chapter 6-Masked

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Rehearsals for Il Muto have just come to and end. Y/n didnt have any lines, since her role is a silent one, which made the rehearsals drag on for hours. At last, she was able to see Taehyung again. Oddly enough, he was all that was on her mind. His story brought a new light to her, which made her pity the poor creature living in the underground.

Y/n Walked down the hallways and headed towards her room, when she heard her name being called. ''Jungkook!" She exclaimed when she saw him. She had completely forgotten her breakfast date with him. How was she going to explain herself?

" I heard you weren't feeling well." He said with a look of concern. " are you alright? "

" Yes I'm fine now. I'm sorry for not going out with you." She apologized.

" don't worry about it "Jungkook smiled " they'll be other chances "

Y/n chuckled softly at his confidence. It amused her.

" how about now?" He said " dinner for you and me ?"

She gave him an apologetic smile " I'd love to, but I have things I have to do. "

He slightly frowned and nodded " I see..." his frown faded and a smile crept up on his face. " I'll see you tomorrow then. Ill be here to talk to the managers."

He kissed her forehead with sweet gentleness and walked away from her.

She shrugged off his affectionate kiss and continued to her little adventure towards her room.
Once inside, she changed into a sleeping gown and ventured into her mirror.

She had to admit, Finding her way back to the phantom's lair was no easy task.

There were tunnels that twisted and turned in every direction, that it was hard to find her way. These underground tunnels were used for torture chambers , way back when, so it seemed to be long and impossible to go through without getting lost.

Thankfully, Taehyung was roaming those exact tunnels at that very moment. "Y/n?" He questioned upon seeing her.
" what are you doing over here?" He walked towards her.

"Trying to find you" she said ,biting her bottom lip " and failing horribly "she added with a mutter.

Taehyung let out a soft deep chuckle, that came from deep down in his throat. "Come." He raised a gloved hand for her to take, and she thankfully did.

Taehyung knew these tunnels, inside and outside, so it was no trouble to him to find his way back.

They reached his lair, and he set off to pick up some papers he left scattered about, speaking to her as he did so. " You must be tired from rehersals today."

"Hardly " y/n laughed through her nose " the page boy has no trouble " she said as she sat down on the organ bench. She had no idea about the letters he had sent earlier that day. All she knew when she left her room was to start reading over her silent role in the script.

" The page boy? " Taehyung questioned " You're not playing the countess?"

She shook her head " no. Carlotta is."

Taehyung gritted his teeth. Those idiot managers have ignored his commands and now they will face the consequences.

"Nevermind that" he said, shrugging his thoughts to the back of his mind. " we'll start our lesson."

"Actually..."Y/n said. He halted to a stop. " can I speak to you?"

"You are though " he joked.

" yes, but I..." She began and took a deep breath " I want to apologize " she looked at his chocolate brown eyes. Those same eyes that mesmerized her to follow him into his lair.

"What for?" He stopped his actions and slowly sat down on a nearby chair.

" for trying to remove your mask."

He was silent and merely stared at her.
" I didnt know about your past, and I just wanted to see for myself. Now that I know, I regret doing so."

"How do you know ?" He asked her.

" Madame Giry." She answered him.

He nodded and looked at the walls with a desolate stare. " so you know who I am." He murmured. " a damned deformed circus freak." He breathed, placing his head into the palms of his hands.

Y/n stood up slowly from her bench and plaved a comforting hand on his back. He dared not look at her .
" I dont know you as a circus freak." She whispered tenderly. He lifted his head slightly to face her. " I only know you as my angel of music. The person who has taught me how to sing and shown nothing but kindness" she continued.

His eyes watered. In all his years of being alive, he hasn't been shown a speck of compassion. All his life were horrid nightmares of his previous life before the opera house, beaten, starved, and ridiculed without end. And now this stunning woman has shown him benevolence he didnt think he deserved.

He suddenly pulled her into a hug, and she didn't push him away. If anything she accepted his action. She tucked his head under her chin and stroked his coal hair softly, careful not to pull the string of his mask. He smiled into her chest. He was next to her heart, right where he longed to be.

"Y/n?" He whispered softly, his breath tickling the exposed part of her neck.

"Yes Taehyung?" She replied in a silvery voice.

He pulled away from her, his dark and clear eyes fixed on hers. He reached put his hand and brushed the back of his knuckles on her cheek." Thank you."

She gave him a smile that seems so genuinely sweet, with the right type of shyness, that made Taehyung feel warmth inside his chest.

"Let's skip today's lesson."Taehyung suggested, standing up from where he sat. " Let us go out."

"Out where?" She asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"The city." He replied with a sweet smile." Paris at night is very beautiful."

"But....?" She began softly. How is he going to hide himself from people? Isnt the whole point of living underground and wearing a mask, so they don't see him and know of his existence?

Taehyung reached for his hat and cape. Once looking at Y/n's unsure expression, he could easily understand her confusion. "The night is only filled with women in the alley, and drunken men. No one who could do me much harm."

"Have you done this before?" She asked, standing up, and feathering her dress.

"Plenty of times"

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