the day after

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Johns POV

I woke up to the unpleasant sound of someone getting sick. A wave of panic rushed over me. I quickly got up and scrambled into the bathroom.

"Roggie?" I asked sleepily. He whimpered in response. I sighed softly and helped him up and helped him get cleaned up. I helped him change and get back into bed. I shuffled down to the kitchen to find two empty bottles of whiskey sitting on the counter.

"Damn it Taylor..." I muttered under my breath. I put the bottles in the recycling and made myself and Roger tea. I brought it back up to him.

"Really Roggie? You drank my last two, full bottles of whiskey?" I asked setting the tea down next to him. He nodded slowly, I could see the regret in his eyes.

"You better get over this hang over soon, we have to be at the recording studio at 11. It's 9:30 now." I muttered as I got dressed. He whined a response but I didn't pay much attention.

"Deaky, are we going to tell them?" Roger asked as he got up. I shrugged and pulled a comb through my hair. Wincing slightly as it got caught in a tangle. I felt Rogers arms around my waist, his warm breath on the back of my neck. I couldn't help but smile. I turned to face him, he kissed me a few times before going to raid my closet.

"You're going to have to bring your own clothes over at some point." I said as he pulled on a shirt and pants of mine.

"Yes I know, I was gonna go home today and grab somethings. You don't mind that I'm staying with you do you?" He asked buttoning the pants. I shook my head. He grinned and pranced over to me, kissing me gently. I wrapped my arms around him and deepened the kiss. We broke for air and continued, until there was a loud knock on the door.

"Come on love birds! Freddie wants us there early!" We heard Brian yell. I looked at Roger, who was pouting at the sudden break. We ignored Brian and continued with what we were doing. Brian opened the door, and made his way upstairs.

"Stop eating each other bloody hell!" Brian said as he stepped into the room. Roger just flipped him off. I pulled away.

"C'mon Roggie, we can finish this later." I said before quickly kissing his neck and leaving a small hickey in plain sight. I knew what I was doing. I think Roger even knew. He nodded and I got off of him.

"Let's go you two, one of you is sitting up front, there will be no car sex." Brian said as we all headed down stairs. I took Rogers hand proudly, and stepped outside.

Rogers POV

I ended up front per Brian's request. I rolled my eyes. I glanced back at John the entire car ride. He looked so much better than he did before. His skin looked healthy again, he was still really skinny but I was gonna work on that. As we pulled into the recording studio I sighed deeply as we were greeted by a very unhappy Freddie.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" Freddie asked angrily. I scratched the back of my neck and before I could explain he scoffed and went inside. We all followed Brian pushing me a little. I stopped and turned to him.

"Don't fucking touch me," I said angrily and kept walking. Brian glared at me but we kept walking. Brian muttered something under his breath and I turned around and without thinking I shoved him into a wall and kept walking into our studio. I sat behind my kit and watched as Freddie made his was out to Brian.

"Taylor!! Get out here!" Freddie snapped angrily. I walked out, anger filling my gut. Freddie grabbed my shirt collar and I lost it. I shoved him off of me and onto a near by table. I walked over ready to punch him.

"Roger!! Stop!" I heard John yell. I immediately stopped and stepped back. I looked at John and Brian who were both pressed against the wall John had tears in his eyes. Freddie got up and moved away from me. I looked down and kicked the chair in front of me.

"God damn it!!" I yelled before walking out. I slammed the door shut and walked outside.

Johns POV

I watched him walk out, I was shaking. I always hated it when he lost his temper, but he almost punched Freddie. I bit my lip.

"I'll go talk to him," I said shakily. Bri gave me a weary look but nodded and helped Freddie move things back. I walked outside and found Roger sitting next to a bush, crying. Roger Taylor was crying. I sat next to him and gently took his hand.

"D-deaky... i-i'm so sorry... i—" he stumbled over his words as if he were drunk. I pulled him close, running my fingers through his hair.

"Roggie... I know you were angry but you could have really hurt both of them..." I murmured. He let out a sob. I held him. This wasn't like Roger, he never cries. Brian stepped out to see where we were and stopped in his track at the sight of Roger crying. He turned and went back inside.

"Roggie... are you alright now?" I asked after about 10 minutes, he shook his head and kept his face hidden. I kissed the top of his head. This time Freddie came out, when he saw Roger his face dropped and he hit his lip.

"Roger, I wanted to apologize. I should have listened to what you had to say," Freddie said kneeling down next to him.

"I-I'm sorry as well... I shouldn't have lost it like I did." He said in a raspy voice. I sighed softly. Freddie flashed me a quick smile.

"You two can join us whenever you feel, if you want to take him home that's fine..." Freddie said getting up. I nodded as Roger shifted. I think I heard something along the lines of "I want to go home" come from Roger. I sighed and got up.

"Let's get home, we need to talk." I said helping him up. He nodded in agreement.

Once we got back to his flat and he got a bag packed for my place, we finally sat and talked.

"What happened? I've never seen you cry Roger, ever," I said looking at him worriedly. He inhaled deeply and slowly let it out.

"I don't know, I guess seeing you scared of me... It pushed me over the edge." He muttered. I thought back, I didn't realize at the time but I was scared of him. In that moment I was terrified of him. He showed no mercy to Freddie and Brian. He just pushed them around like they were nothing. Being the smallest of the 4 of us seeing him push even Brian around was scary. Yet, even after being scared of him I was the only one who went to him. In this moment I realized I loved Roger Meddows Taylor.

Rogers POV

I looked John dead in the eyes. I wasn't scared of the words that were going to come out of  my mouth.

"I... I love you John Deacon," I said.

"I love you too Roger Taylor," he said. My heart fluttered. Without thinking I climbed on top of him, kissing any where, where there was skin showing. I kissed him deeply. He tilted his head and kissed back. We both stopped when we heard a giggle.

"Ah! Freddie, Brian! Don't you know how to knock?!" I said pushing myself up and off of John.

"I told you Freddie," Brian said smiling. I threw one of the pillows on the couch at both of them.

"If it wasn't obvious, me and my wonderful boyfriend were in the middle of something. If you two could get out of here that would be really nice!" John said loudly. My boyfriend. Those words just came out of his mouth.

"Right right, we'll be off! See you at 10 tomorrow!" Freddie called as he made his way out of the door with Brian close behind him.

"Shall we?"

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