the great pretender

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Rogers POV

Was this even real? Was the man of my dreams actually sitting in front of me with a ring in his hands asking me to marry him?

"Yes" I said. He gently took my hand and slipped the beautiful band on my finger. I couldn't help but smile. My life was perfect. I had a son and now I had my husband to be. I pulled John closer to me and pressed a long and passionate kiss to his lips. I heard a few cheers from the people around me. I didn't want this moment to end. I pulled away to breathe. His eyes were glimmering, he had a huge smile on his face.

"Did you tell anyone else that you were gonna do this?" I asked. He shook his head. I smiled he could keep a good secret.

Once we got home Brian was sitting and listening Robert play the guitar. I smiled at him. He dropped the guitar which made Brian flinch, he ran and jumped into my arms.

"Happy birthday Dad!!" he yelled happily when I caught him. I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you buddy," I said putting him down. Brian got up and smiled at us.

"How was dinner guys?" Brian asked. I showed him the band. His face lit up.

"Congratulations!" He said smiling.

"What happened!! Dad show me!" Robert whined. I showed him my hand. He gave me a confused look.

"I'm marrying daddy buddy," I said happily. He smiled and hugged me tightly before hugging John. Brian gave me a quick hug, and did the same for John.

"Tell me and Fred when this wedding is going to be," He said, I nodded.

"Dad! I learned to play Somebody to Love on drums!" Robert said happily.

"Son you're gonna put your old man out of a job!" Brian said. I nodded in agreement. Robert smiled and yawned. I looked at the clock which read 11:34.

"Damn. It's almost 12," I said quietly.

"Can I sleep with you guys tonight?" Robert asked. Me and John looked at each other. John just nodded, Robert ran up to our room and we just sighed.

"Well, Ill let you two enjoy the rest of your night. Seriously let me and Fred know when you get married. We're gonna be there." Bri said.

"How is he?" John asked.

"He's, he's been okay. I haven't really heard from him. He seemed happy last time we talked which was... probably 2 months ago." Brian said quietly. He seemed upset.

"Has it gotten worse?" I asked looking down. Brian just nodded. The reason why Queen fell apart was Freddies rapid decline in health. We all knew it wouldn't be much longer that our beloved front man was still with us. He'd been getting worse and worse. We all dreaded the day we'd get the call. We prayed it wouldn't be until a few more years.

John let out a shaky breath. I looked at him. I bit my lip to keep from crying. Bri wiped a tear his eye.

"What are we going to do... I don't want to get married if he isn't there Rog..." John said quietly. I nodded deep down I didn't think we as a group would last much longer with out Freddie.

[Admin: This doesn't follow the actual time line of Queen, right now it's 1987, things are different, don't think that they are following the same timeline. I could have followed the time line but i decided against it. Freddies death isn't going to change, it'll still be '91]

When I crawled into that night, Robert in between John and I, I couldn't describe what I felt but it wasn't the joy I wanted once I got engaged. I was worried about Freddie.

Johns POV

I woke up later than usual, Robert was already gone for school and Rog was laying next to me. I didn't move for a while, I didn't want to. Thinking about Freddie not being here broke me. I inhaled deeply and slowly got up. Roger still didn't move.

"Honey... Rog..." I said softly. He just laid there. It was 11:30, he never slept this late.

"Roger," I said again. He shifted slightly.

"Why..." he mumbled softly. I rested a hand on his shoulder. He rolled over. I could tell he had been crying. I gently wiped a tear away.

"I don't want to be in a world without him..." He said softly.

"I know, neither do I... But honey, you know he's not gonna last forever. Which is depressing, but Freddie wouldn't want this. He wouldn't want us crying over him or being upset because of a chance." I said. Usually it was the other way around, Roger would talk me through anxiety attacks. I've never seen this side of him, he always had a smile on his face. He was always happy and enjoying what he's doing. He didn't seem like the one who wouldn't get out of bed.

"Rog, get out of bed." I said pulling the covers off. He still didn't move.

"Roger, I'm not fucking kidding. Get up." I said as I started to get changed. I walked past him and he looked at me. I ignored him and started downstairs.

"Great now you're mad at me," He muttered.

"I'm not mad at you, I can't be mad at you but we all are worried about him. We all have lives we have to live so get up." I said.

"I don't want to fucking get up! For once in my life I'm not fucking okay! I don't want to pretend that Im okay! I'm fucking sick of pretending Im okay and always smiling!" Roger yelled his voice breaking. I inhaled and made my way upstairs.

"Roger what do you mean you're tired of pretending?" I asked, worried about what response I was going to out of him.

"I'm so tired of pretending I'm okay, I haven't been okay in fucking years John. I'm so tired... Why the hell do you think I drink? Why do you think I lived alone until I met you? Why do you think I was always alone? Because I haven't been okay." he said with tears in his eyes. He was shaking. I pulled him into a hug and let him cry. I've never been more worried about him. His quiet sobs filled the silent house. I felt horrible for not realizing it before. The two full bottles of whiskey that he drank in a night, the being alone almost all the time. I was an idiot for not realizing everything. He was good at hiding his feelings from just about everyone. He even hid it from me, I think the one person who always saw right through him was Robert. When he'd go to grab a drink Robert would pull him away. He'd very rarely leave Rog alone. I don't believe in much but I believe that winter night was the best night of our life.

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