Chapter 9 -No one would listen

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After rehearsals, Y/n was free to go. They seemed long and boring and absolutely pointless for her part. It honestly wasn't any good for her to practice doing nothing and walk around the stage like an idiot. She was more than thankful that they were over, and she will be performing them in two weeks, after that she will hopefully have more lines in the next production. Now she was able to go to taehyung up in the roof.

She decided to head over to the kitchen first. She noticed that the clothing he wore seems to be too big, and already they were a pretty small size. Without a doubt, he was plain and skinny. He probably hardly ever ate, perhaps because he was too engrossed in composing or refused to eat any.

Thankfully at that time of night. The kitchen was practically a ghost town. Empty and quiet. She grabbed an empty basket and put bread, cheese, some fruit and some wine that belonged to buqet.

Satisfied, she left the kitchen with the basket of goodies and headed towards her room to change. She didn't want to go out as the mute page boy, besides, it was snowing, it'd be smart to wear something warmer for the occasion.

She changed into a thickly layered dress and wore a coat over it. Her hair was let loose, from being tied up the entire day to look more like a male, and a wash of satisfaction hit her.

Once satisfied, she grabbed the basket and sneaked off to the stairway that led to the roof of the opera house. Thankfully most of the people who worked inside the opera house were either asleep, out having fun, or too drunk to pay any attention to her.

She opened the doorway and was greeted by the cold breeze of the winter night. Her breath paled against the numbing air, she blinked thoughtfully as the first patiently kissed her face, captivated by the soft, dusty illusions of the light that sat heavily against her eyelashes. She adored the snow, more so when it fell.

"Taehyung?" she said aloud as she walked out into the snow. The ice crunching under her shoes.

"I'm right here," he spoke darkly from behind, scaring the poor girl.

Her muscles tensed up, her heart leaped to her throat, as she threw herself forwards from the fright he gave her. "Taehyung!" She yelled. Her hand over her beating heart.

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh at her outburst. He was laughing so hard, he couldn't bring himself to stop. He waved his hand in the air, a flag of apology, but the waves of laughter kept on coming. She folded her arms, eyebrows arched, waiting. His laugh was more like a bust of water main arching into the brilliant summer sky soaking everyone around him with unrestrained gales that debilitated him to a thigh slapping and pick a faced picture of glee. She wanted to stay straight-faced, flip her hair, and storm off- he was, after all, laughing "at her" not "with her" but before she could stop herself, her poker straight mouth twitched upwards and she herself was giggling. His laughter itself was contagious, and oddly enough musical. (A/n: his laugh is the purest thing ever, fucking fight me)

"Forgive me" he finally said after composing himself. His chest heaving from the lack of air. " I couldn't help myself. I was behind you the entire time after you left your room, but you were so focused on sneaking around, you didn't notice me following you"

She wiped a stray tear of laughter. " I guess I'm not the best at sneaking around."

" horrible, I might say " he joked.

"I'm sorry I'm not an expert like you " she joked back, and lifted the basket filled with delicacies "I brought dinner."

" I brought warmth, " he said as he lifted some blankets off the ground.

Their night above the snowing rooftop was magical in a sense of words. They ate and talked about anything and everything. He loved talking to her. The more they talked, the more he noticed how much she was like him. She told him about her childhood, how her father would play the violin and she would dance and sing around. She told him about the days at the beach and how she would love watching the sunset with her parents. And all she told him with a genuine smile. She herself was a genuine girl.

They spoke for hours and even fancied themselves a snowball fight, in which taehyung had won due to his expertise in hiding and sneaking around. Now, they sat against the statues, blankets covering them to protect them from the cold, though it didn't bother them much, as long as they were in each others company, all was good for the two.

" When Carlotta was singing in the fourth act, she tripped over piangi, and fell down." she began to laugh loudly, a puff of cold breath escaping every time she exhaled. Taehyung let out an airy chuckle at her story, and the way she excitedly told it. " her face was completely priceless. It was red and..." she looked at him, her words drifting off.

"What is it?" he asked, looking at her with a concern expression.

Do you trust me?" She asked.

He frowned, unsure where she was going with the question.

" can I see you?" She began " without your mask." She bit her lip and waited for his response.

He leaned back and lifted his head in defense.

" Please, I don't care about how you look. It doesn't bother me." She pleaded.

"You have no idea what you're asking."

He shook his head and closed his eyes. " you say you're fine now, but upon seeing it?"

" trust me " she placed a cold hand on the exposed side of his face " you aren't used to people being accepting, but I promise you Taehyung, I don't think of you any less than I do now."

There was silence.

He had waited so long to move, that she feared he wasn't going to agree.

Finally, still with closed eyes, he reached up to untie the strings behind his head and pulled off the mask. She was glad his eyes were closed, for if he had seen her look of alarm, he would think all his anxieties and fears come true.

She regained control of her expression and took it all in.

It looked absolutely horrid. There was no point in sugar coating it. The damage covered half of his face, starting from his forehead and ending down to his chin. Parts were red and shiny and painfully stretched across his bones; other parts sagged and puckered in rough lines. Scars adorned almost every inch, there were burn marks that didn't seem to heal over the years.

She could not pretend that his face was handsome or that it did not bother her, but she knew that it didn't change her idea of him in the slightest

Her finger traced some of the scars that were created by time, with a feathery touch " does it hurt?"

"Not often" he replied, his eyes now open, and showing nothing was shock and amazement.

" does...." he hesitated before continuing " does it not scare you?"

" Not at all" she replied, her finger now dancing along the edge of his brow," I think it makes you look..." she paused and cupped his cheek "dashing "

He let out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding. This woman didn't shudder at his touch and didn't scream because of his hideousness. At that moment, despite the coldness from the weather, he felt warm and after so many years he felt something he never knew he could feel. Safe.....loved....cared...normal....accepted.

Shamed into solitude, shunned by the multitude. He learned to listen. In his dark, his heart heard music. He longed to teach the world. Rise up and reach the world. No one would listen. He alone could hear the music. Then, at last, a voice in the gloom seemed to cry "I hear you; I hear your fear, your torment, and your tears" she saw his loneliness shared in his emptiness. No one would listen, no one but her heard as the outcast hears.

Out of the darkness, rays of light hit them in the face. " This is what I wanted to show you," he said with a soft smile, as he looked into the new morning.

The sun rose like a flower opening, gifting its petals unto the world. Amid the dancing, raindrops were the blush of scarlet, the warmth of tangerine. Gazing toward the illuminated clouds, still beneath the ethereal glow. The mellow blue and pinks blurred together in a silver mist to create another gorgeous scene. Even when the world was drowning in grief and hardship, the sky remained beautiful, like what has now begun to blossom between the chorus singer and the phantom.

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