Chapter20- 'till I hear you sing once more

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After meg and y/n caught up with old times, y/n guided her young daughter to the stage, where she used to perform years ago. The stage still glistened in the stage lights, the burgundy curtains still held all those memories. The seats were still the same as before, yet at the same time not. The ghostly applause still rang in her ear.

"Mama, can you sing for me?" Taeyeon asked, with those pleading eyes. It was a trick she always pulled on her mother to get what she wanted, and y/n was perfectly aware of that fact, and no matter how many times she could try to deny her daughters requests, she couldn't bring herself to do so and gives in.

"Very well ." she said with a smiling, kneeling down to her level, and placing a gentle hand on her small cheek " ill so a secret performance for you only."

The little eight-year-old burst into a fit of giggles. " can you sing me my favorite song?"

"Of course." she stood up and spotted a piano, standing lonely in the wings of the stage " and you can play while I sing." she guided her towards the piano.

Taeyeon sat on the bench excitedly. She always loved performing back in California with her mother. Though they were never real performances. It was little ' concerts' they held in the living room of their house for jungkook. After y/n moved to California, jungkook hasn't really let her do any singing jobs for fear she will be in another ' phantom of the opera ' situation, though very unlikely.

Taeyeon played the piano part of the song she oh so very much loved to play. It was one of her favorites. y/n hummed along to the melody, it itself sounding like a song. The white and black keys were pressed flawlessly by the talented eight-year-old, a breath was taken in before words were sung. " hold me tight and hold me fast. This magic spell you cast, this is la vie en rose."

Her voice was music on music, each syllable was treated with love. Both mother and daughter were musical geniuses. "When you kiss me heaven sighs, and though I close my eyes I see la vie en rose."

Taeyeon was smiling softly while she played the piano, not once did she hit a wrong note. She didn't want to mess up the signing of her talented mother.

"And when you speak angels sing from above. Everyday words seem to turn into love songs" y/n sat next to her daughter as she sang, careful not to bump into her highly concentrated and musically engrossed daughter.

She looks so much like him.

The song ended and y/n smiled proudly at Taeyeon." oh my little angel of music!" she cooed as she engulfed Taeyeon in a bear hug " I'm afraid you'll take the stage away from me " she joked.

Taeyeon laughed in pure joy and glee. "Mama!" she giggled happily.

Though no one but the two were inside the theatre, the sounds of piano and the angelic singing were heard down below by a man.

He heard once again the voice of the woman he loved dearly. Though her rejection hurt him, he couldn't quite blame her. He too would be mad if he were in her shoes, but he wants to be selfish. He wanted her as his own.
Eight long years living a mere facade of life.

Eight long years, wasting his time on smoke and noise. In his mind, he heard melodies pure and unearthly, but he couldn't give them a voice without her. His y/n....his y/n...lost and gone.
The day starts and the day ends, time crawls by. Night steals in pacing the floor. The moments creep, yet he can't bear to sleep, till he hears her sing once more. Weeks passed, and months pass, seasons fly, and yet she never walked through the door. In a haze, he counted the silent days. All he wanted was to hear her sing once more. And music, her music, teases at his ear, he would turn and it fades away and she's not there. He let hopes pass, let dreams pass. Without her, what were they for? He always felt no more than halfway real, till he hears her sing once more.

And now, she was here. Here in Paris, back with him. And now he was able to listen to the beauty of her voice once more. Those years of pure emptiness now filled with the song that filled the air. Oh, y/n... his y/n...


Right after jungkook left his fiancee and daughter to go meet a friend, he bumped into an old friend. Hold the offense.

"You!" jungkook said with a smile to the older lady; mother of meg " I can't believe it's you"

"Is this a jest?" madame giry stopped what she was doing and paid all her attention to jungkook " how can this be? What brings you here?"

" we've been asked to work " jungkook responded " well more like, y/n has been asked to. She is to sing at the masquerade "he corrected

" at mister's T request?" questioned madame giry " are you sure you'll listen to my boss's every whim?"

He wore a puzzled expression. " of course?" he replied in a questioning tone " your boss, who is he?" questioned jungkook. He wondered why Madame giry was asking about him if he would listen to the boss. It was apart of the contract, why wouldn't he do so?

"it's him." she simply replied.

"Him?" jungkook clenched his fists, knowing very well who 'him' is. " you work for him?"

" and so do you."

Jungkook had a change of attitude. How can this be? The phantom is back, and now he brought y/n back to Paris. This was all a plan?

"Shouldn't he be arrested?" jungkook growled.

" he wasn't the one who did it," Madame Giry said, her hand on her cane and the other on her waist. " the man is innocent, and now he owns the opera house."

" He was declared dead!" jungkook exclaimed, earning questioning looks from the people working. " y/n..." he said softly, placing a hand on his forehead " she'll be appalled."

"Do you think she knows?" madame giry asked

"Of course not!" jungkook replied quickly " she wouldn't have come if she knew."

Or would she?

"I'll just have to keep it a secret from her." jungkook declared "I don't want her to be scared of him again."

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