▶ch 04◀

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     Welcome home kookie  :

"Jungkook ...Jungkook.."
Taehyung touched the younger's  soft cheek.
"Hey , you gotta get up "
"Mhm  ...Taehyung leave me alone "
"But you gotta get up , if you wanna go home !"
Jungkook quickly opened his eyes .
"Home ?"
Taehyung started laughing .
"Yup ...home "
Jungkook jumped on Taehyung .
"Thank you , thank you ,thank youuuu 
Taetae  "
Jungkook started wearing his clothes quickly , but the sudden movement made his head turning .
Taehyung was sitting down in Jungkook bed ,waiting for him to get ready in the bathroom .
"Jungkook ? You alright there ?"
He knocked the door .
"Jungkook ?"
He tried again .
No reply...
He opened the door , to see a crying Jungkook , sitting down on the floor , the hospital clothes were on the ground , his own clothes didn't fit him well .
"What's wrong ? Come here baby , tell me what's wrong"
Taehyung pulled Jungkook to his chest .
"I'm dizzy ...I can't even walk ..my clothes didn't fit me well...I ...I always love this pair of dark jeans ,they were nice on my body , my abs are gone now , Taehyung I don't wanna die "
Taehyung can fell his eyes watering .
"No you won't "
"Yes I will...Taehyung... My body is so weak "
Jungkook put his head against Taehyung's .
"I'm so d-dizzy "
"Shhh you'll be alright , want me to carry you ?"
Jungkook nodded and Tae carried his light boy to the car .
After they arrived , the hyungs  decided to watch a movie with Jungkook ,since it was his first day in home .
"I'll go and tell him...he'll be so happy "
Jimin stood up , making his way to Jungkook 's room.
"Jungkook-ah...what's up ?"
The sad boy smiled a bit.
" I'm good"...
Jimin looked at him with watery eyes .
"I love you Jungkook... You
Know that ,right ?...actually...
We all do"
"Oh Jimin don't cry !"
Jhope  said whipping his tears .
"What ?...my eyes ate just sweating !"
The hyungs  laughed , Jungkook leaned on
Jimin , and closed his eyes.
The things arrived , Jungkook woke up just as they did, and they all took a bath and took the large sized sofa as a comfy place
To huge their Bunny kookie.
For the first time , the hyungs  were having a real fun tim.
Jungkook was in the middle
Of them , watching the movie , but seddnly something was wrong with Jungkook... He can fell it , his head was spinning ,
He was feeling sick ,like ...he'll throw up at
Any moment if he moved .
"Want more cola ? "
Taehyung asked him .
Jungkook knew that it was him , but his version is too blurry now .
Tae called again.
"Tae-taehyung  ..m-my  head "
Jungkook said , as he was falling down ,and shaking hardly , like he was getting electret.
"What the hell is that !"
"Jun-oh  my god !"
Namjoon took a deep breath
And carried Jungkook's fragile body to his lape ,and started whispering soft words in his ear ,while kissing his head and stroking his hair
"What the fuck had happ-
" its a fucking seizer dOnt you fucking see ?".
He replied screaming .
Jimin cried silently .
Jin seddnly stood up , pulling his hoodie off putting it on Jungkook's  wet lape .
"I think ...he will need a shower  let me help him before he woke up "
Jin carried Jungkook to his bathroom , pulling his clothes off , he touched the bones marks on his body.
"What happen to you kookie ...baby I can't help
Seeing you saying in front of me !"
Jin whisped crying .
He pulled the shampoo bottle, and started stroking
Jungkook's  wet hair with the rosé liquid , making some small soft bubbles.

"Taehyung shut the fuck up !"

Namjoon yelled at Tae pulling him up with his shirt ,making Tae Unable to breath probably.
JUST my ...my feelings hyung ...
I *coughing*I just *coughing*".
He put a hand on his chest ,
And started breathing hardly
With strong wheezing .
" what's wrong ? Tae ?talk to me !"
Namjoon panicked as Tae felt down wheezing.

Jin was hearing what was going on , and he ran to the living room , with a blue material in his hand .
"Here , Tae , take a deep breath "
Taehyung could catch his breathing after 03 Puff's and he started crying .
"Namjoon why are you doing like this ? Marcy on him ! Omg "
Namjoon as soon as he realized what was he doing , he sat on the ground crying hardly .
"I'm sorry ...I'm sorry for being a fucking shit leader ..
I couldn't help you...I'm in too much stress, you guys can't see how bad is it ...I'm sorry Taehyung ...I'm sorry I didn't know that you had asthma ...I'm sorry Bangtan !"
He stormed out the room , leaving Taehyung and Jin in shook .
Meanwhile , Jungkook woke up a the bathroom , with a wet hair , and shirtless.
He stood up , confused ,
But he stopped as long as
His feet's touched his
Wet pant ...it wasn't because of the bath ...because he clearly can see the wet spot .

"You okay now ?"
Jin asked Tae , who was
Shaking .
"Hey ,you gotta calm down Buddy , you need that , and ..."
"No Jin you won't understand ! I live Jungkook"
"As a boyfriend ?"
Jin asked smiling .
"I know that you love him ,think I didn't see ?"
Taehyung 's cheeks went red .
"I'll deal with Namjoon , but first , I should go t- oh Jungkook !"
Jin called nervously.
"Why am I like this ?"
Jungkook sat down on the sofa , crying.
"I just wanna be n-normal !"
Jin could feel his heart breaking into millions peaces .
"But you are !"
Jungkook screamed and started shaking from crying .
"I'm a freak !"
He curled himself into a ball , and cried ,
Taehyung stood up , hugging him tightly , because Jungkook was just too Small and too soft .
"Jungkook I ..."
He wanted to say it loud , he wanted to make the first step , but he was insecure .
"I'm ...I'm gonna be sick "
Jungkook said gagging
With a hand on his mouth .
"You're okay , deep breath its gonna be alri- Jungkook ?
Hey baby talk to me !"
Taehyung shakes the boy in his arms .
No reply ...

Jin hyung ?"
"What's wrong ?"
"He's not breathing!"

Oh shit ...

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