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It's getting worst right

After a long flight ,
The boys finally arrived at the airport ,
Jimin carried the bags to the car , while Suga and Taehyung were trying
To wake Jungkook and help him go to the car

"Jungkook ? You need to wake up love "
"Hey baby , wake up "
Jungkook hears some voices calling him .
He tried opening his eyes, but it was too bright to see .
Seddnly he felt his stomach turning again , making hi feeling nauseous .
"Hyungs I really do not fell okay "
He said with a hand on his stomach .
"You alright?"
Jungkook ran to the bathroom. Throwing up non stop for 15 mins , Suga and Taehyung knocked the door worriedly .
"Jungkook open the door please ."
Suga called .
Seddnly , they heard a loud coughing , Probably it was Jungkook choking , then a loud 'thud'.
"Jungkook !"
Taehyung broke the door , running to Jungkook ,who was breathing really fast , lying down on the cold floor .
"Jungkook ? "
Jungkook wasn't sure who was calling him anymore , the boy was dizzy , and
Everything was blurry
Around him , it was really hard to breath ,
All that he wanted is just to lay down and sleep ,
But at the same time he
Didn't want to worry the others.
"Hey I've got you "
He felt someone carrying him.
"Don't cry shhh Jungkook I promise you , you'll be alright "
Wait ...was he crying ?
He put his hand on his
Eyes .
Tears ? Why was he crying ?
He opened his eyes  ,to see Taehyung carrying him .
"Tae "
He called him .
He actually didn't need anything , just a look from Taehyung ,without a raison .
A bad pain in his chest seddnly
Started aching ,
He grabbed Taehyung 's
Shirt and closed his eyes tightly.
"Kookie ? You alright ?"
Taehyung asked with shaky voice .
His eyes were red , probably he was trying not to cry .
Jungkook was feeling like he was loosing it.
Taehyung was running now , when he saw that Jungkook was about to close his eyes  ,he started running .
He wanted to make him fell save , he wanted to make him fell better , he didn't like seeing him in pain .
He started crying and running , just running , to the closest hospital .
Namjoon and the others looked shocked , as they saw him running with the youngest in his arms .
"What is he doing?"
Seddnly , the rain started falling , the two boys were wet when they arrived at the hospital .
"Please ...please h-help  him"
Taehyung started crying , he fell down , grabbing Jungkook tightly ,who was turning paler and paler .
"Please don't let him in pain ! Don't let -let him die !"
Some doctors ran to Taehyung and carried Jungkook 's weak body .
"Taehyung what are you doing ? "
Jin said .
"Jin ... Jungkook is sick...so sick "
Taehyung yelled .
"What you mean ? The doctor didn't tell you ,did he Tae ?"
Jin grabbed Taehyung from his wrist ,dragging him to the other room.
"He ...he ..."
Taehyung bursted in tears again.
All the members were looking at him now .
"He has ...he will die "
Taehyung was close from having a panic attack now , his hands were shaking , and they were freezing .
"He ...he have ...the same symptoms as m-my grandmother"
Tae tried speaking .
"No ..."
"Umm  I'm sorry , it seems like you friend had a brain cancer stage 01 "
"Can ...can he live ?"
"Look ...go and see him...he will need you , then we'll see about that "
The room was all silent , it was a bit dark , but clear still for the hyungs  to see Jungkook 's teary eyes .
"Hey kookie ! How you doing ? "
Jin tried joking , but
Jungkook didn't ever smile.
"Am I gonna die ?"
He asked .
Suga looked at him and took a deep breath .

Jungkook's Brain Cancer 01Where stories live. Discover now