Part 12

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The woman strutted in through the back doors of the Alhambra, throwing the Templars body from her shoulder down to the feet of her boss, a well dressed man with a nasty scar running from his temple to his cheek.
"The assassins been taken care of." The woman grunted. "This fucker tried to get there first, was gonna make a right mess of it."
The Blighter leader used his foot to roll the dead mans face so he could see him, tutting as he recognised him.
"What a shame, Mr Jones was always trying to impress, thought he could take on an assassin." He snapped his fingers and pair of blighters appeared immediately, picking up the body and disappearing with it. The Blighter leader turned his attention back to the woman in front of him, leaning on her rifle as she waited. "I knew I could count on you. Here, as promised." He finished as he tossed her a pouch filled with coins. After checking the contents of the pouch, the woman stuffed it inside her red jacket.
"So what's the plan now, boss?"
"With the raven now out of the way, this crow can now make his move on the rook."

Jacob woke the following morning with Dorians body pressed against his own, and the faint sound of snow hitting the window. Jacob lifted his head up for a few brief seconds, using the arm that Dorian wasn't sleeping on to scratch the sleep from his eyes. Everything from last night felt like a dream, like it wasn't real, but feeling the weight of Dorian sleeping on his arm, his warm body pressed against Jacobs skin, it reminded him that this was a reality. Since they returned from Kent, they never shared a bed like this again, only the occasional time one of them would lay their head in the others lap and drift off for a while. Burying his nose into the back of Dorians hair, Jacob closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep, wrapping his arm round Dorians waist.
He woke again to a gasp in pain next to him, where Dorian was attempting to sit up once again. In a half awake state Jacob shifted into an upright position and tried to help Dorian again.
"You really shouldn't try that on your own." He mumbled, holding the other man against his chest.
"Its not that bad Jacob." Dorian groaned stubbornly, trying to release himself. "I can stand by myself, I don't need you to help me."
Jacob smirked to himself, releasing the man from his grip. "Then by all means, prove it to me." He said playfully, swinging his legs round to sit on the edge of the bed. Dorian grunted as he pushed himself onto his feet, holding in the moans of pain as he rose. He stood for few seconds, wobbling as he tried to take a step towards the door, where his coat hung, before his legs gave way. Jacob caught him before he hit the floor, chuckling to himself as he looked down at the pissed off man below him.
"So, you really don't need me?" Jacob couldn't stop the smug grin forming on his face. Dorian huffed, blowing a loose strand of hair off his face.
"Piss off." He replied, avoiding eye contact.
"Alright, suit yourself." Jacob sighed, releasing Dorian for a split second.
"Jacob! No!" Dorian suddenly went wide eyed, scrambling to grab hold of Jacobs arms, who had caught him again and was holding him to his chest while laughing. "Prick." Dorian growled, balling up a fist and lightly punching him. When Jacob finally stopped laughing, he helped Dorian to the chair next to the bed.
"Im heading downstairs, anything you want, grumpy balls?" Jacob asked, slipping his coat over his bare chest before approaching the door, shuffling his feet into his boots.
"Just pass my cigarettes out my coat." Dorian replied, giving in to the fact that he wasn't strong enough to stand on his own yet. Jacob searched the coat hanging on the back of the door, dipping his hands into each pocket to find the damn things.
"Ah fuck!" Jacob withdrew his fingers from an inside pocket, shaking them around before sucking at tiny cut on his index.
"Wrong pocket, bottom left inside pocket." Dorian sighed, only now paying attention to Jacob rummaging through his coat. "No, no, wrong again, I said the left Jacob not the right!"
"Why do you have so many pockets?" Jacob whined as he searched in another wrong pocket. "How do you ever find things?"
"This is painful, just throw me my whole coat." Dorian held out a hand as Jacob gave up and handed over the black heavy coat to its owner, who fished out what he was looking for in seconds. He smiled to himself as he exhaled the first puff, closing his eyes and leaning back.  Jacob watched for a few seconds before unlocking the door and heading downstairs, where he was greeted by a handful of rooks in the main living area.
"Morning boss!" One of the rooks called out in a playful, flirty tone, followed by several wolf whistles and oohs.
Jacob couldn't help but give them all his signature smirk and as he made his way towards the quieter kitchen area, rummaging around for whatever could be considered breakfast.
Jacob spun round, startled by the greeting behind him, causing him to almost drop his roll. Of course, it came from Oliver, the silky black raven watching him from a table Jacob sighed and reached out to stroke the bird, who leant into his touch as he began scratching what seemed to be a good spot on his head.
"Sir!" A bearded rook burst in, taking Jacobs attention away from the bird. "Blighters are trying to take back the stronghold in Rosemary Lane!"
Jacob frowned and tilted his head slightly. "In this weather? Are they mad?"
The rook chuckled and shrugged, shaking his head. "Working for Starrick they must be, but they need some help down there."
"Get a group together and prepare a carriage, I'll meet them outside." Jacob said, his tone going serious. "But don't leave this place unguarded, I want at least ten rooks to stay here." The man nodded, spinning round and barking the orders to the gang members outside, rallying them up. Forgetting about the bird next to him, Jacob felt a sharp pinch by his fingers, and his cheese roll being snatched from his fingers by a sharp beak.
"You little bastard." He growled under his breath, trying to wrestle back what he could.

The Rook and the Raven (Jacob Frye x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now