Part 13

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Dorian slammed his face into the table with a scream; weeks of being stuck behind a desk will do that to you. He rummaged around the paperwork and books, growls of frustration increasing as he struggled to find the one of the only things that had kept him sane the past few weeks.
"Nigel!" He called as he continued shuffling through everything in front of him. His heart leapt as he found the box of cigarettes, but quickly sank when he realised it was empty. "NIGEL!" He yelled again throwing the empty box across the carriage, his voice bouncing off the walls. The young man came hurrying through, already prepared with a handful of boxes.
"Okay, okay, I couldn't find any Old Gold, but any of these do? Benson and Hedges? Players? Old Virginia-" Nigel said as he sorted through the multiple packs he had, before Dorian cut him off.
"Just give me any fucking one, Nigel!" He snapped, grabbing a pack at random. "Okay you can fuck off now." He grumbled, as he lit it. Nigel dropped the packs on the desks for him before hurrying off as far away as he could from the monster that was a field work assassin being forced to do book work. Leaning back in his chair he stared blankly at the desk in front of him; a mess of open books, sheets of paper with notes and scribbles on, and a few matches. It was basically a summary of what his life had been since his incident. Once he was able to walk and not be in excruciating pain, he moved back to the train, which was met with instant regret. As soon as he was moving around, Evie sat him down on this desk, slammed a book in front of him, and told him to get to work. Weeks of research; researching their targets, leads on the piece of Eden, the secrets of London, mapping out the plans of different locations, and screaming at Nigel to bring him more cigarettes before all of this causes him to rip his own head off. There was a loud thump above where he sat, followed by the all too familiar footsteps making their way to the end. He knew this routine by heart now, as though it were a favourite song. There was another thump, and his carriage door creaked open, before snapping shut again. Tilting his head back as the footsteps came closer behind him, their lips connected in an upside down kiss.
"I could hear you shouting from a mile away." Jacob chuckled after they separated, his face still hovering over Dorians. "I'm surprised that poor kids still here, I'd have legged it by now."
"Arse." Dorian said, breaking into a small smile, placing another peck on Jacobs cheek. "I know I've been a monster to him, I'll find a way to apologise once I'm free from this fucking desk."
Jacob folded his arms on the back of the chair, resting his head on Dorians shoulder as he scanned over the mess of paperwork on the desk. "You've always been a monster, the past few weeks just made it worse." He teased, before pressing a quick kiss to his temple and pushing himself back up straight. "Come on, you've done enough. Get away from there."
"I haven't finished yet." He grumbled, stubbing his cigarette out and flicking it away onto the floor. "Evie will nail my balls to the chair if I try and escape, you know."
"Oh I know all too well, love, I grew up with her." He chuckled again, sliding a hand round Dorian's back, convincing him to get up. "And so I know the best ways to escape her."
Dorian gave in and pushed himself off the chair, stretching his aching back and shoulders. Although his wound had mostly healed, it still ached every now and then, but he had said multiple times that he was fine to return to fieldwork. He missed being able to travel across the rooftops of London next to Jacob, with Oliver flying closely above, fighting alongside the rooks and stalking through the shadows. The twins had argued over it constantly, Evie insisting on waiting until he wasn't in any pain at all, in case something happened while he was out, and Jacob arguing that keeping him behind a desk was doing more harm than good. Jacob instinctively shifted into a supportive position next to Dorian as he began walking down the carriage, much to Dorian's amusement.
"I'm fine, Jacob." He said, a small smile on his face as he leant closer to Jacob, a warm, soft feeling blooming in his chest.
"Really?" He replied in a fake surprised tone, tightening his arm around Dorian. "So you don't need me to do this then?"
"Hm, maybe I do actually, I could suddenly collapse and no one would be here to save-" the moving train suddenly jolted, taking both assassins by surprise. Jacob fell against the safe, using his free hand to try and break the fall, and the other wrapped around Dorian, who had gripped onto his coat and fallen with him. The two men paused for a minute, in this awkward, half fallen position, before turning to look at the other. Jacob was the first to crack, his face changing from that of surprise to holding back laughter, trying so hard to keep a straight face, until he couldn't hold back any longer. Making a 'pfft' sound, he fell into a highly contagious laugh, forcing Dorian to join in, the pair stuck in their half fallen position from laughing too hard. Once they managed to calm down and stand up, the train was slowing, as it approached it's next stop.
"Come on, let's get you out of here." Jacob said, pulling out his hat from its hidden spot inside his coat. He waited as Dorian picked up the cane Evie had insisted he used, a simple black and gold one, with an eagles head sculpted to the handle. Once ready, Jacob scanned the area, making sure Evie was no where to be seen, before taking Dorians hand and leading him straight through a thick crowd of people, winding their way through until they were standing outside the station.
"Well, where to now, Mr Frye?" Dorian asked, walking in step next to Jacob. As much as he wanted to link his arms with his, he knew the reaction from the people of London would not be as kind as those from his village back in Kent, so the two were forced to walk as though they were just friends.
"Well, Mr Moore, I was thinking we head to the new stronghold we just got a hold of, and start from there?" He replied, giving Dorian a quick wink. Dorian felt a small smirk tug at his lips, since he knew all too well where this was headed.
As they arrived to the stronghold, several rooks were still dragging dead bodies and throwing them onto a cart, others were moving in and decorating the place. The smell of burning hung in the air, where they had been burning blighter plans and flags to replace with their own. Jacob wandered off to help some rooks move in a chest of supplies and equipment, leaving Dorian standing in the courtyard watching as the rooks made it their new home. From the sky came the sound of beating wings, with small gusts of wind behind each beat as the source came to land on Dorian's shoulder.
