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''There's  no YOU , it's US"

"...and then we saw you ! You were such a cutie Jungkookie ! Aish i miss thé old days "
"I 'll be missing you!"
Jungkook said , looking down .
"Uh stop being a negative ass and tell me if you wanna eat anything , cuz we're going home you know "
Suga said rubbing Jungkook's hand.
Everything was weird , all of the sudden everything changed , jungkook was just fine ! Now he barely can walk without fainting or getting dizzy .
He lost so much weight , he barely remember anything , he's tired all the time and has headaches
Suga was so sad , he wanted to cry , but of course not in front of his bandmates , they need him .
Hey , is everything okay with you ?

Suga smiled at his phone , then replied ;

Yoongi-D 💀
Yeah ...jungkook's kinda tired ...idk I think it's bcZ of the surgery ...he's pale ...what did the doc say ? Did u gyus talk ?

We'll talk later , right now I'm dealing with the papers , get in the car , take care of Jungkook and
I'll be there in mins

Yoongi-D 💀
Okay , see u xx         √seen

"Guys let's get ready , we're going home ! "
The members waited for Jungkook's reaction but the boy just smiled weakly at them .
"Kookie ya ! Aren't you happy ?"
Taehyung said , grabbing Jungkook's things
"Ye-yes , of course "
Jungkook replied , looking down again .
The members left Taehyung and Jungkook alone in the room , to get the car and the things ready ...maybe the two have a talk between them .
"Jungkook you like this or this ?"
Taehyung said , offering two sweatshirts for Jungkook .
"The black one please "
Taehyung smiled at Jungkook,
Even his sickness , the boy was still cute and handsome .
He watched his closely. As he makes sure that he didn't forget anything .
He turned his head , to the other side of the room , to see a book under Jungkook's hospital bed .
"Kookie since when you started reading books ? Can I see it ?"
Jungkook 's eyes widen and screamed
"no hyung ! Please no ! "
Taehyung got surprised for a while , then laughted away the awkward situation "okay , just don't forget that okay ? "
"Hyung help it's stuck in my head "
Taehyung was laughing at how jungkook looked like a lost puppy but ,his heart beats started rising as he remembered the surgery .
He carefully pulled down the sweatshirt , looking for any blood .
Luckily ,he didn't see any .
"You scared me kookie "
Taehyung said , relaxing a bit .
Jungkook sat on the hospital bed and grabbed his phone .
"Hey , we're gonna go home , you forgot ?''

Taehyung said , not sure of what was Jungkook's doing .
" we what ?"
Jungkook asked in concern

Going home ...?"
Jungkook stood up , grabbing Taehyung's hand .
"Let's go then "
He said smiling .
*in the car *
"So ...you told me that we'll talk later ...what did the doctor say namjoon ?"
Suga said , worried .
Namjoon looked at suga in the eyes .
"Look , I don't know how to start that ,but ..."
"But what ? Tell me , what's wrong with him ?"
Jin and Jimin joined the conversation between Namjoon and Suga ,as they heard Jungkook's name .
"Common Namjoon ,he's our brother "
Jimin said , about to cry .
"Guys shut up , Jungkook and Taehyung are here "
Yoongi ran to Taehyung , offering his help to Cary the bags .
They put everything in , got jungkook in the middle back sit , to make sure that they can take a better look after him .
"Okay , is everything here ?"
"Yes "
"Alright , let's go "
Namjoon said turning on the car .

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