▶ ch03◀

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We'll be here for you kookie :

"Look Jungkook, you're gonna stay strong and brave as we know you , it doesn't meter what happened okay ?
Just stay brave !'
Jimin said .
All the hyungs  were crying now .
Jungkook whipped his tears .
" so - so I am ?"
"No ... No of course no jungkook, I can't let anything happen to you "
Jungkook nodded , as he cried silently.
The hyungs  were surprised at how Jungkook didn't panic or yell at all , the boy was
Brave and he accepted
The reality.
All of the BTS boys hugged each other , Jungkook in the middle of them , hooked in too much tubes and machines .
"Aish  you guys are like teenages girls ! Who had their first period ! "
Jin said making the boys laughing .
Seddnly , they heard
A soft giggling voice .
They looked at Jungkook , the boy was smiling now , for the first time after days , but sadly ,it faded, got replied by a crying sound.
"What's wrong now ?"
Jimin asked .
"Never mind guys, I just love you "
After that , all the hyungs 
Spend a whole night with Jungkook , cuddling him , kissing his head , singing for him , rubbing his back and comforting him while he hard times.
In the middle of the night, Taehyung woke up , to a crying Jungkook .
He searched for his hyungs  , but no one was there .
"Jungkook ?"
He called , not sure what was going on .
"T-tae h-help m-me  "
Taehyung stood up , making his way to Jungkook 's bed .
Jungkook screamed in pain .
Taehyung touched his body , it was wet , so wet , its like something was on his body.
He switched the lights , to see a bloody Jungkook , his guts were on the floor , it was a mess , a bloody mess ,everything was bloody , even Tae 's face .
"Tae please !"
Jungkook was like he was dying , his body was going up and down , up then down  ,with blood going out from his mouth .
"J...Jungkook ! Someone call the -"
"N...no...Tae ...please , I don't wanna die in a bed , I wanna die in you arms ...arms ...arms ...arms "
"Taehyung ? Taehyung wake up !"
Namjoon waked up the boy behind him , who was whining and gasping in his sleep .
"Its just a dream man !"
Namjoon added .
Tae ran to Jungkook and woke him up .
"Ugh ...t-tae  ? What are you doing ?"
Jungkook asked ,confused .
"Jungkook I love you !"
Tae screamed ,and hugged jungkook ,who was so confused right now .
"Taehyung ! What the fuck are you doing ?"
Suga screamed .
"Sorry ...I'm sorry ...I'm sorry "
Taehyung walked out of the
Room .
"Is he alright ?"
Jungkook asked .
"Yeah yeah just leave him , he's weird "
Suga told Jungkook , putting the blanket back on him.
"Just sleep okay , its my turn to stay with you , cuz Namjoon is already tired , now I'll just grabe  some coffee , I'll be right back "
Suga walked out of the room , leaving the boy alone with a sleepy Namjoon .
The others were in a hotel behind the hospital , not really knowing what was happening in the hospital.
Suga was about to go to the room , but the doctor called him .
"Sure ? Are you here for jeon  Jungkook ?"
Suga nodded .
"Alright , we probably need to talk "
The doctor said , making Suga following him  .
"Sit down "
"Okay , let's talk ...umm  actually you know that your friend has a brain cancer stage one , so ...there is some symptoms that you must know , like strong headaches, throwing up ,
Fainting , wich you're gonna see a lot of it this period , since the cancer is still new in his body "
"Doctor ...is Jungkook gonna live ?"
As Suga asked , the doctor pit his glasses down .
"Look kid , a boy like Jungkook , with  a brain cancer isn't that easy thing you know , he's a singer , and staying in a hospital room is just horrible for him , you guys should stay with him , and I hope you'll had no problem with that "
Suga 's eyes started watering
"Of course , he's our little brother "
"Okay , and I understand ,about his life ,he can use the
Chemotherapy, maybe we can do a small surgery , we're not sure "
The doctor said rubbing his forehead .
"Doctor ...what if Jungkook fainted "
"If he did , you can only comfort him , you can't do anything about it , there will be sometimes he get a strong headaches , cause him to faint , you can stay with him , comfort him until it stops "
Suga stood up , making his way to Jungkook 's room .
"I'm here !"
Suga put His coffee on the table behind Jungkook 's bed .
"Where are you little bunny ?"
Suga called , after seeing the empty bed of Jungkook.
"Jungkook ?"
Suga called again .
He started walking through
The dark to the bathroom.
" shhh you okay , you okay , I'm here , it will pass"
"It hurts a - a lot Namjoon "
Suga walked slowly to the two boys .
"Headache ?"
He asked , looking guilty to the Jungkook .
Namjoon nodded , brushing the hair away from Jungkook 's sweaty forehead .
"Namjoon make it stoop "
Seddnly Namjoon 's phone
Vibes .

Namjoon , we need you here , your mom's health is so good , she want to see you , she Miss you a lot Xx

"Suga I need to go "
"Course , go I'll look after Jungkook"
Namjoon walked out the room , leaving Suga comforting a crying Jungkook .
"Suga my h-head  is about to explore "
Jungkook cried.
"The doctor said it'll pass so please , stay calm and take some deep breaths ,and let's stand up from this gross floor "
Suga helped Jungkook standing up , but as long as they stood up , jungkook fell in Suga 's arms ,and started breathing quickly .
"Y-yoongi "
Jungkook never called suga with his real name before , did he .
He quickly held the boy with his two hands.
"Jungkook ?"
No reply .
He looked down to face him ,
He was sleeping , probably unconscious.
Suga was seeing his friend
Dying in front of his eyes .
"Jungkook ?"
He called softly, carrying the boy's body ,putting
On the white bed .
He quickly grabbed his phone and texted the others .

From :suga
To: Tae tae /RM/world wide handsome /chimchim/hobii

Jungkook fainted , he was crying from the pain , seddnly he fell on me .
I really can't take it anymore.

From Hobii  :
I'm coming right now .

From chimchim :
Is he alright ? I'm coming .

After half's an hour , Taehyung opened the door , and ran to Jungkook.
"Oh my "
Taehyung kissed Jungkook 's
Hot forehead .
Tears were falling from Taehyung's eyes , he was crying , just crying when he saw Jungkook as  his eyes
Were opening .
"Jungkook ! Are you okay ?
How is your head ?"
Jungkook smiled and grabbed Taehyung 's hand .
"L-lay with me Tae , huge me like you used to do with me when I get a height fever or cold ,spoon me with your warm hands "
Taehyung quickly lied with Jungkook .
Tae was crying silently ,
While hugging Jungkook tightly.
"Jungkook ? Do you have any dreams ?"
Taehyung asked .
"Jungkook ?"
Taehyung smiled as he heard soft snoring .

Jungkook's Brain Cancer 01Where stories live. Discover now