"Hello." said the raven, nibbling at his masters ear.
"Hello to you too." Dorian chuckled, reaching a hand up to stroke the birds head, who searched his hand desperately for something. "No, I haven't got anything for you mate, sorry."
"Pardon?" Dorian said, surprised at his ravens newly learnt word.
"Seems like he's been picking up a lot of new words from the rooks." Jacob said as he came back over, holding a small piece of biscuit in his hand for Oliver, who happily snatched it from his fingers. Since Dorian had been spending all of his time at the desk the past few weeks, he let Oliver roam around with Jacob and the rooks, the latter taking a great liking to the bird, to the point that Oliver now proudly wore a pair of yellow and green ribbons tied around his right leg.
"Well, it was bound to happen at some point, just don't let Albert know." Dorian chuckled, as the raven was now repeating the word 'prick' over and over again, before flying off again to irritate a rook who trying to hang the gangs banner up, untying the knots every time he moved away to fix up the other side.
"Come on, there's a room set up already in the house over there." Jacob said in a quieter voice, pressing his hand into Dorian's lower back and leading him inside. As soon as they reached the room and the door was locked, Jacob pushed Dorian down onto the bed, their lips a hungry mess as Jacob wrapped a hand around Dorian's throat, who whined in response, reaching up to grab a handful of his hair. Moving his hand away from Dorian's throat and down to rest on his side, Jacob parted himself from his lips and began to trail wet sloppy kisses where his hand had just been. Jacob felt Dorians throat rumble as he groaned, his grip tightening in his hair, making Jacob put more pressure into his kisses.
"J-Jacob-" Dorian suddenly moaned, pulling tight on Jacobs hair, dragging him away. Jacob looked up to Dorian, to find a look of pain on his face. "Move your hand."
Looking down, Jacob hadn't realised he'd been gripping tighter and tighter to Dorians side, extremely close to where his wound was. He immediately released his grip and shifted off of Dorian, kneeling on the floor in front of him and resting his hands on Dorians knees as he sat up.
"Are you alright?" He asked, worry filling every inch of him. Dorian chuckled to himself, stroking back a piece of hair off Jacobs face.
"If I didn't have this fucking wound, I'd have asked you to keep going." He said, taking Jacobs face in his hands and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Jacob smiled, rubbing Dorians knees with his thumbs as he stood up, drawing Dorian up into a hug. Burying his nose into the neck of the other man, he took in a deep breath of his scent; tobacco and leather obviously being the first he recognised, followed by the heavy scent of incense, that clearly Henry had been burning to clear out as much of the cigarette smell he could from the train. Dorian had done the same, breathing in the familiar alcohol, dirt and blood, an odd combination that others would have found disgusting, but somewhat comforted him, a scent he grew to trust. Slowly pulling away so they could look at each other, Jacob began to trace a finger over Dorians scars, his head tilted ever so slightly as he admired the white, jagged lines that decorated the other mans face.
"You're so beautiful." Jacob said, as though he were breathless. Dorian couldn't help the grin that spread across his face, giggling like a little girl, that made Jacob chuckle and smile more. There couldn't be a more happy pair in the world right now. With his hand cupping Dorians face, Jacob began to lean in for another, sweet kiss, the taste he couldn't get enough of, but the sudden rattling at the door startled them apart. Dorian rushed to lean by the window, kicking a chair out in his direction to look as though Jacob had been sat there, whilst Jacob unlocked the door, straightening his posture to answer whoever disrupted them.
"Why was this door locked?" The brutish looking rook asked, almost towering over Jacob.
"Assassin business." Jacob replied, folding his arms and looking up at the brute. "What do you want?"
The brute peered around the room over Jacobs head, his eyes finally landing on the bed. "If this is Assassin business, then whys that bed all messed up? It was straight when I was 'ere half an hour ago."
Clearly taking Jacob by surprise, he looked over his shoulder as though he only just realised the sheets were a mess, fumbling over his words, he tried to look over to Dorian for help, who was trying to keep a straight face after seeing the back of Jacobs hair extremely messed up. Managing to just about keep his cool, he raised an eyebrow at the messy bedsheets, before looking back over to where Jacob and his rook stood in the doorway.
"Well, someone must have come in before us and just after you, and had a good time." He replied in his usual, dulled out tone. It seemed as though the dumb brute had bought it for a second, before noticing something on the floor that has also been forgotten; The cane sword.
"Dorians so sick of that cane, he just drops it every chance he gets." Jacob snorted, before the brute could point it out. "Now, what did you want? We're in the middle of something important here."
The brute dismissed the scene in front of him, and began to talk to Jacob about various jobs that need doing to fully liberate the City of the London district. Jacob nodded and hummed along, impatient for the rook to leave.
"Right, okay, thanks, cheers, bye." Jacob said, using his foot to close the door in the brutes face as he could tell it was coming to an end.
"And Sergeant Abberline requests you to capture Maude Foster, and he emphasised the word 'alive'!" The brute finished through the door. Listening closely to the brutes footsteps as he walked away, the assassins gave a sigh of relief.
"Thanks for covering us love." Jacob sighed, taking the seat in front of Dorian by the window. "At this point, I can't risk letting the rooks know about us, we could lose everything." Jacob held his head as he leant his elbow on the desk, smoothing his hair out.
"I know love, I know." Dorian knelt down by Jacob, taking his free hand and rubbing it gently with his thumb. "I know the gang means a lot to you, and how you need their support more than ever in this fight. Maybe one day, we won't have to hide like this."
Jacob squeezed Dorians hand in response, and that was all that was needed.

Updated again! And it didn't take me a whole month to do. I feel as though my chapters lately have been pretty boring and not as good as they could be? If you know of any ways I could improve, please let me know! Again thank you so much for your lovely comments, I love reading them so much!

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