Chapter 1- Think of me

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So, a really beloved friend of mine recommended me to watch The Phantom of the Opera and I did and I absolutely fell in love with the story plot so I decided to write my own story based on the 2004 movie with my own little twist in it, along with the love never dies sequel.Ill be adding clips of the movie/ play gor the songs and to get a basic idea og what is going on. I hope you guys enjoy it and listen to the music because it kind of has like a better effect to it and it's absolutely beautiful so without further ado I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you💕💕

Some may recall the strange story about a man who lived under an opera house. He wasnt just any man, dear reader, this man was a hideous man, one who had to hide his face for his protection and that of the world. He was a genius though. A musical genius; a true master...but hideous and unloveable.

His story is told many ways; The one where he fell in love with a chorus girl....but you have never heard the real story....until now.

"Lift your leg higher! "

" where is my wig?"

" get to your positions !"

Once again the Paris opera theatre buzzed with the stress and excitement of performance night. Rehearsals were underway, with the star of te show , La Carlotta , singing her solo part.
" This trophy from our saviors.From our saviors. From the enslaving force of rome." Her voice rose and fell with like the true prima Donna opera singer she was known to be.
The other singers came in with a march,  dressed in their colorful costumes.
" Hear Romans come and tremble! Hannibal comes!"
They all sang in perfect synchronization and the dancers moved flawlessly, but due to la carlotta's extravagant dress, with the large tail that dragged on,it caused dancers to step on it as she moved, irritating the diva." Don't step on my dress!" She yelled at one of the dancers, smiled and continued her acting.
The conductor groaned in frustration, and placed a hand on his aged face " no no no!"

" And here you can see rehearsals for the new production of chalumeau's 'Hannibal ' " The owner of the opera, known as monsieur lefevre, directing two men to the center of the stage.

"Monsieur, I am in the middle of rehersals!"The conductor said with an irked tone.

"Pardon the intrusion Monsieur reyre." Lefevre apologized with a bow of his head. "Please, If I could have all of your attention please." He said, calling all the cast members." As you know, there have been rumors of my retirement. I can now tell you all that those rumors are true and the care of this theatre are now in care of Monsieur Andre and Firman."

Soft mutterings were heard from the cast, saying their little " I told you so"s and "I knew it! "S.

"And" firmin said with a deep English accent. " we'd like to introduce our patron. "

" Monsieur Jungkook" Andre finished the sentence and out came the patron in his glory.

Upon hearing the name, a young chorus singer popped out from the back of the crowd with a soft smile on her face " Its him." She said softly to her fellow dancing friend, meg.
" do you know him?" Questioned meg.
Y/n hummed her response " before my father died, he and I would always play together and were really close" she gave out a soft chuckle  " I guess you can call us childhood sweethearts."
" Y/n he's so handsome! You should talk to him." Meg incouraged.
Y/n shook her head " no, that was years ago" she sighed softly " he probably wouldn't recognise  me"
Her e/c orbs followed the movement of her childhood friend. He surely has matured since the last time they've seen each other. He became slightly  taller than her, he had a chiseled jaw and a hooked nose that suited him perfectly. His chocolate  eyes glissened and his lips were round and a pinky hue. A handsome man he grew up to be.

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