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“Dad! How could you! Release Jeongyeon now!”

It was night time, Nayeon was crying when she saw her Dad coming down the stairs. He didn't even give a mercy, he didnt even love Nayeon's mom. All he wanted is revenge.

“Why would I?” Asked Reynold.

“She's my friend!”

The man laughed,“Friend? A friend to a murderers daughter?”

Nayeon stopped, she was looking at him. Murderer? What? She was confused. Seeing such expression made Reynold laugh, he smirked.

“Yeah, a murderer. Her father killed our friend.” Reynold said,“He stole our files and made use to it to himself and his family,why?”

“No! His dad got into a–”

Accident? Do you know who put an end to his life?”

She saw Reynold nearing Nayeon, who back up to the wall. He was cornering her, she was scared. But, she couldn't believe what she heard from this man before her.

“I killed him. I'll kill her and everyone who gets in my way.”

“Don't harm her or our friends!” Nayeon cried as she hit her stepdad who laughed only.

He took steps away, looking at the living room. Reynold looked at her with no expression at all, this made Nayeon scared. She knew something was wrong. She saw her dad took a phone and dialed a number, it was a minute before he spoke.

“Yeah but I'll take out someone first.” he started as a devilish smile appeared on his face, this sent shivers down her spine. It looked like a demon in disguise but the next thing what he said made her broke down.

“It's Reynold, Take out the Hirais. One of them knew something.”


“Momo! RUN!”

“Mom! NO! I WONT!”

“Please Momo!”


Momo got pushed by her dad towards the backdoor, She was crying as her family was helping her. She heard the door got knocked down.

“Please! Go!”

In a blink, she was running towards the forest. She was barefooted and full of cuts because of the plants she harshly went through then she looked back when at the same time an explosion occured. She was sent down by the impact, her ears rang and she looked back again anf saw thick black smoke.

Her eyes glistened because of the fire, she cried as she knew her family was there. Who were they, who did this. But she needed to run.


Jeongyeon felt something in her pocket if was the earpiece that is being used by businessmen. It was still blinking meaning her phone was close,then it suddenly blink rapidly anf softly rang. She quickly answered the call.

“Hello?” She whispered.

She could hear crying from the other line.


Her eyes wwnt wide as she hward Nayeon from.the other line. She placed the earpiece properly anf checked if someone was outside her cell. Nayeon was sobbing at the other line.

“What happened?!”

“Where.. A-are you Jeong? Did dad beat you?”

Jeongyeon told her as Nayeon was trying not to cry when she said something that made Jeong stop.

“6:04pm, a house was caught in an explosion near the university of–”

She looked down as she started to think, her mind was invaded of possible thoughts from the newscaster. Nayeon was calling to her as she barely shouted to get her attention.

“Nayeon, did your dad said anything else?”


“Please. Tell me.”

Jeongyeon guessed that Nayeon didn't know the news, she needs to confirm something from her.

“My dad's gonna go to Momo's house–”



Momo ran through the woods, it has been almost fifteen minutes. She stumbled and she was tired, her eyes saw a house.


She ran fast until she reached the house,banging on the door. Tears streamed her face when no one qas answering. She prayed as she banged the door.

“M-Mina! Sanaa!!” She screamed.


Momo's head snapped to her left when she saw Sana and Mina,holding some paperbags. Guessing they just got home from the mall, seeing her state they dropped their bags and ran to her.

“Oh my god,what happened?! I saw the news! What happened?!” Sana asked, her eyes were watery.

Mina opened the back door,“Eonnie-yah! Come in!”

Once they were inside,Momo collapsed on the floor. She was bleeding from her cuts on her feet,she was crying as she clutched onto her hair more. Sana tried to contact the police but the lines were block, Mina was rushing to get the first aid for Momo.

“M..My parents they..”

Both Japanese girls stopped as they looked at Momo who is looking at them,scared and confused.

“They..know something.”


Dahyun,Tzuyu and Jihyo were at the hospital as they volunteered to look out for Chaeyoung who is in a coma. There were so many hospital machines around her,tubes and such. The injuries was critical, a skull fracture, broken nose, broken ribs and more as the girls discovered.

“Any news on Jeongyeon?” Dahyun asked Tzuyu who contacted her other other friends.

Tzuyu shake her head in disappointment, her eyes leads to Chaeyoung. Jihyo was outside of the room when she received a call. Dahyun stood up and opened the television. News flashed on the screen.

News flash!

Around 6:04pm, a house was caught in a explosion as police and other government alliestried to seek what has occured such powerful explosion while some discovered bodies of the people renting the house–

Dahyun blinked as she recognized the surroundings. Her eyes went wide as she trembled,muttering.


“Momo-eonnie's house.”

She turned around as she saw Tzuyu standing,not pulling away from the screen.

Bodies of four people were recovered near the incident, as the three bodies got recognized quickly one remains unidentified, police claims that it was an outsider that got caught by the explosion.

Then the news was cut off suddenly and at the sametime Jihyo bursting inside the room,startling Tzuyu amd Dahyun aswell.

“Momo's at Mina's. She's alive,I heard the news and got a call from Sana.” Jihyo said.

Then out of the blue,Dahyun's phone rang seeing who was calling, didn't hesitate to answer she even placed it on speaker.

“G..guys, Its me.” said the person  who spoke from call.


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