Twelfth Spell

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Hakuryuu and Layali weren't travelling for much longer before they rendezvoused with his sister.  They looked so similar that it would have been hard to believe if they weren't related.

"Hakuryuu!" The woman ran to her brother and hugged him before she laid her crystalline irises upon the girl beside him.  "Have you brought along a friend?" She asked as she released Hakuryuu.

"Hakuei, this is Layali Asyah." He introduced, gesturing to the red-haired girl.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Layali.  Hakuryuu has written to me about you before.  You're just as beautiful as he described.  I am his elder sister, Hakuei Ren." She introduced with a wide smile, yet her comments made the younger girl blush.

"Um... It's nice to meet you. Hakuryuu has told me quite a bit about you as well."  Layali responded quietly.

"I hope all good things." Hakuei chuckled.

"Oh, yes! He loves you dearly!" The ex-slave clarified.

"From what I've heard, he loves you dearly also." The friendly woman laughed kindly.

Hakuryuu interrupted their conversation with an irritable cough.  Both women looked at him to notice the light pink dusted on his cheeks, making both giggle.

"Well, down to business." Hakuei shrugged.  "We're dealing with a village that is putting up quite a resistance to the rule of the Kou Empire."

"Let me deal with it."  His lips curved into a scowl and his eyes grew cold.

"Hakuryuu, we've been battling with this village for a month."  His sister mentioned with a pleading tone.  She was most likely trying to keep him from getting involved.

Nonetheless, the village was consumed with flames and smoke within three days.  Above the ruins, Hakuryuu stood with his spear bared, blood splashed across his oriental clothing and exposed skin.

He was horrifying.

"Hakuryuu..." Layali spoke softly, trying to keep tears from falling from her violet eyes.  However, the Prince turned at the sound of her name.  His icy eyes softened and he smiled kindly, sliding down the crumpled buildings and ashes and walked up to her.  He gently placed his blood-stained hand on her cheek and wiped away the tear that was threatening to spill over her eyelid.

"Unbelievable." Hakuei stood, unsure whether to be in awe of Hakuryuu's new power or to be terrified of what he may be capable of.  He surely wasn't the same innocent boy who had recently left the Kou Empire.  "With Zagan's power, you were able to accomplish what we have been struggling with for a month in three days."

"I am now able to protect you, both of you." Hakuryuu spoke in a low voice while looking directly into Layali's violet orbs.


Finally, Hakuryuu, Hakuei, and Layali arrived at the center of the Kou Empire.  The Ren siblings were called there to mourn their father's death, but to also consider who would succeed the throne now that he was gone.  

Layali assured Hakuryuu that, no matter what, she was there, by his side.  She would be there if he needed her.  But he seemed so cold and bitter about his own father's death that it made the girl hurt inside.

"Welcome back, Hakuryuu." A devious voice echoed behind them.  As soon as those words were said, Layali could feel a dark aura surround them and she shuttered.

"Hello, Judar." Hakuryuu clenched his jaw as he turned to greet the Magi.  He had a long, thick black braid in his otherwise shaggy hair.  He wore a white scarf and a cropped black shirt, exposing his entire torso.  He had striking crimson eyes lined with violet make-up.  Despite his unusual appearance, his entire existence seemed terrifying.

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