the days of ours lives

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Major time skip, it's now 2 years later.

Johns POV

I sighed and shut the door. Roger was still asleep and Robert just caught the bus to school. I was exhausted, more than usual. Queen was still together, but we don't tour as much. Brian had kids and Freddie had finally settled down. Rog and I had been together 2 almost 3 years at this point. I looked in my dresser for the millionth time this week. I had finally made the decision on when I was going to propose to Roger. I sighed and closed the drawer. I didn't realize how much Roger had changed my life until now. Robert who was 8 now didn't even think twice on calling him dad anymore. He was with Roger playing drums more than he was with me some days. I didn't mind he is our son. He doesn't ask about his mom or James. I don't think he cares about them anymore. I turned around at the sound of a muffled grunt from Roger.

"Morning babe," I said sitting next to him. He grunted in response and shifted. I smirked and kissed his neck a few times which caused him to roll over and kiss me.

"For an old man you kiss really good babe, Happy birthday Roggie," I murmured between kisses. He pushed me off of him and pinned me down.

"What did you say honey?" he said kissing my neck, causing me to moan. He smirked and pulled my shirt off.

"Birthday sex?" He asked with his sly smirk. I nodded. He slid his hand down my torso and grabbed my crotch which caused a deep moan from me.

"God you sound like an angel~" He said kissing my neck and collar bones.

"Pants.." I said out of breath. He nodded and slowly undid my pants. He did everything so painfully slow. It made every moment so much better.

"I love you so much. So fucking much" I said looking into his eyes.

"Hey now watch your mouth, I can't believe you kiss me with that mouth." He said grabbing me tightly. I groaned loudly.

"How about you fuck me? Quit teasing me. I have plans for today." I said. He gave me a look before turning me into my stomach. This was gonna be good.

After the third and final round of birthday sex I didn't bother trying to move. Roger was still kissing all over me, I tried to moan but my voice was shot.

"Whats wrong honey?" he asked quietly.

"Voice... i— gon..." I managed to get out. He grinned and kissed my neck more.

"Good, now everyone knows your mine." He said leaving another love bite on my neck. I nodded.

"I have dinner planned tonight..." I said quietly. Roger smiled and kissed me.

"John Deacon, do you know how much I love you? Because at this point I don't think I could live without you. I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Roger said as he interlocked our hands. I nodded and smiled.

"I know if you could talk right now you'd say some really cute shit but it's kinda nice that you're quiet. I can talk about you and you can't tell me I'm wrong," He said with a light laugh. I just poked his stomach.

"Do you want to shower? If you can walk?" He asked, I nodded. I winced as I got up. I heard him snicker and I flipped him off.

"I've ruined you John Deacon, you used to be so nice" he said, I just shook my head and turned on the shower.

"Round four?" He asked slipping in with me. I shook my head. He nodded pressing kissed along my shoulder blades. He gently began washing my hair which needed to be cut. I wanted to sleep but I had things I had to do.

After the shower and quick make out session I finally got dressed. I quickly tied my hair up and headed down stairs. I yawned and made a sorry excuse for breakfast for myself. I ate it and sat and immediately regretted it.

"Shit..." I stood up again and sighed. Roger say next to me on the counter with a stupid smirk on his face. I nudged him and he kissed my forehead.

"Brian said he'd watch Robert for us tonight," I said in between bites. Roger nodded and made himself a bowl of cereal.

"Damn it! He used the rest of the milk this morning," Roger said angrily. I couldn't help but smile. He poked my side causing me to flinch.

"Meanie," I said sticking my tongue out.

"I like your hair up babe, you can see every single mark that makes you mine," He said admiring his work. I looked at him, he looked like an art piece. His hair fell just perfectly, his blue eyes they were like the most beautiful sky in the world. His toned stomach and arms were beautiful yet masculine at the same time. Everything about him was perfect. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Rogers POV

I loved John Richard Deacon more than I could express. Whether it be the way he was with Robert or the way he pushed himself to make our days as good as they could be. I could see the struggle in him sometimes. He was good at hiding his emotions from Robert but not from me.

"Babe, talk to me. You aren't yourself." I said looking at him. He sighed softly.

"I'm alright babe, I will be much better after tonight." He said giving me a smile. I gave him a weird look but smiled.

That night

Johns POV

This is it. This moment I had waited for. I sighed softly, Roger had just finished his meal. Taking another sip of wine I stuck my hand in my pocket. Pulling out the small box I looked him right in the eyes.

"Roger Meddows Taylor, you've made me so unbelievably happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I said getting down on one knee.

"Will you marry me Roger?" I asked opening the small box.

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