Chapter 40- Before the performance

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The two days passed in a whim and all is more hectic than ever. Everyone ran around trying to place all the finishing touches on the masquerade ball to celebrate the new year.

Within those two days, Y/n and taehyung haven't spoken, since he is busy as well since he is the host. According to Madame Giry, within these last couple of days, he's been locked up in his underground music study, composing a new song to sing at the masquerade as well.

Only one hour left for the masquerade to officially begin. Time was ticking more rapidly than one would want, and Y/n still hasn't made her choice.

At the current moment, she was brushing the soft h/c locks of her daughter, as she brushed it up towards a ponytail. She hummed a little melody as she did so and sang along occasionally "Paris may we agree? That you can surrogately be my papa. I was born in the arms of your sacred heart, oh-oh"

She topped off her child's hair with a lovely blue now and smiled contently" there you are" she gleaned happily " All finished " she placed a kiss on the top of her forehead, careful not to leave any lipstick marks on her.

"Mama I look so pretty" Taeyeon beamed at herself as she looked in the mirror.

"Always my dear" y/n chuckled " and now for me" she stood from her chair. She glided towards her vanity, wearing nothing but her satin silky white robe that hugged her body perfectly. She was already halfway ready. Her makeup was done and ready and her hair was styled. All she needed now was her finishing touches and her dress and she was ready for the decision of a lifetime.

Y/n tucked a few mischievous hairs back in place as looked at Taeyeon through the mirror " dear, do you mind grabbing me the diamond earrings please?"

Little Taeyeon did as she was told and looked at the earrings as she handed them to her mother." Are these the ones papa bought you during the outing?"y/n hummed in response.

Just as jungkook promised, he took the two on a lovely outing in which he showed the two girls with all the love and admiration he could.

"There." Y/n smiled in satisfaction and turned to Taeyeon " how do I look?"

"You look so beautiful. So very beautiful!" Taeyeon grinned." Like a queen in a book"

Y/n slid to the empty seat next to her daughter with a soft laugh " and you are beautiful, so very beautiful " she admired her precious child with love " once this performance is through, we'll spend some time just us two."

With that being said, jungkook stepped into the room, grabbing the attention of the two girls. He was already ready; wearing a black tux and his white masquerade mask in his hand.

"Father!" Taeyeon exclaimed, " How do I look?" She asked excitedly, wanting to be praised by her father

"My god!" Jungkook gasped with a smile " I had no idea my daughter was a princess" he hugged the girl and kissed her repeatedly on the cheek, causing the child to burst out in a wave of laughter.

"Doesn't mother look lovely?" Taeyeon looked at her mother with such a proud look.

Y/n smiled softly and shyly as she looked at her fiance and her daughter.

"Indeed she does." Jungkook responded, putting his daughter down on the floor. " as lovely as she looked, the very first time I came to her dressing room door."

Y/n breathed out " and look at you Jungkook." she stood up from her seat and stepped in front of him "you look just like that handsome boy in the opera box." she placed a hand on his cheek " the one who would toss me a single red rose."

Jungkook grabbed y/n's hand from his cheek and placed it down to her side. He took a deep breath before looking at Taeyeon. " Please Taeyeon, if you don't mind, would you wait outside a while?"

"May I go to the ballroom? With Joseph?" Taeyeon asked.

"Yes but be careful my dear, when I'm finished meet me there," Jungkook said as he kneeled down to her level and pinched her nose playfully.

She giggled in delight and nodded. " OK, I will!" She said before grabbing her mask that matched her dress and ran off to the ballroom, no doubt to steal some goodies from the tables before the guests started arriving.

"What's the matter jungkook?" Y/n asked cautiously.

Jungkook Sighed softly and looked at her with an apologetic look. "Since the day we got together, things have gone astray."


"I'm not proud of the way that I acted. " He continued.

"We've both been-"

"The demands I've made, all the hopes mislaid, I'm aware of the price they've exacted." He said as he paced the room. He turned around to her once more, his eyes begging to her and reaching out to her. She sat down back again on the seat, noticing the seriousness of his voice. He kneeled down beside her, grabbing both her hands in her laps, as he begged: " Though I have no right to ask you to, there's one thing more id have you do- if you love me as I love you."

"Anything darling." she shuddered softly, almost terrified.

"Don't sing the song."

"What?!" Y/n was taken aback from his request.  " but jungkook-"

" you have  to know there's something terribly wrong dear."

"But I have to do this." She shot up from her seat and shook her head " it's what we agreed to."

"That hellspawn demon" jungkook growled, raising his voice  " he had us playing his game all along."

y/n disregarded his comment "let me just get through this " she attempted  to persuade him " Please I need to."

Jungkook relaxed slightly and looked at her with a softened expression " You need so much, its true, and I've denied you."

Y/n remained standing, not moving, and just staring at jungkook with no expression.

"You need the man you knew, back here beside you." jungkook continued as he took small steps towards her. " you'll have him back I vow, just ask it of me, but we must leave right now." he stopped in front of her and held her hand " if you still love me ."

She let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding " do you mean it jungkook?" she asked softly " do you really mean it?"

He nodded "yes I truly do" he began to rush " I've booked a passage for three on the Atlantic queen. It leaves in three hours, we'll have just enough time to pack and go." he placed his hands on her arms " please y/n"

y/n groaned softly and rubbed the temples of her forehead  " I don't know jungkook I'm-"

"Please" he interrupted her once again " I beg you, let's be on it. For both our sakes and the child's." He implored, his eyes shiny and watery, almost about to cry- something Y/n knew he hardly ever did. " let's leave this place behind."

"I....I need some time to think," she said softly, looking down on the ground with so much confusion.

"I understand " jungkook lets his arms fall slowly to his arms and nodded  "I trust you'll do the right thing." he placed a cold kiss on her forehead and left the room.

Moments later a soft knock was at the door.

Right away, y/n dismissed whoever was at the door  " please go away." she said as she paced the floor worriedly.

"It's me."

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