chapter 4

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After dinner, Jen and Matt sat in the living room  with the TV on low.

"I don't know, Matt, I have a very bad feeling about this solar thing. I'm calling the boys, I want them closer just in case." 

"Honey, I think your'e over reacting," Matt protested, but Jen walked away dialing Adam's number in Chicago, not listening to her husband.

"Adam? It's Mom. I want you to come home. Now. Today." There was silence, then Jen smiled. "Fine, first thing tomorrow then. Pack now and start driving early. Take water, food, and some survival gear!  And fill up your tank right away. I love you, please stay safe!"

She hung up and called the next one in Indianapolis. The call went well, and Liam and Lara would arrive tonight. 

"Well that wasn't hard," Jen said cheerfully, "Lara was so worried they were already packing! They'll be here in a few hours. I need you to call Max, ask him to come back home and help us get ready for company. I need to go get groceries, I hope he's back when I get done!" Jen rambled as she went to get her purse and make a list.

Matt sat where he was, in the eye of a hurricane. He was used to it, so he called their youngest son and went to his gun safe to strap his pistol to his ankle, and sat in his truck, waiting. He didn't believe the people on TV, but if half of the population did, then there was no way he was letting his wife go to the store alone. It was gonna be a madhouse. Waiting for Jen, Matt looked over where Corey Slope and his group of lazy do nothing friends played a game of basketball at the community center courts. They were out of school, and it looked like none of them had jobs, unless you counted basketball.

In the packed parking lot at the store, they saw their friends, Joe, Josie and their girls, and waved them over. People were running in and out of the store, carrying armfuls of supplies. Jen and Josie decided it would be safer if the girls were dropped off at the Parkers, and the four adults shopped together. There was a hand written sign taped to the door as they went in, "CASH ONLY".

The four friends stood amazed at the  emptying shelves. The women got a cart and Joe and Matt  walked along helping them pick through what was available. Not many cans of beans or bags of rice left, and surprisingly plenty of fresh meat. People had been taking things that would not spoil. They managed to fill a cart, and between the four adults, had enough cash to pay.

Liam and Lara arrived with the trunk and backseat of their car stuffed. Lara was sore and tired of sitting as she was eight months pregnant. She went straight to bed.

The next morning Matt asked that everyone stay around the house, unless they really needed to be somewhere, and that they let him know where they're headed and when they'll be back.

"Oh ho," Jen crowed. "Have you come around to my way of thinking?"

"No. I still think crazy, scared people are the only thing to worry about. I'm going to see what's going on in town. I'll be back within an hour, boys, want to come?" They jumped up and followed their dad. 

Matt, Max, and Liam parked at the Bean Me Up coffee shop. The towns two squad cars were parked side by side at the front door. They heard the chief before they got inside.

"Dang it, Where's my peppermint tea? What's a woman got to do ta get some service?"

Tressa, the teen aged waitress, brought a cup of tea to the small  woman. "Sorry Sugar, we're short a few people today, they're afraid to leave their homes. 

Sugar shook her head and sipped her tea. "Ya'll know those folks aren't from Texas."

Matt and his sons sat down at the round table, across the aisle from Sugar and Frank.  "The store was a mess last night, Sugar, what's it like today?"

"Well, They got two semis in last night. Dan Jennar agreed to lock up the building til this morning. He had all his people come in to clean up and restock. Now I've got volunteer officers at the doors. Ten people in at a time, and very limited on their purchases. No more mobs. I'll leave it like that until people find their minds." 

Matt nodded his head. Good thing they had a smart , sensible person in charge, because a hot headed good 'ole boy could have handled that badly.

Jack and Shar Black came in and sat with the Parkers.  They all ordered coffee, and Matt asked Jack if they were in town for the frenzy yesterday.

"Pshaw, no." Jack answered, a grin on his face. "You know We have every kind of food preserved we could need for the next ten years." 

"I know", Matt said, "I was just pulling your leg. So what do you think about what the experts are saying? He waited while Jack sipped his coffee and thought. Jack did not say alot, but when he did, it was always reasonable and sounded smart.

"I think we're in big trouble."

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