Breakfast Boobs

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Vega had been on the road for what seemed like forever since she got up and left Val's place. She could tell because she felt the blood dripping from the cut on the top of her back down to the waistband of her jeans being held up by a black belt with bullet holes in it.

"Ah fuck..." She said to herself letting one of her hand go from the handlebar of the yellow painted Harley to her blood oozing back. When she brought her hand back to her front to see if it was bloody she saw something dangerously odd about the blood. There were bits of black and silver chips in it. This meant Val had set his gun to venom shooter. This also meant Vega needed special medical attention.

"That motherFUCKER!" She yelled so loudly that she almost lost control of the bike. She quickly wiped her red, black and silver stained hand in her jeans and sped up until she saw the



Sighing with relief she swerved over and drove a little more until she saw a little Diner/ Motel that looked like it came right out of the 50s. She pulled over quickly at the side letting Val's bike fall to it's side, she didn't have much time to survive with this wound untreated on her back. Vega looked at the window and saw a 'Come in We're Open' sign and banged on the glass door before barging in.

Now this was a sight for the killjoys. A hot girl on a motorcycle comes in and starts frantically talking her top off until she was just left in her bra and jeans, her shirt and jacket disregarded on the floor.

She went to feel her back for blood and Gerard blocked Grace's eyes thinking that Vega was going to take her bra off too. He was still looking and so were the rest of the guys but he was concerned for Grace.

"FUCK, can someone please help me? Some asshole in skinny jeans shot me in the back with his venom phasers on about an hour ago. I'm losing a lot of fucking blood!" Vega said not realizing there was a child in the room.

When no one responded to her plea due to being distracted by her body Show Pony, a gay man, slapped Frank for having his mouth open and went over to help Vega. Show Pony and Vega knew each other from along the makeshift desert roads.

"Hey, what happened exactly?" He asked taking off his helmet to show his brightly colored face. She stopped trying to reach her back for a second to look up to Pony.

"I-I-I kind of got shot in the back by someone when they had their venom phasers on and now the venom is seeping into my bloodstream plus I losing a lot of blood..." she breathed out heavily trying to catch her breath.

Pony went around to see her back wound and saw a gigantic gash along the top of her shoulder blades with blood dripping down to her butt.

"Guys move!" Pony said in a demanding tone and everyone obliged, "Lay on the counter and take your bra off. Ray, get the medical kit!" Vega rushed over to the counter and quickly took off her bra. Usually this sort of situation would be very awkward for Vega but with her back feeling like it was on fire it wasn't that weird.

Pony went to her back and started separating the skin on the sides of the cut.

"OH MY FUUUUUUCK!" Vega screamed out in agony right as Ray came to her side trying not to mind that there were boobs in where he usually ate breakfast.

During this time Gerard had taken Grace out to Dr. D. Frank had taken a seat near Vega's head and was trying to calm her down while she went through excruciating pain. Meanwhile Mikey is just sitting in a booth across from Vega trying to figure out where he knew her from.

By this point Pony had clipped her skin back and was picking the silver and black specks out of her open back wound while telling Ray to apply pressure to the places he had already gotten. All of this caused Vega's vocals to go from a 7 to a 10 in 0.5 seconds.

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