Part 2

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It had been two days since the raven arrived with a message from his master, and Jacob was getting closer and closer to making the fancy raven feathered hat.
"For the thousandth time today, Hello! Good morning! Shut up already!" He yelled at the bird, collapsing onto his sofa groaning.
"Jacob Frye."
He had tried to take out a gang stronghold last night and the glorified pigeon followed him, circling above the area and squawking over and over again. It distracted the blighters, but unfortunately distracted Jacob as well, allowing him to get caught by the only Blighter who wasn't staring at the bird. Thankfully he was able to get away, but he was still displeased with the raven.
"I don't even know why we need another assassin" he moaned when he came back "we have everything under control, and this bloody pigeon is doing my head in!"
"You know Jacob" Evie replied, eyes not lifting from her book "Ravens are very intelligent, mimicking words and phrases like a parrot. The owner might have that one trained to help him, like Bayek of Siwa and his bird Senu."
Jacob just rolled his eyes and headed towards his own carriage with Oliver on his shoulder.
Oliver was now perched on the back of Jacobs sofa, looking out the window as the train approached Charing Cross. Sighing as he stood up, Jacob reached for his hat.
"Come on, let's see if your owner has arrived." He said, reluctantly sticking an arm out so the bird could hop on.

Stepping out onto the platform with Oliver on his arm, Jacob started to scan the area for anyone who might be an assassin. Business men, high class women, urchins, and families trying to find a better life, filled the platform. No one who could be an assassin could be seen here, maybe this Dorian Moore was waiting outside the station? As Jacob stepped outside Oliver started flapping his wings and caw'd loudly, before taking off towards the rooftops.
"Bloody hell" Jacob growled chasing after it. Aiming his grappling hook at the roof he started his quick ascent. "Come back here you bloody pigeon!" He yelled as he reached the top "You're my only hope at finding this bastard!". As soon his feet hit the tiles he began running in the direction Oliver had flown in. He was only a few streets over until he found the bird, perched on the arm of a hooded stranger leaning under the shadow of a chimney, stroking the birds head. The stranger wore a black trench coat similar to Jacobs, with a waistcoat and white shirt underneath. Under the collar of his shirt a dark red scarf was pulled over the lower half of his face, hiding his facial features entirely with the hood. He also wore red, black and silver gauntlets on both arms, both equipped with a hidden blade as suggested by the assassins symbol over the wrist.
"You had my bird, so you must be Jacob Frye?" The stranger asked, still stroking the raven.
"I am indeed. You must be Dorian Moore." Jacob replied cautiously.
Pushing himself away from the bricks of the chimney and out of the shadows he approached Jacob with a hand out, the bird shuffling his way up onto his shoulder. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Frye"
"Please, call me Jacob." He winked as he took the mans hand.
"Well done Oli" he whispered to his bird, reaching into his pouch and giving the bird a treat
"Well, seeing as you arrived on time you got my letter and you know why I'm here"
"Assisting us in taking down the Templars and taking back London, yes. Why don't I show you to the base and we go from there? My sister and Greenie are waiting to meet you and bombard you with questions."
Dorian nodded and began to follow, Oliver taking flight above them. As the two men climbed over rooftops Jacob was curious as to why the man kept the scarf over his face and his hood up, making Jacob almost uncomfortable at the anonymity of the man. He was about to bring him to their base, where everyone's guard is down, how could he be sure Dorian was who he said he was? Jacob wanted to see his face, to know who was actually under the hood.
As the tracks came into view, Jacob stopped and turned to the other man.
"Not to be rude, but I kinda need you to take your hood down." He said. Dorian turned to him and paused for a moment.
"As an assassin aren't you meant to keep your identity a secret?" He asked.
"As someone with many enemies about to let you into their home, I want to see you. How do I know you aren't a Templar in a pair of stolen gauntlets?"
Dorian stayed quiet, and turned away to adjust his scarf, pulling it down under the collar of his white shirt. Turning round to face Jacob once again, he pulled down the hood.
He must be the same age of 20 as Jacob, with his hair a medium length, black and messy, pushed back slightly and falling to one side, and a jawline and cheekbones many women would die for. But what caught Jacobs attention first were the scars.
On the right side of his face there was 3, small scars, the 3rd being almost unnoticeable, one on his lower lip in the corner, one in his eyebrow like Jacobs, and one hidden in his hairline. Then on the left of his face, two much larger scars. Both starting from his mouth, the first started from the corner, a thick jagged line going up and down, ending by turning up and back to where it started. The second starting from his canine tooth, running along his cheekbone in a similar fashion to the one below it, and almost meeting the very end of his eyebrow. After seeing the scars he quickly shifted his gaze to the mans eyes, his steely grey eyes in shadowed sockets. They held eye contact for a a few moments before Jacob spoke again.
"Alright, you're in, let's go. Jump!" He yelled as he jumped down, landing on his own carriage, followed by Dorian, his hair and coat flapping in the wind behind him. As they entered the carriage, Evie and Henry were, as predicted, waiting and ready to fire questions and rattle on about their plans.
"Well, you haven't killed him yet, that's a good start." Evie noted as they walked in.
"Evie! what makes you-" Jacob started before being cut off.
"I wasn't talking to you."
