said calling her daddy the Bluetooth.
"Hello?" Her father asked.
"Hey daddy.. ummm we're gonna go back to my house for a bit to change clothes and get comfortable."
"Well okay that's fine. But you know your mother wants everyone to be here on time and have no attitudes." He said sternly, on the attitude part.
Morgan laughed.
"I do not have attitudes daddy. Imma good girl." Morgan smiled.
"Girl please.. your attitude is worse than mines and your mother's put together. And you know how bad we have attitudes." He said laughing.
"That's not true daddy." She laughed and pouted.
"Yes it is baby girl.. but it's ok. I still love you, just gotta learn how to control it. But your mom said to be back over here at 2, so I'll talk to you later. I know you wanna have fun with your family and stuff." He said making us both laugh.
"Well okay bye bye." Morgan hung up.
"Babe I didn't know your attitude was bad." I said intertwining our hands together.
"I didn't know either Lucas." She said shrugging and laughing.
"You're a trip." I said kissing her hand, and speeding to her house.
Hours and minutes later, at her parents' house:
"Babe your parents crib is nice." I said sitting up.
We had to switch seats because I didn't know where her parents house were.
"Thank you. Literally born and raised here." She smiled and parked the car off.
I got Miles out, while she got Sammie out.
"Bud how you feel bout being at grandma and grandpa house." I asked Miles.
"Good. But I sleepy tho." He asked reaching for me.
I picked him up and walked over to where Morgan and Sammie were. Morgan immediately frowned, once she saw I had Miles. She was about to say something.
"And be quiet..cut him some slack, he tired from being at church." I said grabbing her hand.
Sammie walked ahead of us and we walked behind her, hand in hand. Once we made it to the house, Lisa gave all of us a hug, and so did everyone else, except Layla.
"Alright come on my big babies. I'm so proud of each and every one of you." Her mom said, and all of them groaned.
"Here we go." Her dad said.
"Marcus shut up!" Her mom fussed at her husband.
Everyone was laughing.
"I can't help Latoya... alright, alright everyone be quiet. Don't want mama bear to be mad at me. That means I ain't gone get none." He said.
"Daddy!" Lisa and Morgan yelled.
"I'm sorry...but forreal this time. Shut up. We bout to eat so bless the food...Layla." Her dad said.
"She don't know what that is.." Logan said making everyone laugh.
"Shut up...bow your heads...umm. Lord thank you for this food....Amen." Layla smiled.
"What I tell you." Logan said.
It got quiet..Morgan and Lisa looked at each other and laughed.
"What is so funny?" Logan looked at the two.
"I don't know Logss—" he cut her off.
"Don't say my name like that. Only Morgan and Lisa can say my name like that because they started it." Logan said rolling his eyes at her.
"See here we go! We can't sit in a room without either one of y'all bringing up their names. I don't see nothing good. Lisa don't have a child like I do... because she can't. Morgan don't have a husband like I do... because why? Her baby daddy died the day she found out she was pregnant, dang he must've really didn't wanna deal with you and Miles." She laughed, and no one found that amusing. Lisa looked down and laughed with tears in her eyes.
"You know what?.. I have let you say all you wanted to say..and I told daddy that I wasn't going to say anything.. but I'm sorry. You can't talk about nobody not having a husband. You barely have this one! This is your what? Third husband huh? Oh, you thought nobody would find out....and a child. No sis, children you have 4 children. They all got different daddies except the last one. And no my sister may not be able to have kids, but she's doing a dang good and better job than you are. Every time I see you don't have your kids. You just say that you working with these imaginary people. Unlike all of us..we work real jobs. And that's a great thing to be proud of." Morgan fussed, and Lisa got up.
"Momma I'm sorry.... I can't be in her face anymore. She just irks my nerves!" She said walking out with her plate, but stopped when she got by Layla. She rose her plate up and looked down at her.
"This is for all them years you talked about me with your friends...and all the times you left me and let him do those things to me." Lisa said, as Layla turned around and looked up, she smushed the plate in her face making their brothers laugh.
"My hair...daddy my hair." Layla whines to her daddy.
Her dad looked at her irritable.
"Layla shut up. You had it coming. Better be glad my baby girl ain't do nothing else." Marcus said. You could tell that their relationship was real close.
"Thanks big brother..but yea moms I'm bout to go. Love you family. You too Layla hoe." Lisa said walking out the door.
"I'm following her." Logan got up.
"Me too." Marcus said following Logan.
"Y'all—-" Marcus Senior cut Morgan off.
"Get out Cocoa. Love you baby. Cmon Toya." He said standing up and got his wife up too.
"Alright you guys come on." Morgan said leading the way out of the door, and we followed her.
That was a family dinner for you.

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