torn apart

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4 years later, Early November

Johns POV

As Robert and I walked into the flat, there was something that felt off.

"Roger?" I called out. I heard the shatter of glass against the floor. I pushed Robert out the door thinking someone had broken in. I slowly made my way to mine and Rogers room. I saw Roger standing in front of our wedding photo which was shattered on the ground.

"Roger what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked as I stepped over the glass, he pushed me away and threw a newspaper at me before grabbing his bag. I looked over the new paper confused until I flipped it over and on the front was a picture of me and veronica. From the lunch we had the other day when we talked about where Robert was going to stay for the rest of the school year. I winced as we walked out and slammed the door. I heard Robert try to say something to him but Roger just tell him that he wouldn't be back anytime soon. I heard Robert try to argue but stop as Roger probably walked away.

"Daddy!? What's wrong with Dad?" He said as he started up the stairs. I kept looking at the picture, and sat on the bed. Veronica meant nothing to me. She was simply a person if that to me. She always flirted with me because James dumped her, I hated it. She made me uncomfortable but I couldn't not see her as she was the mother to our son.

"Daddy?" he asked again sitting next to me. I inhaled sharply trying to hold back tears. Tears slowly slid down my face and fell onto the paper. Robert hugged me tightly.

"Does he know that you hate her? Does he know that you only put up with her because of me? Does he know that you love him?" Robert asked quietly as he got down to clean up the glass. I nodded, I sighed and put the paper on the bed.

"I-I'm gonna call Uncle Bri..." I mumbled softly. Robert nodded and finished picking up the glass. Dialing quickly I called Brian.

"Bri... I... God... There was a picture of me and Ron in the paper... and he took it out of context. He's gone and I... I don't know what to do..." I said trying not to cry again.

"Just breathe John, I'll try to find him he might even come here. I'll talk to him, just try to calm down," He said, I heard him rustle around looking for something.

"Thank you Bri... Call me if you find him please." I said before hanging up.

Rogers POV

This wasn't real. John didn't love her. He wouldn't have married me 6 years ago if he didn't. He wouldn't have stayed with me through everything if he didn't. I walked towards the one place I knew, Brian's place. That stupid article, it ruined 4 years of marriage and almost 20 years of friendship. I didn't want to see his face for a long time.


"Dad where are going?" Robert asked as I walked out of the flat. I turned to him.

"I'm so sorry buddy... but it's time for me to go. I love you." I said shakily.

"Dad. I don't understand! Please don't leave us!" He cried trying to grab me. I pulled away.

"Robert, your father means the world to me but, he... I don't know if it's all true but I just need to be away." I said before walking away.

Flashback over

I knocked gently on Brian's door.

"Bri... Bri it's me..." I called softly. He opened the door.

"He already called me, you know he didn't mean anything with her. He hates her Rog," he said as I walked in. I nodded.

"Then why over react? Why walk out on your husband and son?" He pressed as I sat down. I inhaled before starting to cry.

"I don't know... I just... He didn't try to stop me Bri... do you think he'd lie to me about wanting to be with her?" I asked softly. Brian shook his head.

"I know... but... I can't go back now.... can I stay with you?" I asked softly. He nodded.

"Just for a little, then you go back to him. Apologize and make up. Understand me?" He said. I sighed and nodded.

It had been years since I lived with anyone but John. It was an adjustment that I'd get used to. I missed them, but this was the first fight and break we have ever had. In 20 years of friendship and 4 of those also being married, we never fought and we never took a break. We were always happy, I knew my temper would get in the way. I just didn't think it'd come now.

Johns POV

I sat at the table silently. Robert made dinner but I didn't feel like eating. I picked at my food.

"Daddy, you can't do this to yourself... Do you want to know what he told me before he left...?" Robert said softly before taking my plate.

"He said you meant the world to him and that he didn't want to believe it was true but he needed to get away for a little. He's gonna come back." He said before I could answer.  I sighed softly, Robert wrapped a hug around me and smiled.

"I've got homework, I'll be in my room call if you need me," He said grabbing his bag. If there was one thing me and Roger did right, it was raise him. Robert was top of his class, he was so smart and talented. He could play guitar, bass, and drums. He could sing, that boy was going to be a star. He always found the good in people he was always helping someone.  He was more Rogers kid than mine, he had his talents. The only thing he has from me was his looks. Which was a good trade off. I couldn't help but smile at the thoughts of him.

A few weeks later.

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