Chapter Eighteen

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Clary's pov

I had just woken up from my nap, yet my eyes were still closed and I was aware of all sounds in my room. The faint noise of Niall singing to Bailey only a short distance from my bed. He was singing a soft melodic tune, one that I couldn't put my finger on. Bailey was making a weird sound in response to the melody. Slowly I opened my eyes letting my eyes adjust to the light and focus. Niall was at the end of my bed rocking Bailey, but she refused to sleep wiggling in his arms. Her face was slightly scrunched up as she fussed hand balled up punching at her father.

"Do you want me to take her?" I spoke up startling Niall who looked terrified as she cried in his arms.

He smiled at me nervously before stalking over and laying my tired child in my arms. She wiggled around a little before finally settling in. Within moments she was fast asleep sucking on her soother. Her small body giving off a comfortable warmth.

"I need some practice at being a father." Niall laughed lightly attempting to uplift the mood.

I couldn't help but smile at the fact, not that I didnt think he was a good father he just needed some practice. Actually considering the fact we both needed practice, but thankfully not that much. As told by my mother, most of our parenting skills will come naturally and with time.

"We both do so dont worry. What has happened since I fell asleep?" I yawned waking myself up a little more.

"Nothing much your parents have gone home to get some rest and my parents reserved a new room so we can all converse." Niall rolled his eyes aware of how ridiculious it was.

It was a luxury that he had to start to accept considering he was to become king a year after we marry. He had taken on a few of his responsibilities but not many and they were very small. I had no idea what being queen had in store for me, I hadn't even been given the chance at it yet. Niall had made sure that the stress of being a queen wasn't on my shoulders during my pregnancy.

"Niall get used to it you had more freedom when you were just a prince, but you need to move on being a king is just around the corner. Im not ready to grow up either but we have a kid and a castle to run soon. You can't just go to the apartment anymore to escape the clutches of the palace its no longer an option." I sighed knowing that I needed to follow my own words too.

"You're right I do but I want to bask in as much freedom I have till I have none left and I think you should try the same. Oh and hun I went back to the palace to retreive your phone, and I found the pamplet." Niall smirked a clever gleam in his eyes.

I remember when I used to sit in my room daydreaming about him, and writing small stories on wattpad about our wedding and children. Something like that sounded silly now simply because Im not daydreaming anymore. Its a living breathing reality that Im living and its pure bliss.

"Um sorry... She needed to come out and the doctors agreed." I bit my lip nervously.

Niall made a weird noise while he smirked clearly fine with the fact. He then walked out leaving me alone other than a snoozing Bailey. Wait I am so confused why did he leave? Did I do something wrong, oh my I probably did. Not even a second later a buzzing sound came from the small hospital nightstand. It was my phone and I couldn't reach it....

"Hey baby how you feeling?" my mothers soft voice burst through the quite room.

Bailey stirred making a small whining sound in the process. I rocked her to keep her sleeping so she wouldn't fuss later.

"Im good mom, and um do you know why Niall left my room?" I was ready to cry at this point.

"He's getting you food, why?" She smiled a bright peppy uplifting smile.

"Okay and don't worry about it everythings all good he just suddenly left without telling me." I smiled back at my mother who was slowly walking towards my bed.

Her eyes drifted around the room taking in the small almost cubical. She giggled at the sight of the chair Niall had claimed. Even I did to, it's arms had small remote bag things that held all of the tv accessories. A box of vintage comic books sat under the chair along with a sweater and two of Bailey's blankets.

"Niall sure made himself at home now hasn't he?" My mother spoke as she straightened up the mess.

"He sits there with Bailey when Im sleeping its quite adorable." I cooed reliving the memory.

My mother finished straightening up the little mess and carried her body towards my bed once again. Seating herself on the bottom.

"The doctor said you can go home soon." The words my mother spoke made my mood lift by 100.

"Yay little Bailey gets to go home for the first time!" My excited voice woke her up but she easily went back to sleep again.

"Then I will go sign the forms." Mom stood up and hurried out of the room.

I waited ten minutes before three quiet knocks hit the door and Niall walked in with a tray of food.

"I brought food!" I could see his mouth practically watering.

"No time pack my stuff up we are going home soon." I smiled stealing a piece of warm toast.


Hey guys so I know you want to be mad because i missed my dead line for every two weeks but what I have been doing is writing a bunch of chapters for all my stories so I can give you guys more than one chapter at a time except for today. Thank you for reading I hope you all enjoy and i will try and post later or again tomorrow.

Tata for now my lovelys


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