Worried and Hurt ~ Glenn

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   The pain in your shoulder was borderline unbearable as you walked through the gates of your home. Supported by Daryl on your right side, he guided you passed the members awaiting your arrival, hopeful of new supplies. You'd gotten supplies alright, at the expense of tiring yourselves out with a hoard, but that was besides the point. You had arrived at the makeshift infirmary. 

You didn't know where Glenn was, didn't even know if anyone knew you were coming back today to be honest. So, you allow Daryl to lift you onto the table, making sure you're okay before he leaves to find Denise. 

Denise walks in moments later, surveying your bloody shoulder with wide eyes.

"Is it?" 

"It's not a bite. You think I would've come back with a bite? No way in hell." You scoff at her assumption, shaking your head and immediately gritting your teeth in pain. 

"Alrighty then. In that case, let's get you patched up." She shuffles around the room gathering the supplies she'll need. Needle and thread, gauze, a syringe. 

"Okay, small pinch." As Denise administers the pain killer you feel faint, something you're not used to. 

"Denise I'm gonna-" Your head is caught before you do anymore damage to yourself and you pass out, a familiar silhouette in your memory. 

Hours later you wake up to someone redressing and checking your wound, it didn't feel like Denise though. With a stretch and a groan you decide to open your eyes, only to be met with the profile of Glenn. When he had gotten there you didn't know, you assumed it was just as you fainted. 

"I got too close to some sheet metal while killing walkers. I'll be alright." Your voice was cracking as you spoke, throat like a desert. 

He says nothing as he hands you your water and sits at the chair in front of the table and starts wringing his fingers violently. 

"Why didn't you all radio? I could've been there to help you when you got back. You all didn't update us for days. Do-do you know how worried that made me?" His words are shaking as he meets your gaze, eyes shiny. 

"I'm sorry Glenn. You know that the Sanctuary is probably listening to our lines. If we give the impression that we didn't find much-" 

"I know. I know. I'm sorry." His hand moves to rub your calf and he takes a breath. 

"I'm okay Glenn. I'm here, now, with you. I am always safe, you know that." You were attempting to ease his nerves. 

"Are you hungry? We can go back to the house and eat something if you want." 

Accepting the invitation to leave the infirmary and get away from the overly sterile smell was something you wouldn't refuse. Glenn extends his hand for you to take and you grip it firmly, sliding gently off the table then start towards the door. 

You were feeling much better already, you knew that you needed food though, so when Rick stopped you on your way home you were irritated. 

"Yes?" you hoped he could see you just wanted to rest, no briefing, no anything. 

"Ya alright? Denise said you fainted." Rick seemed genuinely concerned.  

"I'm alright, just headed home to get some food. And rest." You sighed at the thought of your bed. 

"Alright you all take care. Glenn." Your leader leaves you all with a curt nod, the tension between him and Glenn was odd though. 

"What was that about?" You were headed up the stairs now, Glenn opening the door for you. 

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