chapter 15- The trio's arrival

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Time has passed since that incident. 8 years to be exact. Since then Y/n has accepted Jungkook as her lover, now moved on from her secret relationship with the phantom of the opera that only lasted one single night.

So much since then has changed.

Y/n has moved to California with Jungkook and her 8-year-old daughter.

Yes, Jungkook and her have a daughter, And now the (ex) chorus singer is engaged to him. She has not returned to the opera house since then, nor sang there. Since then, she began to live with her family in good old hot and overcrowded California But unfortunately, due to some issues concerning jungkook and some gambling, they have become indebted. Owing money, practically everywhere, and having no way to pay it.

The opera house too has changed. It has expanded greatly and under new management. The new manager is mysterious, never seen and never spoken to. Many people wondered who on earth this man was. Why did he hide? Of course, they didn't question it much since he paid a hefty price to all his employers. Only two others knew his identity, and only those two were trusted with it. He went by the simple name of Mister T. and dear old mister T has personally written a letter to Y/n, asking her to perform for one single night, at the opera house's New year masquerade, that has been held annually, ever since it was first built.

When Y/n read the letter, she quickly packed her bags and went on the first boat to Paris. Somehow news has spread amongst those who are just itching to publish anything in the newspaper, and soon it became known to the world that the once known Primadonna and long-awaited singer is now to return to her hometown, to entrance the crowds once more with her serenading and angelic voice. It quickly made the headlines in the paper, and suddenly many people wanted to travel to Paris for the new year.

Now, the boat has successfully arrived at its destination. The Paris air filling the nostrils of all those who are on board. On the docks were many people, with their boxy large cameras, on their heavy tripods. A few of the passengers have begun to disembark off the boat and onto the hard and sturdy ground. A few of these faces were quite familiar among media. A famous fashion designer, who went to Paris to see the style and bring it back to Paris. An author, visiting to find inspiration for his new novel. A cook, who visited America to taste the rich fruits for himself.

¨Mr. Aster! Over here! How was your trip?¨

¨ Is America really so amazing?!¨

¨ Mrs. Durand! Is that the latest American style?¨

¨Where is y/n l/n?¨

Questions were asked by those standing by to get a scoop. A few passengers answer the questions with glee. One question remained, and that was the one where they wondered where on earth the singer was.

¨Miss L/n! ¨ they yelled her name, upon seeing her disembark the boat, fiancee, and child by her side.


¨Miss y/n!!¨

¨ Y/n l/n!¨

¨ Her name is Y/n jeon. stand aside please¨ Jungkook said, raising his hand to make the crowds break. ¨ No pictures please.¨ he said to those holding cameras.

¨Miss l/n, why return to Paris?¨ an interviewer asked, his notepad and pen ready to catch each word.

¨Your first performance in years! Why not sing at the Royal Gala theater?¨ another interviewer asked.

¨ My dear fiancee was asked to sing where she first performed for a man named mister T. It was something for old times sake.¨ jungkook said, snaking an arm around her waist, and boasting. Y/n twisted her mouth slightly, unable to let out a single peep out.

¨How did he lure the great y/n l/n out here again anyway?¨ an onlooker said with a snicker.

¨Must have been the money ¨ another man said, his face covered in soot. Most likely a chimney sweeper.¨ You gotta pay big dollars for a big star.¨

¨She is an artist.¨ Jungkook hissed, glaring daggers at the taunting crowd. ¨ Darling.¨ Y/n whispered, trying to calm him down.

¨yeah!¨ the man laughed ¨ an artist who has to pay off your gambling debts ¨ The crowd roared in laughter.

¨Is it true you let your entire fortune on a roulette table?¨ an interviewer asked jungkook.

¨ how dare you!¨ Jungkook exclaimed. He was sure to stride over to them and give them a piece of his fiery mind, but was held back by y/n. ¨ jungkook enough.¨

¨Mommy look!¨ Their young daughter exclaimed, pointing to a carriage which came towards them

The crowd turned their gazes from y/n and her family to the horseless carriage in awe. The carriage stopped at their feet. The door opened and revealed a man, dressed in full theater clothing. The extravagant sequin costume, that glimmered as the sea did when the light hits it. His face was adorned with makeup as if a bird was on the side of his face. ¨ do forgive me¨ he gave a charismatic smile to both y/n and jungkook ¨ I was just asked by Mister T to come to fetch you.¨

¨ you mean he isn't here?¨ jungkook arched his brow ¨ we were told he was to personally greet us.¨

¨forgive him, sir. ¨ the man bowed in apology. ¨ he seems to be quite busy at the moment and could not have you waiting.¨

Jungkook shared a concerning and hesitant look with y/n. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek in thought, but it seems her train of thought was interrupted by a small pair of hands, pulling at the skirt of her dress. ¨ mommy, will we get to ride this?¨ she asked, her eyes sparkling. It was clear to all that this precious child wanted nothing more than to ride the horseless carriage.

¨Ah!¨ the man bubbled and kneeled down to the young girls level. ¨ bonjour little miss. Is this your first time in Paris?¨. She nodded her head shyly, her coiled hand, resting on her chin, as she looked at him with coal colored eyes. ¨what is your name young one?¨ he asked.

¨Taeyeon aria l/n.¨ she responded, now more comfortable with the charismatic man. (A/n: yall see what I did there 👀👀👀👀)

¨ nice to meet you little princess.¨ he said with a bow and with a wave of his hand, he ¨Magically¨ made a bouquet of fake roses appear. To all those around, it was merely a simples fools trick, but to the young eight-year-old girl, with the wild imagination, it was mind-blowing.

He stood up once more and faced y/n and jungkook ¨ I promise later on you'll see him, but for now, ill have to bring you to the opera house.¨

¨What do you think dear.¨ jungkook asked her with a whisper.

¨ well, at least mister T was kind enough to bring us a carriage instead of making us get there by foot.¨ Y/n said jokingly, taking her daughter by the hand and climbing on board the carriage.

and off, the four went to the opera house.

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