Chapter 2

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Joe and Jo, also know as Joseph and Josie Metzger turned into their driveway and pulled on the reigns of their horses.  Both the people and the horses loved going down the road to the game preserve to ride in the quiet woods that went on for miles. They jumped down and Joe grabbed both bridles and led the two paint horses towards the barn. Jo walked towards the chicken coop to give them fresh water and feed. Her daughters, Mimi and Katarina, should have done this, Jo thought, and she should get them out here to do their jobs themselves, but it was easier to just finish it quickly without the hassle. They could take care of the rest, a sheep, a dog, and many, many cats, all with ridiculously long names.

As Jo made her way back to the white farmhouse, she saw the horses, named Splatter and Splash by her girls, rolling happily in the grassy pasture. Joe joined her as she opened the back door and they were met with the tantalizing scent of homemade Thai food. Katarina was only thirteen, but she had been learning in the kitchen since she could stand on a chair and help. Jo believed in letting the girls help, and she did not think the ensuing messes were too much of a price to pay, and the kitchen was a bit of a disaster. Mimi, who is eleven, was frosting a cake at the counter. She was a less experienced cook, and was still required to do a "mis en plase" when baking, which meant that she premeasured and lined up all the ingredients in the order they are to be used. 

They sat down to a lemon grass beef with red Thai curry paste and brown rice.  Thier noses ran from the heat, as they talked about the news, a part of their homeschooling plan, to make sure the girls were aware of current events.

Mimi started with a story about a no kill animal shelter, which she thought sounded perfect. She had a very soft heart for all of her cats, and she was devastated when one got hit by a car, or wandered off. They spent a few minutes asking the girls what the pros and cons of a no kill shelter were, then it was Katarina's turn. 

She started by asking her Mom if she was worried about the solar flares. "No, I'm not, we have lots of food, and an old pump in the yard, and if the power goes out, we will be safe as sandwiches out here in the country. Katarina smiled, and explained to the rest of the family the news about the sun.  Joe didn't say anything, but he wasn't as sure about their safety as his wife was. 

"Hey Jo," He started, keeping his tone light, "Let's run into Webster and get some groceries after dinner. I wonder if anyone wants ice cream?"

Mimi gave a disgruntled "Hey!" , since she had baked a cake, but quickly changed her answer to yes when her mom suggested they bring the ice cream back and have it with the beautiful, slightly lopsided chocolate cake. Katarina agreed, and they all hurried to clear the table and start on the kitchen.

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