So Much Skin

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What are the chances that she would have run into the Arthur Way, her best friend's brother, the person who gave her her first drink, the person who took her to see Rancid, her teenage idol.

Queenie was suddenly overcome with happiness. That same happiness and home-ness that she felt that night that James kissed her.

She jumped from the bed where she sat looking at the posters and basically sprinted toward the first door to the right in the short hallway. She was so happy that she had completely forgotten that there was a high chance that Party and Ghoul were still having sex in that same room.

"Arthur!" Queenie opened the door quickly, not paying attention to the sock on the doorknob and stood in the doorway with a wide stance that showed immense confidence in her discovery.

She realized that he was having sex when she saw his bare ass as he paused in the middle of a sex session with his boyfriend. Party's eyes opened wide as Ghoul pointed toward the doorway where Queenie stood, frozen in shock to see her teenage idol having sex with some dude that she didn't really know.

This wasn't the first time she'd seen him naked, I mean they did hook up at that one party that was interrupted by Ghoul, but, this was different. This felt wrong. This felt like she was intruding and to be honest she obviously was.

"Ahhhhh! What are you doing?" Arthur screamed as he pulled out of his boyfriend and wrapped a sheet around his naked body, leaving Ghoul to be openly naked on the bed. Queenie quickly covered her eyes with her hands and screamed.

"AHHHHH! I'M SO SORRY!!!" Queenie screamed as he ran out of the bedroom and out the back door toward the pool where she could see Kobra coming back from whatever he was doing in the mountains.

Party gave an apologetic look toward Ghoul and found a pair of grey shorts and a black, 'Ramones' t-shirt and pulled them on quickly and chased her out the back door.

Queenie squatted beside the pool, looking into the water in despair. Okay maybe not despair but she for sure was stressed about what had just happened. Her hands went to the side of her face so she didn't have to look at anything but the pool, glistening in the sunset's rays.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that, Queenie!" Party said as he tried to grab her shoulder but she shot him a stern look and he backed off. This was by far one of the worst things that had happened to her today and a lot of shit had happened today.

"I guess, it's fine because I've seen you naked before but, not in that goddammed context, eww!" Queenie exclaimed while huffing because she was so conflicted about how she felt in this moment. "So much fucking skin..."

"When you walked into the room you said the name 'Arthur', umm, what was that about?" Party whispered as he sat next to her, dipping his feet in the pool, being sure to be discreet about his accusation.

"I know who you actually are," Queenie stated in plain honesty and plain words. "Arthur Way, my teenage idol."

Kobra had been running as soon as he spotted the distressed woman squatting and looking toward the pool and suddenly showed up next to the both of them breathing heavily before he could get any words out. His lungs were weak from the smog in the desert but he carried on and fought to speak. 

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Kobra got out between breaths. He had a concerned stance toward both of them but the question was pointed more toward Party seeing as Queenie didn't seem that open to a Q and A.

"Queenie here, may or may not have seen Ghoul and I making love," Party squinted up at his younger brother motioned for him not to ask any more questions.

"First of all, it's not called love making when you do it as much as you guys do, and second of all what the fuck?" Kobra asked, bewildered by the fact that this had even happened in the first place. In his mind, he was the only Killjoy Queenie was supposed to see naked, not his stupid brother that he sometimes liked to 'forget' was his brother. 

"It's a long fucking story, that I physically can't get into right now. But, what I can say is that I've had a rough fucking day and I need some fucking food before I kill one of you two for my supper, okay?" Queenie asked, suddenly standing up and gesturing toward both boys. She stood up and walked inside the hallway again. 

"SUNSHINE! WHIP ME UP SOMETHING GOOD!" Queenie screamed into the house, hoping that she would hear her call. Queenie walked into the diner part of the diner and saw Jet pretending to be focused on the menu that even Queenie could tell no one used anymore as Baby and Disco practically shoved each other's tongue's into each other' mouths. 

"Oh, fucking get off of each other," Queenie exclaimed again and pulled Disco off of Baby. Baby's lipstick was all over Disco's face and they sat next to each other, both terrified of what Queenie would do next. 

"What is all the commotion about?" Sunshine asked as she immerged from the kitchen, an apron saying 'kiss the cook' on it and a towel wrapped around her arm. Jet looked up at her relieved, he was having a hard time keeping his cool with all the girls in the room causing a fuss. 

"Don't mind if I do," he said right before getting up from the counter he was sat at and kissing Sunshine in front of the other girls. Sunshine closed her eyes peacefully then was back to her intense face in no time. 

"I've had a fucking rough day, and I need some food right now or I don't know what I'll do."

"I never knew you got this hangry, Queenie," Sunshine smiled cockily.

"I've never been through this much shit in one day, Sunshine," Queenie replied sarcastically. 

"I'll get you some food."

"See to it that you do."


"Do you mind explaining what is going on? I was literally gone for twenty minutes tops and somehow all hell breaks loose," Kobra breathed out, exasperated from both the events and the running he had done previously. 

"It really is a long story, Mike," Party used Kobra's real name and that took Kobra aback. This meant that this wasn't the time to be a smart ass but time to actually listen to what his older brother had to say. 

"How long is this story?" Kobra asked and quickly sat down cross-legged next to Party who hadn't moved from his position with his feet in the pool. Party gazed at the water, blue and sparkling in the evening sunlight. 

"About eight years long, I guess," Party said and looked up at Kobra who was staring intently at the man in front of him, waiting for more of an explanation. 

"You mean?"

"Uh-huh," Party responded. Even unspoken, both brothers knew what the other was talking about. Eight years ago, something happened and they had to go by different names. Something horrible happened. 

"She knows my name, Mike" Party said with an odd sense of relief and worry at the same time. Very few people knew Party as Arthur, and even fewer knew of Kobra as James. Some knew the younger brother as Mikey, mainly the people closest to him. But, only a very small group of people knew James Way. And somehow this girl, who showed up this afternoon with a shot  in the back and a burning passion for change, knew Arthur Way. 

"How could that be possible?" Kobra asked, confused about the whole situation because last he had heard, all the people who knew him by that name were either dead or blind. 

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out," Party placed a hand on Kobra's knee. "Everything is going to be fine, but we need to lay low about this for a while, just until I figure everything out."

Kobra nodded and went in for a hug. He was scared and the only person right now that could understand what he was going through was Party.

This girl that he couldn't get his mind off of just became a lot more interesting. 

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