Chapter 10

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I take a shower, then get changed into yoga shorts and a neon yellow with 'YOLO' written on it in pink. I have a black sports bra underneath. I straighten my horrible blonde mess of curlys. I apply light makeup (foundation, light eyeshadow, mascara, and some cover-up) I walk out of my huge bathroom. I'm almost out of my bedroom when I freeze. I just remembered something Louis said earlier.

Did he say he could use that picture for blackmail? Oh crap! I run downstairs. All the boys are on the couch, relaxing.

"LOUIS!" I yell, angry and annoyed.

"Yessss, Babe" He says, looking at me.

I notice all the boys looking at me surprised at my outburst of anger.

"Did you take a picture of me and Harry sleeping?!?!" I ask him.

"Yes. Why?" He asks me.

"Ugh and did you say that you would use it as blackmail?" I ask him, already knowing the answer.

"Why yes I did. And I still will!" He tells me.

I'm pasted my limit.

"Do any of you know if there are any jobs around here or any place I could get one?" I ask them all.

"Ummmmm.... There's a cafe around the corner that's hiring... But why, if you need anything you can ask us and we will get it for you." Niall tells me.

"Thank you, and once I get enough money I'm going to buy my own apartment here. So I can get far away from One Direction." I tell all of them. I'm totally past my limit, actually I was past it a long time ago.

All the boys have their mouths open and look greatly offended. Good, just what I wanted. I grab my coat, and throw on some flip flops. I then walk out of the door, and to cafe.


I got to the cafe in 5 minutes, considering it was right around the corner. I say a sign that read 'Help Wanted' Yes they are still looking for people. I open the door and a little bell rings.

I walk up to the counter.

"Hello, I would like to apply for a job." I tell the worker.

"Okay, I'll get the manager." She tells me.

I nod. She turns around and walks through a door that says 'Employees Only' A couple minutes later she walks back out with a tall, browned hair man. On his shirt was a name tag.

'Todd Northin - Manager' Is what it said.

"Hello, I would like to apply for the job." I tell him.

"Yes, Okay. Come. Follow me." He tells me, a friendly smile in his face.

Good he seems like a nice man. "Okay. Thank you."

I follow him into the room with the 'Employees Only' sign on the door. Turns out its a hallway that has 5 doors. 2 on each side of the hall, and 1 on the end.

On the right side, the first door is the kitchen, next door is the break room. On the left was a workers only bathroom and a office. The door at the end of the hall is the managers office, which is where we are headed. He opens the door and ushers me inside.

Inside is a big desk that is nicely organized. Straight across from the desk are two chairs. Todd takes a place at the desk and motions from me to sit in one of the chairs.

I take a seat, then Todd asks me, "So you want our open position?"


The interview lasts about 15 minutes. He asked me the basics. Why do you want the job. Do you have any experience. Etc.

"Okay so I have made my decision. You got the job!" He tells me, a huge smile on his face.

"Really? Oh thank you! When do I start?" I ask him, happily. 1 Step closer to getting my own place and away from those 5 boys.

"Tomorrow at 7:00am." Todd informs me.

"Okay! I'll see you then! Thank you so much, again. Bye!" I say giving him a smile.

"Yep. Bye!" He says.

I turn around and walk the door, and towards the house.


I get to the house, and walk up the path. I open the door, dreading this moment. I see all 5 boys sitting on the couch, worried looks on their faces. I slam the door and they all look up.

Niall jumps off the couch. "Cas..." He say desperately. I completely ignore him.

I walk right up to my room, shut... No slam my door, flop on to my queen size bed and start to silently cry.


Sorry I didn't update sooner! One of my friends are moving to New Zeland for six months so I'm spending time with her before she leaves this Saturday! Please vote and comment!!!

Love you<3


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