Chapter Four

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        Niall's POV

        I ended up eating the french toast alone. Clary had left an hour ago for school. Some days like today I wished I wasnt prince so I could be with Clary.

        My stomache turned sickly as I devoured the last piece of french toast. Leaning over to let my stomache settle. Seconds later my cell began ringing really loud. The caller ID read Clary and I fumbled with the buttons to answer.

        "What's wrong Clary? Aren't you men to be in class?" I used my most sexy voice but it came out rough.

          "Well um...ya but I am kinda hiding in a bathroom stall surounded by my peers! Help me, I wanna be with you." Clary whimpered through the line.

           "I will save you, I promise!" she giggled at my superman impression.

            "Hurry!" I hung up feeling really bad.

            My mother was walking down the hall to my fathers den when I aproached her.

            "Mom I need your help!" she looked at me, grabbed my wrist and sat me down in the den.

            "What's wrong now?" my father looked at my mother for answers.

             I answered him "Clary is hiding in a bathroom stall so she doesnt get bombarded by her peers, what should I do?" my parents shared a look.

             "Why dont you set up two cars, one at the front the other at the back, and then run through the school drawing all attention to you giving Clarissa the chance to escape to the car in the front." my mother explained a smile streched across her face.

              I nodded, running off to call Clary about the plan.


             "Clary get ready, I am about to run." I climbed out of the I was currently seated in and prepared myself to sprint.

             "OK, on the count of three, one, two, three!" I raced to the doors flinging them open.

             I screamed and waddled untill they figured out who I was. Clary's peers began chasing me and I sprinted towards the back. The car was parked, unlocked, but otherwise ready to go.

             Sliding in I yelled for the driver to go and he sped off towards the palace.

           Clary was waiting for me by the angel fountain.

            "Clary come here." she looked up and quickly found her way into my arms. Her petite figure engulffing me.

           "Are you OK? Did anyone hurt you?" no matter how worried I sounded a smile still lit up my face. Having my pretty little fiance in my arms made me feel like nothing could stop me.

           "I m fine..." Clary sighed into my arm.

           My arms unwrapped themselves, so I could use my finger tips to tilt her face upwards. She was smiling, her bright blue eyes shining with love. Leaning down I pressed my lips against hers. Clary moaned and ended the kiss, burrowing her face in my chest.


Finally I update! I love writing about Clary and Niall more so when they do stuff together. I promise I will update tomorrow at the latest. I would like to say that I am going to have a cover contest but no one is sending me covers -_-  give me some ideas for the next few chapters.

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