Chapter 264 Darkness Descending

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Matt was finally able to convince his brother that they needed to stop somewhere and get some rest before pushing any further for the search for Lila. By now the police had flooded the airwaves with emergency alerts regarding his wife's disappearance. It was difficult for him to concentrate on anything else except her safe return.

While Matt rustled up some food from the small diner across the street, Bam attempted to rest. He closed his eyes only to see images of their life together. The first time he saw her, the first time he kissed her in the moonlight, and their first night as husband and wife. But then the darkness crept into his thoughts, and his mind was filled with horrific, unimaginable flashes...the what ifs...what if he had violated her, what if he had beat her, or what if he had ended her life.

He felt a tightness in his chest and a pit in his stomach. He believed he had failed to protect her. He should have been more vigilant. He should have taken care to eliminate the threat to his wife regardless of her objections or that of his brother. The situation he found himself in now was like a cancer eating him up every minute she was separated from him.

Matt returned with dinner and attempted to get Bam to eat something but he just pushed aside the sandwich. "I can't eat knowing she's out there with him."

Matt could see the dark cloud of helplessness and frustration descending on his brother. His focus was singular. He knew he was going to kill Nato when he found him. There was no doubt in his mind of his brother's intentions.

Lila relunctantly sat across from Nato at the small table in the cabin. "You need to eat." He pushed a tin plate closer to her.

She refused to eat and spat back at him. "I'm not hungry." More than twenty-four hours had passed and her concern for her safety was growing. Whatever Nato was going through, it wasn't a game. She had taken note that he had a stocked pantry, a rifle with extra ammunition, and plenty of wood stacked behind the cabin.

"Today, we'll get you something else to wear. Now why don't you get yourself cleaned up while I take care of the breakfast dishes." Nato motioned to a bucket of water and some cloth. She carried the water to the bedroom. "Leave the door open."

Lila splashed the cold water on her face. It felt good against her skin. She disrobed from his shirt running the cloth down her arms and across her chest. From Nato's vantage point, he could see her partially clothed body as she ran the rag up and down her leg. He watched silently as she attempted to wash her back. His breathing slowed watching her every movement. She turned to see his steel grey eyes peering at her. She pushed the door half way closed only to hear him say, "Soon, you'll want me to touch you like he touches you."

Lila gritted her teeth and whispered to herself. "Never." The thought of him thinking he could ever take the place of her husband much less that she would willingly give herself to him made her want to vomit.
She slipped her dress and shoes on and waited in the bedroom for him. 

He appeared moments later. He had all the power and she could only comply with what he wanted. He moved closer to her pulling her upright. Her hands immediately flew up to his chest trying to block any physical contact between herself and him. His arms rested firmly on her shoulders. She dared not look at him directly for fear he would take that as a sign of consent. He bent his head to kiss her but she turned her face away from his attempt his lips only grazing her cheeks. His hand moved to her face holding her chin and before she could wrangle away, he forcibly kissed her. She struggled against him but he held her tighter. "What's the matter Lila, forgot what it's like to kiss me? I can remember a time where you freely gave them to me."

He was right. The boy she knew so long ago wasn't the man that stood in front of her. He was now the agressor with one prize on his mind...her. His hand ran over her hip, again pulling her closer to him, this time letting her know exactly what he wanted by way of the hardness she felt pressed against her small frame. He now attempted to hike her dress above her thighs waiting for her reaction, taking pleasure in watching her squirm under his touch. "I could take you right now, but where's the fun in that." He pulled her dress back down and whispered in her ear."You will come to me Lila and you'll beg me to fuck you."

Lila dug deep inside herself, trying to stifle her fear, her anger filling her up. She grabbed his crotch hard, squeezing the life out of his bulge and replied back, "The day I beg you to fuck me is the day you are going to die."

Nato stepped back from her, laughing at her feeble threat. "It will be my pleasure to make you scream my name."

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