▶ch 01◀

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This isn't bad ...right ?⬅

"And cut , the video shooting
is done for now , you can go rest you guys !".
All the members throw themselves on the coach , breathing dramatically .
" oh I'm hungry !"
Taehyung said rubbing his tummy .
"We really need to eat ! Before I eat one of you !"
Suga added ,making all the members smiling .
"Okay let's go , Jungkook !we are gonna go to panda express ,go to the...oh shit "
Namjoon  cruised loudly as he saw the youngest breathing heavily against the door , his face was so pale and he didn't look good at all , like he was about to pass out or something  .
"Jungkook ? Hey ?"
He slapped his check softly  ,
Kneeling down in front of him , to be the same level as he .
"Nam- namjoon  ?"
"Hey I've got you , you good its alright , its alright , we all get tired sometimes shhh breath ,just don't faint or close your eyes okay ?"
Namjoon  carried the boy to
The room were was the others .
"What's going on ?"
Jin asked .
"He Nearly fainted "
Taehyung stood up , sitting down with Jungkook .
"Kook, You alright ?"
He asked brushing the younger 's hair off his sweaty face .
"Ye- yeah"
"What made you like that Jungkook ? "
"Is he sick ?"
"Can you keep up ?"
"Still dizzy ?"
"Drink these ,it will help "
"Hey Jungkook "
All the voices  mixed in the poor boy 's head .
"Jungkook ? Jungkook !" Namjoon shocked the youngest harder  .
"What's wrong with him ?"
Someone said .
"He's obviously not with us , like he's completely out or something ?"
Replied another one.
Jungkook clutched his head tightly .
"A headache ? Maybe even a migraine ? Kookie please tell us "
Suga kneeled down putting his hands on Jungkook 's .
Seddnly Jungkook started crying , for the first time in front of his hyungs  .
Jungkook never cried before , never showed his weakness to anybody , especially when he's sick or hurt.
"Guys get out please , maybe its because of the loud noises that we are making ,let's just leave him with suga hyung  "
Said Jimin,knowing how calm suga was .
Suga closed the door , kneeled down in front of Jungkook .
"They are all out now Kookie , there is no loud sounds here ,just me and you , you can tell me what's wrong baby come on "
Suga whispered , brushing the boy 's hair from his sweaty face .
"You're having a migraine ?"
Suga whispered again knowing that Jungkook sometimes had them really bad , and he wasn't really good at all with them ,
He will end up crying , getting sick , sometimes passing out from the pain .
He nodded , making Suga smile guilty .
"Want me to hold you cupcake?"
"Y-yes  please "
Suga hugged the crying boy in his arms ,kissing his head , brushing his hair ,until he felt asleep .
After a few minutes, he got a message from Taehyung .

Tae Tae🐸  :
Hey is everything alright with you ?

He replied back .

He was just having a migraine ...still bad though.. He was crying a mess .
PSS:bitch you better come and turn the fucking damn light off ,before I light on your ass :) Xx

Tae tae🐸:
I'm coming you jerk !

After a few minutes , Taehyung opened the door , turning the light off.
"Oh my ...he's really sick "
Taehyung whispered .
"He's having a height fever I think , tell jin to grab the thermometer "
Seddnly , j-hope  opened the door .
"HEy The FuKIng Car IS REady !"
Jungkook woke up , with a hand on his head .
"Sorry kookie but we need to leave right now and fly to Korea , Namjoon  's mother is really sick , and we knew that just now , he needs us "
Suga and Taehyung nodded , trying to figure out what's gonna happen to Jungkook .
As Taehyung left the room , Suga touched Jungkook 's hot forehead softly .
"Can you walk ? "
Jungkook stood up slowly , trying to catch his balance .
Suga helped him walking to get his things from the hotel room , when they saw Namjoon  in teary eyes .
"Hey ,she's gonna be alright , just calm down "
Suga hit Namjoon  's shoulder lightly .
"Thanks bro "
The flight started alright , the boys were all silence , Jimin was comforting Namjoon  ,who was crying ,
Jungkook in the other hand was dying because of the pain , Suga was helpless watching his best friend hurting .
Seddnly ,he fell his stomach turning painfully.
Jimin being the one who was always getting motion sick ,realized what was going on with Jungkook , so he left Namjoon
And whispering to him .
"Hey let's go to toilet ,you okay ,just breath "
Jungkook dizzily stood up ,leaning on Jimin .
"You okay , you okay nice deep breath Jungkook , you almost there "
Jimin rubbed his back softly, as Jungkook was throwing up and shevring badly .
"You done my little bunny ?"
Jimin tried making jungkook smiling ,and so he did .
Jungkook smiled softly making Jimin smile, no one can ignore Jungkook 's cute smile .
Jimin was always there for his hyungs  ,especially for Jungkook , never forget when Jungkook felt dizzy and couldn't breath probably , Jimin was the first one who helped him go back stage in Bts burn the stage .
"Here you go ,my old Kookie bunny !,you look a lot better than before "
Jimin flushed the toilet and
Go back to his place .
Suga saw jungkook and smiled .
"Chiling  with park chimchim ? He got no jams"
"I love Jimin hyung  !"
"So you do ...what about me ?"
"I love all my hyungs  !"
Jungkook felt someone kissing his cheek and hugging him .
A deep voice said .
"You never know how much we love you kookie "
Oh...its Taehyung ...
"Aish  go and let me cuddle with Jungkook "
Taehyung said , making Suga standing up .
"I know that I'm the only one who can cuddle Jungkook better than you all"
"Even in a plane ?"
Suga asked laughing.
"Yep , even in a plane !"
Taehyung said , pushing Jungkook to his side.
"I guess I'll just stay there "
Suga left the two boys cuddling and went behind Jin.
"How is he?"
Jin  asked .
"I don't know Jin , he's getting worst ...he never cried before because of the pain ...his fever is height ...
I told Taehyung to come and cuddle him , Jungkook loves
Tae "
"Yeah...that's better ."
Jin replied as he saw Jungkook putting his head on Taehyung's shoulder smiling .
"What are you doing kook , trying to be cute ?"
Taehyung said , joking .
"Aish  fuck off I'm sick !"
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