Fourth Spell

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She knew something must have been seriously troubling Hakuryuu's mind, but she decided not to pry too much into it at the moment.  Instead, Layali hurried to follow his quick and determined steps.

However, they both paused as the hall shook again, with gravel falling from the stone walls and ceiling.  When the temple finally settled, a giant rock-like structure stomped before them, towering to be at least twenty times larger than both travelers.  It took on the form of a large armored man and held a deadly-looking scythe.  

Then, Hakuryuu boldly stepped in front of the red-haired girl and bared his pointed staff, taking a position for battle.

"Step back, Layali." He ordered, not looking behind him as the girl warily obeyed.  "I promise I will protect you!" He proclaimed as he leapt from his feet and began striking at the beast.  But the slashes from his staff were ineffective on the stone creature.

Hakuryuu seized his offensive attack momentarily to catch his panting breath.  He was too distracted to notice the massive fist that was positioned just above his head.

"Hakuryuu!" Layali yelled, not hesitating to run up to him and tug on his arm.  The two slipped from their feet and fell to the cold ground just before the heavy fist crashed into the ground, crumpling the stone around the impacted space.  Immediately, Hakuryuu pushed himself to his feet and shouted at the girl who had just saved him.

"I told you to stay back! I don't need protecting!" He yelled, avoiding her kind violet eyes that had widened in both shock and pain.  He turned back to the beast and mumbled a few words before returning to battle.  "Don't interfere.  I can do this myself."

Layali's heart ached at his cold words.  She had felt rejected as a friend and unwelcome in the friendship she thought she had developed.  Soon, though, she shook her thick hair and pulled herself to her feet.

And then, Hakuryuu's aura began to glow a pale blue color, enveloping his pointed staff as he stood in a stance that signaled his preparation for battle.

Almost as though he was beckoning the dangerous battle, several more stone monsters appeared.  Something about the way that his aura glowed worried Layali, despite how he scolded her.  Nonetheless, he unleashed this new power on the strong rocks.  This was must more effective, but the powerless girl could see him weakening with every strike.

But Hakuryuu kept fighting, managing to defeat the majority of the beasts that stood in their path, their crumpled pieces scattered across the floor.  He took this one chance to glance at Layali, who's concern was painted clearly in her expression.   The sight of the boy only pained her more as she saw his bloodshot eyes and pale face.  Streams of thick red liquid seeped from his eyes, nose, and mouth as he panted desperately.

The young Prince leapt to attack again, and then jumped closer to the helpless girl.  He was close enough so Layali could reach her arms around his torso.  She pressed her nose into the back of his shirt and kept him from moving.  She could feel his racing heartbeat and hear his painful panting clearly.

"Please... stop!" The red-haired girl cried, clutching the fabric over his chest.  "You're only hurting yourself." She pleaded.

"I don't care." He grumbled in response and tried to pry the young woman's hands loose, but her grip was too desperate.

"I do care, though!" Layali furrowed her eyebrows as she continued to try to persuade the stubborn Prince.  "You don't have to fight like this."

Hakuryuu's silence allowed her to continue with her pleas.  She slowly released on her grip around his torso and met his bi-colored eyes that were still oozing blood.  She tugged on his sleeve and showed a serious expression.

Shackles to Silver (Hakuryuu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now