Chapter 11

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The new work teams settled into their work areas, making plans and arranging schedules.

Matt sent his crew to carry lumber to the Center, while he visited each team leader. He asked them if they needed any construction done, and how urgent it was. He headed back to the old wood shop classroom and he and his men started on their first project, a large, sturdy chicken coop for Josie. When he was sure the men knew what to do, he took a few of them and put together a couple of hand carts to carry building supplies. When the simple carts were finished, they pulled them to the hardware store to haul lumber, and to the siding company for windows. With the new supplies, they began work on a long row of cold frames all the way down the west side of the Center, for Tim' winter spinach.

They took a break for lunch and Matt carried a pot of pea soup and bread and butter sandwiches to the fire station for himself and Jen, and anyone else who was hungry. 

He knocked on the exterior door with the toe of his boot, and J.J. opened it for him. The staff of the new hospital were pleased that lunch was being delivered. They had been kept busy with minor injuries and illness all morning.

Matt dropped the food off in the kitchen, fixing some for himself and Jen. He went into Adam's room and quietly set down the tray. Jen was asleep in a chair  near Adam's bed. Matt sat on the side of the bed and said hello to Adam. Matt was happy to see Adam's eyes try to open, and his head turn.

Adam opened his eyes and he looked at his dad. "Hey."

"Hey son. how do you feel?"

Jen woke up at the sound of their voices, so she came to sit on the other side of him. She touched his face and smiled. "How do you feel?"

"OK", Adam croaked.

Matt handed him a cup of water and Adam took some sips.

Adam suddenly looked worried. "Where's Miss? And Mr.? Did you find them? And Ohio? Are they OK?"

Mat and Jen made eye contact and shook their heads slightly. Matt tried to keep his voice calm, "Adam, what are you talking about? Miss. Who?"

"Dad, I can't tell you the whole story now, they've been out in the woods all night alone. Please, someone, go find them!" Adam begged.

Jen spoke quietly, trying to calm him. "Honey, you've been asleep for three days."

Adam tried to get out of the bed, wild with worry. "Three days? OH no. No, no, no. They must be starving and cold and scared! I've got to go, I've got to get them!"

Matt put his hand on Adam's chest, stopping him from jumping up. "No, son, you were hurt, and you just can't go running around yet." Matt continued, "I'll go."

Adam told him where to look. So Matt crawled out the refrigerator exit, telling the men that he was bringing two or three people in with him. Sugar called that that would be fine.

Matt walked into the woods near the spot Adam had been shot, and sat down. "Miss? Mr.? Ohio?" He called, feeling foolish. Adam had told him to whistle, so after waiting a few minutes, he put two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly. Soon, a black and white boarder collie came bounding between trees. 

"Ohio?" Matt asked, and the dog gave a whine and walked closer.

Matt jumped up and stepped away as the dog suddenly started barking. Ohio moved back towards the way he had come, and continued with his frantic barking. Matt thought he better follow so he stepped towards Ohio. The dog gave another short bark, as if telling Matt 'Good job'. He then turned and ran, twisting through the trees, only stopping and turning to bark a 'hurry up!' at Matt.

After a short run after the dog, Matt found him standing in front of a small green tent. Ohio turned in a circle and  curled himself in front of it.

Matt approached slowly, worried that the dog would be too protective to let him close. Ohio wagged his tail, making Matt feel safer. He unzipped the tent to see two children sleeping. He gently felt for a heartbeat and sighed in relief when he felt two pulses in two tiny wrists. 

He could see now that they were a girl and boy, under six years old. The little girl stretched and then froze when she saw Matt. 

Matt moved away and sat down. "Hi." He said softly, "I'm Matt. I'm Adam's daddy. He asked me to come and get you, because he has a hurt leg." 

The girl nodded solemnly, and shook her brother awake. She whispered to him, and he nodded back.

Matt gestured for them to get up. He asked them if they wanted to be carried.  They nodded, then the little boy piped up and asked, "And can Adam get us some food? I'm hungry."

Matt smiled and assured them that they  could eat as soon as they got there. Keeping and eye on Ohio, he scooped up the children and strode towards the fence, the dog right at his heels.

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