▶CH 05 ◀

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"what the hell you're talking about ? home ? is that all you're gonna do ? my friend is dying and your telling us to get him home ? really ?" Jin started yelling as long as he heard the doctor saying that Jungkook must be home (by the way , Doctors can be jerks sometimes , like here in Algeria , rarely you find a good caring doctor ) .

"look kid , i'm the doctor here , and i know your friend's statment , the tumor has gotten bigger so fast ,i dont know what just happeneded , but , all i know that he needs a surgery ,so what are you guys supposted to do ? you take youre friend home , cuz he's so weak and in the need of resting well , but after the surgery of course"

"to remouve the the tumor ?" Jimin asked worried .

"no i will take a sample of the tumor to identify its type"


After having a good talke with the doctor , Jimin and Jin went to the room, where Jungkook was lying , awake but almost moving .

"Hey baby bunny , you're alright ? how you're feeling ? " Jin put his hand on Jungkook's weak one .

"h-hyun-" Jungkook tried to say , but jin cut off not really wanting to make the maknea more weak .
"We're gonna back home after the surgery baby"
Jungkook smiled but his smile fades
"Hung i dont wanna be here anymore ,just home "
Jin smilled with teary eyes .
"Just home ,promise "
During the night , It was Namjoon's turn to stay with Jungkook while the others went to prepare a "welcome home" party ,to Cheer him up .
. it was a killing dark , a small amount of moon light was breaking in , namjoon was writing on his dairy ...yupe his dairy ...it was a thing that namjoon doesn't bring with him unless he's feeling down or lost...he turned his flash on and started writing a poem ...what he named it "moon child "
"Huyng , huyng "
"Yeah ? Kook , want anything ?"
"Its so bright in here "
Jungkook said , rubbing his eyes ,like its the sun in front of him ... Namjoon was in shook ...maybe something is wrong with his eyes ? he wanted to call the doctor , but remembred that his doctor is not here for a while , and it was 3 am .

"I wnt your hand hyung , please ?" Jungkook said softly , in the dark , but who the fuck could say no for JUNGKOOK? NO ONE .

Namjoon felt the weak hand of Jungkook in his , he was even afraid of hurting his like he was made of glass .

he felt a tear comming out of his eyes , he tried not making any noises , he just cant watch Jungkook die in front of him can he ?

"hyung ?" jungkook called .

"i'm hungry " he said again , making Namjoon smilling sometimes , somethings never change .

"what you're up too baby ?"

"my mom's noddles"

"its been a while since she got here ....why isnt she comming to see me ? did i do something wrong ?"

"no .. she's been here all the time " Nmjoon said rubbing Jungkook's hand

"really ??? ohimiss taehyung and the others so much...remeber that night when you got drunk so me and tae went to take you home but we ended up drunk too ? and taehyung got sick a whole day because of that ? "

"yeah man ...these were the days ...dont worry we'lll hung up more when you get well , just stay strong " Namjoon encouraged the sick boy

"being dead sounds okey to me "

"you are NOT gonna be dead , just dont repeat this shit again okey ? "

"okey ...good night huYng "

jungkook closed his eyes without letting Namjoon's hand go

"g-night sweet bun"

Namjoon sighed , he didnt even sleep that night , the sound of Jungkook whimpering and whinning in his sleep as if he's having nightmare was giving him scary ideas of what will happens to Jungkook after a year


;time skipe cuz i'm lazy


it's been an hour ..and there is no info about Jungkook

his mother , father , brother , and so the bangtan boys are waiting , even jackson and yugyeom are there .

"jackson you take a seat , you look like you're about to pass out " Jimin said offering his seat .

yugyeom looked up at jackson , offering his set too ;

"no i'm fine , it's okay, really" jackson tried to get of yugyeom 's looks

"he didnt sleep for two days " yugyeom said , sighting as jackson left the room looking for water or something to eat .

"he has anemia , hes working himselfe to death , me and the others are worried , and he was dying to visit kook " he said rubbing his hand




"jeon jungkook ?" one of the doctors came out of the surgery room , calling Jungkook's name all of the sudden

"how is he" "is kooky alright ?"

"look , i have two news , a bad one and a good one ! " ...

ch:06 ---- 22 08 2019 ON MY BIRTHDAY LOL

lmao i know u hate me for doing this to you gyus lol , sorry but the ch6 is ready , just needs some corrections and i'll upload it promise , and one of u gyus told me to add jackson from GOT7 sooo here he is , hope u like this ch , see u soon

BTW here is my facebook if u want to contact me or be friends or wtvr and chec my drawings lol

BTW here is my facebook if u want to contact me or be friends or wtvr and chec my drawings lol

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