Chapter Eight

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Next Morning

Andre POV

I woke up to an empty bed I walked in the bathroom and Moni was in there brushing her teeth. I took out my tooth brush and began brushing my teeth she left the bathroom and went in her room. She returned to the bathroom with her towel, body wash and wash rag. She waited until I came out of the bathroom to take her shower. I went to make breakfast yes a nigga can cook but I never told Moni so amma surprise her this morning.

Moni POV

When I came out of the shower Andre was not in the room I guess he use one of the guest bathroom then. I dried my body then I put on my undergarments then went to my vanity and began putting my hair in a hig tight bun. I then processed to apply my lipgloss, some face powder and a little blush. I went to my walk in closet and took out a red and black skater dress and my red heels. I put on my clothes then headed downstairs to prepare breakfast but was shocked that breakfast was already prepare. It was also my favorite blueberry pancakes, bacon, scramble eggs, and toast. I smiled and launched at Andre kissing him all over his face chanting thank you, thank you over and over. We sat and ate breakfast then I headed not before kissing Andre and going to collect my phone bag and keys to my BMW.

*Skip car ride*At Work*

I walked in and Chanel gave me a warm smile then I walked to my office. I sat and began working on an old case from last year, I'm also suppose to be meeting Mrs. Jacobs at Wendy's for lunch. While Chanel and I was at Wendy's with Mrs. Jacobs a guy from last night and a girl walked in. They both kept eyeing me but I shrugged it off when Mrs. Jacobs left Chanel and I sat and talked.

*Convo Start*

Nel: "so how are you and Andre"

Me: "great he's working for Manny now, girl I didn't even know he can cook he cooked me my favorite breakfast this morning."

Nel: "sounds like your living life girl I'm so happy for you"

Me: yes i am"

Nel: "I know u are, how old is your brother"

Me: "he's 25 why you ask"

Nel: "I have a crush on him since the first time we met"

Me: "I'll talk to him but if you hurt him I'll hurt you and I'd he hurt you I'll hurt him ok"

Nel: "I would never hurt him intentionally Mookie"

Me: "I'm going to visit EJ he is sick so I'll meet you at the office so take my bag for me please"

Me: "ok see you when you get back to the office"

*Convo ends*

I went in to the bathroom and the girl that kept watching me she came up to me "so your Andre's 'girlfriend' " she asked putting up air quotation to girlfriend. "Well actually I'm his fiancee," I said with a smile. "Well I'm his baby mother and he hasn't come to see his son in a year and he hasn't payed my boyfriend his money," she said with attitude. I rolled my eyes and walked out the bathroom while I was walking to my car someone grabbed me and ingected something in my neck then everything went black.


Unknown POV

This nigga most have thought I was kidding cause he hasn't brought my money up to now. I got his fiancee here with me she's fine as fuck I might a well try a little thing with her fine ass. She is asleep right now let me get her ass up I walk in the basement and threw a bucket of water on her. "What the fuck," she asked looking at me. "Get the fuck up, and tell me where is Andre," I said. "And why do you think I would tell you where he is," she asked smartly. "Bitch don't get smart with me," I said slapping her across the face. I threw her on the bed and got on top of her I start kissing on her I ripped her shirt off but then my girl came busting through the door. I got off of her and went upstairs.

Armoni POV

Did this nigga tried to rape me, his girl came in the room the same time she came up to me and slapped me across the face. I slapped her back and she look at me for a second I got on top of her and start beating the shit out of her. I got up and

ran to the bathroom that was down here I got out me phone and called Andre.*Phone Convo*

Me: "baby can u come and get me your old boss tried to rape me and his ratchet ass girl who claim to be ur baby mama tried to hit me but I beat her ass till she was half dead" *crying*

Andre: "Manny and I are on our way Nel called and told me

you haven't been back to work and Manny said you were suppose to come see EJ but u didn't show up so I guess that it was my old boss who had you."

Me: "hurry up before he come back to the basement I miss u and I love u"

Andre: "I love u to baby I'll be there in 5 minutes ok"

Me: "ok"

*Phone Convo end*

I put ma phone back in my bra and went back in the room I sat on the bed then I heard gun shots going off upstairs. I ran into the bathroom and lock myself in there then I heard the door to the basement open I start gettin scared. I felt tears coming

down my face there was a knock at the door then I heard Andre's voice. I opened the door to see him and Manny standing with guns in their hands I jumped on Andre and kissed him and kept crying. They took me to Manny's range rover and took me home they said that Andre old boss wasn't there so they will have to send security with me everywhere I go. That night I didn't want to let Andre go I was scared to death.


Andre POV

My baby is traumatized by this bull shit when I see Quentin I am going to fuck him up trying to rape my fiancee this nigga must have forgot who I am. I was lying in bed while Moni was asleep on my chest she is so damn beautiful when she's asleep, I took a pic of her but I forgot to take off the flash so she woke up and said if I see that pic on insta I'm gonna kill u. "It won't this is my personal picture of my baby girl," I said. "I have something toast you Andre," she said. "What is it babe," I asked. "Do you have a son," she asked. "No who told you that I had a child," he asked. "Your old boss girl friend," she said. I shook my head cause I used to date the girl and she cheated with my boss and got pregnant for him and wants to pin her baby on me. "I don't have no kids as yet and the only person I want to have my kids is you Moni," I said. "Awwww you're to sweet Pookie," she said kissing me. It turned into a full make out session our tongue fought for total dominance and of course your boy won she pulled away and started pouting cause I won. I love this girl to death never thought that I would've changed for a girl but I did and I am grateful for what I have Moni is the best girl I could ever have.

Where is his boss?

Did his boss girl friend die?




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