Relax ~ Negan

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(Background: you've been at the sanctuary basically since the beginning, now one of Negans most trusted leaders. The only female of the top Saviors, and you're fed up with it all. )

"That's not how life is anymore!! You all are bloody idiots!!" You yell, pushing your chair out from the table and storming out of the meeting.

They were talking about all the things in life they were happy about, and all their lives pre-breakout.

Luckily, your parents had gone before the world went to hell, and as an only child you only had to keep yourself alive.

You stop as you notice heavy footsteps following your own. Running a hand through your slightly tangled hair you wait for the chewing out you were about to receive.

"Y/n? What the hell was that number you pulled in there?" The rough voice of your leader, Negan says, angrily.

"I'm over it all. Life is not the same. It never will be. But they just act all cheery and joyful about the whole freaking thing. Ignoring our current situation, the one we and our children will be in for centuries." You yell at the air in front of you, not yet facing him. "It pisses me off."

"Well, Sweetcheeks. If you keep this up, nothing good will come from your little tantrums. You think one of my most respected men should act like you just did?"

You shake your head, looking at the floor. He was right, you should be better than that.

"Next time something like that happens, someone might try to damage that pretty little face of yours. Wouldn't want that now, would we doll?" He says lowly, voice now right next to your ear. His breath fanning over your neck and face making you tense and shiver.

He must notice, the next thing he says is with a smirk on his lips, "well, I'll be damned. Things like this get you all hot and bothered don't they? Well shoot should've done this a while ago, huh?"

"Negan," you say tightly, turning on your heel to face the man, he was closer to you than you though. You take a step back, his eyes follow the movement, taking in your body.

"Negan," you start again. "May I be dismissed?"

He smirks again, looking you up and down, "no. Now get your ass back into the meeting or you'll have hell to pay."

You let your face drop, throat tightening and shoulders slouching. He catches the change, doesn't say a word, and heads towards the meeting room.

You force yourself to push away any emotion evident on your face, straighten yourself out, and walk back to the meeting room with your head held high.

You were two seats to the left of Simon, who sat at the opposite end of the table from Negan. Walking in, you take your seat quietly, crossing your legs under the table.

Just now noticing all eyes were on you, waiting. You look to Negan to see him watching what you will do. You shake your head at him, signaling you weren't apologizing.  But he looks at you, narrows his eyes and mouths, do it.

"I apologize for my actions. Let's continue, shall we gentlemen?" A tight smile on your lips as you glance around the table.

Some look unsure still and some nod and look to Negan, which you decide to do.


Two hours later. After discussing the plan of action towards Alexandria and the other groups, you're free to leave.

After being dismissed, you quickly gather yourself and head to your room, wanting to take a shower, maybe a bath.

You get to your room quickly, relishing in the fact that you had your own bathroom since you were a higher rank.

Kicking your burnt out converse off at the door, you make your way to your dresser, needing pjs. You pull out an oversized gray shirt and a pair of black shorts, along with a comfy pair of lavender panties.

Once that's done you make your way towards the bathroom, starting the bath and undressing. Braiding your hair as you wait a few minutes for the water to rise a bit before getting in. You had added some of your body wash to make bubbles, a tiny piece of normal, you assume is why you'd done it.

Sighing and closing your eyes you sink into the water, having turned it off already. Your skin tingling from the warmth of it, you groan at the sensation. The hot water taking the tension from earlier away.

"Thought you said life wasn't the same." A voice cuts into your relaxation, startling you and making you jump.

You open your eyes, looking to the man standing in your bathroom. He must have taken his leather jacket off upon entering your room, all he had on was his jeans and a tight fitting white shirt. Knowing you kept clean, he'd removed his shoes at the door.

"What do you want?" You groan, wanting even just 5 minutes to yourself. Not phased by the fact he was there.

"Is that any way to speak to your leader, doll?" He responds, quirking a brow.

"As far as I know you aren't suppose to be in other women's rooms, unannounced. What would your wives think?" You fake shock, knowing full well that Negan did as he pleased.

"You know good and well that I do as I please." He says, sitting on your counter, picking up your panties.

"Well aren't these the daintiest things you've ever seen. I'm sure this color looks good on you." He mumbles the last part, but you catch it.

"I think it does, though I've been told red looks better." You smirk, closing your eyes again and letting yourself relax.

Granted you can feel Negan looking at you, but you don't mind. The bubbles were covering you, thank goodness for that.

"Better take a picture. It'll last longer in this hell hole of a world." A small frown falls on your lips, just as you hear the click of your Polaroid camera.

Opening your eyes you see Negan holding your camera and a picture, waiting for it to develop.

"Why did you..."

"Because you look too damn adorable right now." He smiles, a genuine smile. One only you usually got to see.

It makes you smile back at him.

"You can keep it." You whisper, gesturing to the small photo he held. 

"Now why would I want to do that sweetheart?"  He asks, moving to sit on the toilet right next to the tub.

"I can tell you want to." You mumble, noticing the water cooling off, you'd need to get out soon.

"Well, if you could hand me my towel that would be much appreciated." Stretching your hand towards the quiet man. You'd never really seen him this way. So calm and intimate.

He hands you the dark gray towel and watches as you step out and quickly wrap yourself, unplugging the drain to let the water out.

"I can leave if you need-" he starts, standing in front of you.

"Negan. You're fine. For once in your life can you relax?" You whisper, looking into his eyes. Glancing around his face, his strong jaw sprinkled with salt and pepper hair, his plump lips. Just then his tongue darts out to wet them, making you look back to his eyes.

He sighs, looking down at the floor. "I don't think I ever will be able to again darlin'."

The words he whispers to you hurt your heart.

Just then you lean up, take his face in your hands, and plant a soft kiss on his lips. Not caring if you've overstepped your boundaries.

"You can stay here tonight. Let yourself rest? Get away from the nagging of Simon and your wives?" You whisper, eyes still closed and hands still holding his face. 

You can feel his breath fan over your cheeks as he whispers, "okay."

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