Dorian smirked behind Jacob, as Henry interrupted before they started arguing.
"You must be Dorian, it's a pleasure to meet you at last. You were highly recommend by your mentor." Smiled Henry, reaching out a hand.
"Pleasure to be here." Dorian responded, taking the hand.
"Now with four assassins, it will be easier to find the Piece of Eden and control the boroughs"
"Yes, and I need someone to match my dear old brother here and keep him in line when I can't." Evie added, raising an eyebrow at Jacob, then moving back to Dorian. "I assume you're up for the task?"
Dorian nodded. "After receiving your message, our mentor decided I was the best suited one of us to send."
"Wait hang on." Jacob intervened "You sent for him? You sent for someone to chase after me and do your job?"
"Jacob while you're running around wrecking the place I don't have time to clean up after you while I'm looking for the Piece of Eden!"
"Oh it's always about the Piece of bloody Eden!"
The twins were fired up and arguing in seconds while Dorian and Henry looked at each other awkwardly.
'Tea?' Mouthed Henry as they kept going at it. Dorian mouthed a yes please and followed Henry away from the bickering Fryes.
"So you're from Kent?" Henry asked he poured the boiling water into two cups. "I heard they train with a familiar there, following the ways of Bayek of Siwa and Senu"
"Yes" Dorian nodded, taking his tea and making his way to a table and chair. "My familiar is a Raven-"
"Yes, yes, I've met him" Henry chuckled, taking the seat opposite him, "Been irritating Mr Frye the past two days, at one point I heard him threaten to use his feathers to decorate his hat."
Dorian laughed too then glared at the male Frye twin across the room, making sure he didn't have any feather decor on him.
"So tell me more about your familiars." Henry asked sipping his tea. "I'm intrigued to learn more about it, the master and familiar concept has fascinated me since I heard of it."
Before Dorian could start the sound of heavy footsteps approached, the twins seemed to have finally finished their argument.
"Well Dorian you're coming with me, I wanna see just how good you are." Said Jacob, putting his hands on the back of his chair. Dorian wanted to groan, not even getting a sip of his tea. But nevertheless he got up and followed the male Frye twin out, leaping off the train together, Dorian followed the other man to wherever it was he wanted to go.
Night was falling as the assassins sat in wait above a stronghold, they had been waiting for several hours for the cover of night to help them and spent the time getting to know each other.
"So, lemme get this straight, when you join the branch you were part of, you get a free pet?" Jacob asked, watching Dorian gently stroke the raven sat next to him with two fingers while Oliver tucked into a rat he caught for himself.
"For the 3rd time Jacob, yes" Dorian chuckled.
"So like, what do they do? Is it just like, welcome to the assassins! Here's your hood and free bird, now go kill some assholes."
Dorian laughed again, "why don't I show you?" He said standing up, whistling to Oliver and tapping his right arm with 2 fingers. The raven abandoned his rat and hopped up obediently with his master walking to the edge of the roof. It was dark enough now for the assassins to get to work. After having a good look at the area being covered, he jerked his right arm and the raven took to the air, circling the area. He squawked, each squawk Dorian counted and made a mental note of where it came from. Nine squawks. Oliver finished circling around and landed on a chimney.
Dorian turned to Jacob, pulling his hood and scarf up. "This is where the fun begins." As he jumped down, both hidden blades springing free to land in the back of an unlucky brute. Jacob watched over the edge in amazement as Dorian took out another brute who came round the corner. A throwing knife to the head took out the 3rd and 4th Blighter. Five left to go, all were standing in one open area, not allowing him to use a sneak approach.
Quickly climbing up a central building, he crept along the rooftop above who looked to be the leader talking with another Blighter. Again, Dorian jumped down and got both of them in one go with his hidden blades. Now there were 3 left who noticed him and became hostile immediately. He could easily take these 3 on himself, but he wanted to show off Oliver's true potential. He gave a loud, long whistle, confusing the blighters, who began glancing around for incoming rooks, but instead, down came the raven, catching a man off guard. Oliver came up behind, digging both talons into the mans eyes and driving his beak into his throat, before taking off and going to distract the one of the remaining two while his master dispatched of the other using his hidden blades in dual combat. The last Blighter, having had his eyes clawed out, was screaming in pain, but quickly silenced as Dorian casually pushed his blade into the back of his neck.
Oliver landed happily on his shoulder, nibbling his masters ear for a reward. Dorian chuckled as he wiped the blood off his gauntlets on a piece of stained cloth he pulled out of his jacket, before reaching over to the raven to wipe the blood off his beak too.
"Good job mate, you did well." He coo'd to his bird, giving him another piece of meat as Jacob jumped down and approached them.
"Well that was certainly something." Jacob said amazed, looking round at the bodies littering the ground. "I'll round up some of the boys to clean this place up. How about going to the pub, drinks on me, celebrate your first victory in London and joining us, and you" Jacob turned to look up on Dorians shoulder at the raven "how about a nice rabbit head?"
"Hello." The raven replied
"Yeah I thought you might say that." Jacob grumbled "well, pub?"
"Hm. Why not?" Dorian smiled, pulling his scarf down and back into place under the collar of his shirt as they set off towards the nearest pub. With the promise of free drinks from the charming Jacob Frye, who could say no?

The Rook and the Raven (Jacob Frye x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now