Nothing Like Starting Over

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The rest of the time I had spent with Hunter was a whirlwind of letting the guys and Joelle know that I would slowly but surely be moving to Nashville because I was granted permission to work. 

"That is excellent news," Joelle hugged me, "more girls nights!" she clinked my wine glass as we hung out at Pinewood Social on the patio overlooking the Cumberland River. 

"We need a toast," Sam piped up raising his glass, "to Jenna - congratulations"

"To Jenna," everyone clinked glasses and took sips of their beer or wine. 

The next day I was on the plane back home. The weather was slowly shifting from the cold Canadian winter to the confusing Canadian spring, one day it was warm and sunny, the next was cold and almost icy. I made a checklist of what I needed to work on to transition over to the states. I had to look up drivers license information, health information and I also applied for several contract and part time jobs.

I sat down with my parents, and expressed to them that I was going to look for work in Nashville. "Jenna, we support you one hundred and ten percent." My dad said, my mom nodded. "You've been at Starbucks for quite a while, you can always ask to transfer if you don't land any interviews over skype." Their support was crucial and I could feel the amount of love and support they had. I didn't have a set date in mind to move. 

"I would feel better going down and jumping into work," I said, "there's no rush."

Later that evening, I dropped the same bombshell on Stephanie, and although she was happy, she teared up. "I am so incredibly happy for you. And I will visit, I promise." 

"I'm not going tomorrow," I laughed, "but yes, you will visit." I let her in on what Hunter wanted to do with the music thing. She said I would be crazy if I didn't do it. I was emotionally wiped from talking to her and my parents. I texted Hunter before bed.

J: Broke the news to Steph and the fam. So much love & support

H: I am so happy for you. You off to bed? I love you

J: Yes I am - work tomorrow. Love you

Aside from picking up as many work and volunteer shifts as possible, I had three Skype interviews. They were really accommodating to Skype with me, however two didn't pan out simply because they were looking for someone to start within that week. I decided to call Hunter and see if we can solidify a date for me to come down.

"Hey pretty lady," His voice was pretty chipper for eight am. "What's going on?"

"So I had a few interviews but they're looking for like, immediate hires." I said, hoping he would hear how defeated I felt. "May fifteenth, after Monther's Day - can I come down?"

"Absolutely. And Jen, don't worry if you can land something before that. You can have face to face interviews too you know." I could hear the smile in his voice. "Thank you sweetie," I paused, "you sound really happy."

"I am, I'm happy we are moving forward. I love you Jen."

"Love you too Hunt."

I hung up and marked the day on my calendar. I had to get to work but I was going to make a point of talking to my supervisor and see about a transfer to get me started and a letter from volunteering. 

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