Golden Hour

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The mountains were very peaceful at this time. 'Golden Hour' as his mother used to say was the best time of day. Everyone had their own menial tasks to perform so there wasn't much noise and the sun was about to set, so the temperature was much cooler than the normal scorching heat of the desert. 

Kobra looked out at the line where the sky meets the sand and saw the sun change from blinding white, to sunflower yellow, and finally to apricot orange. It was truly beautiful.

He also looked over to the other side of the mountain. There was a tiny shack about five miles down that housed two of his old friends that he hadn't seen in quite a while. 

Ritalin Purified of "Rita" and BLASTA Exploder or "Blast". He has met them on a drunk around three years ago and they hit it off right away. They talked and talked for hours on end and never ran out of things to talk about. They were awesome people. 

He screwed it all up though. He told one of them he loved them and that ruined it all. 

You see, Blast had been in love with him since the day they met but never shot her shot because she thought so little of herself that she thought he would never love her back. And because she kept her distance, Kobra took an interest in Rita, the one who actually showed some actual interest in him. 

He was just lonely and afraid of the uprising of BL/ind and needed someone to lean on. Party had found Ghoul in his darkest time and Kobra felt like he couldn't even talk to his own brother anymore. In top of that, Ray had taken interest in some new chick that would always come over with food for the gang and so Kobra really had no one to lean on.

He and Rita had one amazing night together and that was the last time that they would be together no complications because the next day Blast found out and got in a huge fight with the both of them and they just decided that it would be best if everyone just went their separate ways. 

No one in the current gang knew of what had happened between Kobra and the two girls except for Motor Baby and he told her when she was completely wasted so he doubted that she even remembered that he told her. 

The sky started to become dark and he stole one more longing look toward the small shack and then hoisted himself up and climbed down the rock formation. 


"So what's the deal with food around here?" Queenie asked as Jet and her walked into the kitchen where Baby and Disco were flirting and putting their materials away.  She wondered what was going on with Kobra. Her first impression of him was turning out to be completely different than what she expected. From witty remarks to short sentences that were said just to be said.

"Oh, Sunshine usually cooks up something for everyone around seven so you've got some time before we eat anything but we do have some fruit in the refrigerator," Baby giggled out as Disco wrapped her arms around Baby's waist and kissed her neck. 

"Oh, well then, what else do you guys do around here?" Queenie huffed out impatient for some food, seeing as she just went through a lot of shit. 

"We could go get drunk or high in Party's room," Disco said suddenly quite interested in doing that rather than clean up the piercing kit. 

Baby nodded enthusiastically then thought for a moment. "That is if they're done fucking yet."

"Good point, babe," Disco said and she moved away from her girlfriend. She walked over to Jet and patted him on the shoulder. 

"Wouldn't you love to go and check on them for us Jet," Disco smiled at Jet and practically begged him to go check it out for them. 

"Look, no matter how much I wanna get high with you guys, I'm not walking in on that again," Jet looked off into the distance as if he was having a Vietnam War flashback. "Oh, god, so much skin..." 

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