Chapter Sixteen

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Nialls pov

After becoming a worry wort last night I realized I needed to take a breather. Clary was a big girl and could take care of herself. I was just worried about my child. That sounded bad at wasn't just my child I should also say that I was scared Clary would find someone else.

My doubts were very slim because I knew how committed Clary was. Even though she had gone through guys like a player she was still committed. She had good reasons for leaving those guys. Her first boyfriend was really nice and I actually approved of him. He had ended up moving, and just that had broken her heart and thats when I knew I loved her.

After her first break up she dated constantly trying to patch the hole that he had left unintentionally. All of them cheated on her or pushed her limits to the edge. One had abused her severely; she always came over with bruises of all colors. I had used my royal command and landed him in prison for assault.

Due to the lack in sleep I had been receiving from over worrying or stressing over Clary. My mind was jumbled and I was panicking over time. Clary was extremely close to her due date. I was so excited to see my little girl but I could tell Clary was nervous. If I could take away the pain of child birth for Clary I would.

Clary began stirring around 6:30 am the usual time she got up for a snack. I waited patiently to kiss her good morning and then ask her what she wanted for breakfast. Her nose twitched as she yawned blinking rapidly as she did so.

"Morning babe." I kissed her forehead.

"Niall can I have shrimp and crab toasties?" Clary yawned rubbing her round belly.

I nodded and got up making sure I went at a good speed so Clary didn't have to wait long. She giggled poking her stomach like always.

Throughout her pregnancy Clary had never wanted to talk about names. She claimed that it would come to her when our child was born. I respected her decision no doubt about it.

"Good morning Niall while you get Clarissa food I would like to spend some quality time with her, is that fine?" My mother asked.

I nodded and continued on to prepare Clary some food.


Clarys' pov

Niall had just walked away like usual. It was a daily thing that i would wake up and he would get me food while I poked my belly. I was going to be a terrible wife if I ended up this lazy.

"Good morning Clarissa how are you feeling? The doctor spoke with me this morning and was wondering if he could talk with you if thats okay?" Mercy sat on the edge of the bed her red blouse slightly ruffled.

I nodded and her smile grew three sizes to fast. By this point I should be used to her giddiness having basically lived with them my entire life.

"When does the doctor wish to see me?" I said my voice low as I continued to play with my stomach.

Readjusting my position so I was sitting eye level with my soon to be mother in law. She snapped her fingers and in came the two doctors who I had seen just yesterday.

"Why hello princess! I know you are getting bored of being pregnant and well I found a way to induce labor faster. Its a needle that I could give you right now and you will start to feel contractions pretty soon. What do you say?" He looked at me and motioned to the cart the other doctor had.

"Is it safe?" I was unsure about this injection he was speaking of.

He nodded and passed me a pamphlet. I read through it.

"Lets do it but don't tell Niall." I huffed.

The doctor reached for my arm and swabbed it with alcohol. A warm sharp pain touched my skin making me feel extremely uncomfortable. It left seconds later leaving my arm stinging.

"Okay I will be back later when you call me in just so Niall isn't suspicious." The doctors left me and Mercy.

She smiled politely, waved and was off. Mercy didn't even stay for the first of many contractions. It was like a mini volcano exploded within me, plus a thousand german Shepard dogs eating my body. Let me tell you it was worse than a period cramp, and boys you think that girls screaming for meds while there period cramps are bugging them is bad, just wait till shes in labor.

I cried out a little bit during the first few contractions keeping my cool at a bare minimum at least. It wasn't as bad the first few times I mean yes I did just say it was like a volcano. Lets just say I over exaggerated when I first explained it but who the hell cares.

When Niall walked in I was in the middle of a contraction. I tried my best to hide my pain, failing vigorously by the way. He rushed to my side dropping my plate of food which were in his hands. I smucked him in the arm for dropping my mouth watering shrimp and crab toasties.

"Oww I know you must be in more pain than me but seriously when it comes to you and your food your a brut." Niall chuckles.

I grab the bottle of pain medication on my bed side and gulp down two. Niall had read that it was safe to take them in the first few hours so I can get rest before the birthing process begins.

As noted on the bottle I become extremely tired and start to loosen my grip on Nialls arm. He knows Im falling asleep so he kisses me on the forehead and leaves me be turning the light off.


Next chappy will be of Clary having her daughter 0_0 be excited that Im coming back to write I kinda gave up after a brutal period of bullies and other un mentionable things. I feel happy that i can give you the thrill of my story not that its really that good.

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Tata for now my lovelys


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