Chapter 30-Devil take the hindsmost

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Once again I state: in no way shape or form do I believe jungkook is an asshole or something along those lines. The only reason I made him like this in the story is because I'm following how raoul is in love never dies, and the only other reason I chose Jungkook instead of the other members is because this story takes place in paris and I remember how he said merci beaucoup . I think Jungkook is a soft child and without a doubt, a very loving person. This gif proves it all :')) so please dont attack me. I'm a soft sensitive person.

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" no it can't be." Jungkook said disbelieving, staring face to face with the phantom.

" not afraid of me you say?" Taehyung said tauntingly, taking small steps towards jungkook.

"Stay back!" Hissed Jungkook " or i'll kill you, I promise!" He warned, his face turned into a serious rock.

" oh of course." Taehyung said with a sarcastic tone, raising his hands up in defense, a smirk never leaving his lips " after all you've beaten me before." Taehyung brought his arms down, a threatening look on his face." But we were playing a different game."

" what do you want?" Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung cautiously.

"Look at you." Taehyung scoffed " deep in debt, stinking drunk. Pitiful. Shall we make a bet?"

Devil take the hindmost.

"Look at you! Foul as sin, hideous, horrible." Jungkook clenched his fists " call the stakes and deal me in."

Taehyung crossed his arms across his chest " our Y/n will choose on the day of the masquerade, if she's yours or mine."

"Draw the line " Jungkook warned with a growl.

"If she sings, you lose to me." Taehyung gestured with his hands.

"I won't lose."

" you leave from here."



"Fine!" Jungkook stepped closer to Taehyung, menacingly so " and if she won't? If I win?"

"All your debts" Taehyung waved his hand " washed away."

" very well." Jungkook nodded his head confidently. " I agree to your challenge."

Taehyung put his hand out and jungkook took it, shaking their hands and sealing the bet.

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