its gonna be a long ride

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3 months later

Rogers POV

I awoke to a heavy pounding on the door. Oh what the hell its the middle of winter who is possibly outside? I got out of bed careful not to disturb John. I shuffled down stairs and opened the door to find Veronica. I almost slammed the door in her face.

"Roger where's John?" She asked pushing past me into the flat. I shut the door and inhaled deeply. I had an unimaginable hatred for Veronica. She not only dumped John, but cheated on him for the years they had been together.

"Why are you here? John doesn't want to speak to you. If he did he would have called you already." I said sharply. She glared at me and started up the stairs.

"Veronica, would you fucking stop!?" I said as I grabbed her arm. She slapped me and continued upstairs.

Johns POV

I woke up to the sound of Rogers yelling. I sat up to see Veronica right in front of me.

"Get the hell out of my house," I said getting up.

"Can you two take Robert? He's no longer safe with me and James, well not with James. He's become a little, violent and I don't want Robert seeing that." she said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Does he even remember me Ron? It's been a few years since I've seen him." I muttered. She shook her head. I sighed.

"We'll keep him. And that's all. Now get out." Roger said angrily. Veronica nodded and made her way back downstairs and out the door. She came back in with a sleeping Robert. I gently took him from her, and watched her drive away. What did I ever see in here? She didn't even say good bye to her own son.

Flashback Johns POV

I walked into the house, placing my keys down. I heard the cries of my son and I walked into our bedroom, to find Veronica under another man. Roberts cease of crying got their attention.

"Oh... Uh honey I wasn't expecting you to be home so early..." She said pulling clothes on.

"You didn't expect your husband to be home at the same time he does every day? You didn't even hear your son crying..." I said tears welling in my eyes. She sighed and pushed the man who was now laughing off of her.

"You are so unbelievably oblivious John, I'm not even sure if Robert is your or James's." she said. I grabbed our wedding picture off the wall and threw it on the ground shattering the frame and glass. This caused everyone to jump. I turned and slammed the door shut knocking another picture down. I pulled my bag out and packed clothes and a few other important things and left my key on the counter and walked out of her life.

Flashback over

Rogers POV

"I can't fucking believe her!" He snapped.

"Shut up you're gonna wake him dumbass," I said glaring at him. Robert who at this point was 6 years old was still tiny.

"I swear if James caused my son to be hurting in anyway. I will end his life. I swear.." I said rubbing Roberts back.

"I'll take the couch for now," Roger said, he kissed me and Roberts foreheads. I sighed and started up stairs with Robert. This is was going to be a long night.

Rogers POV

I woke up feeling like genuine shit. I heard John talking to Robert. I coughed, great this is what I need, a fucking cold. I sighed and sat up. 

"Deaky..." I called quietly, my throat was killing me. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs.

"Yes... Oh Roger..." he cooed softly. I guess I looked as bad as I felt. Robert stood behind him. I waved at him and he waved back timidly. John walked into kitchen and started tea.

"Robert c'mere buddy," I said softly. He walked over and sat next to me. He scooted closer to me.

"I'm not gonna bite buddy," I said, a smile that looked exactly like his fathers spread across his face. Good God he looked so much like John. John brought me tea and Robert a cup of milk. I coughed and leaned back, Robert moved closer to me.

"Y'know I remember when you were born," I said quietly, he nodded and curled up next to John who was sitting on the other side of me now. We talked quietly for a bit, until Robert had fallen asleep.

"I finally have everything I want Rog... You and my son..." John said quietly. I couldn't help but smile,I kissed him gently. Robert stirred but stayed asleep.

After about three days I had gotten better and Robert had started to get comfortable with being here. We were making plans to convert one of the offices in the small flat, into a makeshift bedroom until we could get something bigger.

"Which one do you want honey?" I asked Robert who was looking at a comic.

"I'd rather sleep with you and daddy," He said quietly. I sighed and smiled.

"I'll talk to him about it," I said as John walked in.

"Talk to me?" John asked with toast in his mouth.

"A, thats gross babe, and our son wants to sleep with us and not in his own room," I said, I didn't even realize that I had said our son. John noticed and just smiled.

"Maybe for a little Robert but it can't stay that way," He said sitting down next to him. I gave him a quick smirk and nodded. Robert closed the book and looked at us.

"Why can't I stay with mommy?" He asked clearly not too upset over not being there.

"There's... there's some adult stuff going on," John said quickly. Robert turned to me, I put my hands up to show I didn't know anything. He just shrugged and went back to reading.

"We'll be right back honey," John said getting up and practically pulling me with him to the bathroom.

"Ah wait geez... What?" I said as I lost my balance from the surge of him pulling me.

"What am I supposed to tell him? He's 6 years old Rog... Oh god..." He said. His breathing was shaky.

"John babe, breathe," I hadn't seen this side of him since we first started Queen. It was worse in the beginning but he had learned to deal with it now. We all had some kind of anxiety, all four of us. Deaky's and Brian's were the worst. He held back the tears and tried to fix his breathing.

"Don't worry about it right now, just know he's safe here with us and he's happy. He doesn't know what is or isn't going on. He just needs to know that we love him and that's all. You said it yourself, you had everything you've ever wanted me and your son. So enjoy it," I said holding his hand tightly. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Since when is the hot head Roger Taylor good with words?" He asked smiling.

"Since I met you John Richard," I said kissing him.

"Daddy!! Are you and dad done in there? I have to use the bathroom!" Robert asked. I grinned.

"Oh my god he called me dad!" I whisper yelled to John as I opened the door. John smiled and squeezed my hand. Robert smiled at us.

No i don't hate Veronica but i thought of this idea and i liked it. Veronica is great and she makes john happy that's great.

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