Everyone is a Smartass in this Chapter

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"Sup motherfuckers?" Baby yelled as she opened the door to the diner carrying a half drunken 40 in one hand and a case of Coors in the other. Disco was on the shoulder of Sunshine half asleep, she was so drunk.

Sunshine was straight edge. She didn't drink or smoke. She thought everyone else in the house were ridiculous for letting themselves get blackout drunk every night leaving them hungover every morning. To be honest Sunshine was the mother of this legion of Killjoys.

Sunshine dropped Disco as soon as she saw Vega lying on the counter passed out.

"Who is she and what happened?" She asked frantically because she hadn't seen Vega's face yet. Meanwhile Baby was comforting her girlfriend, Disco Boy, who had just fallen and hit her head on the door hinge.

"Pony just left to go on a quick mission with Party and Ghoul but, before they left this firebird came in here taking her top off and screaming at everyone to help her because someone shot her in the back with the venom phasers on," Jet said and kept looking down to the topless girl passed out on the counter.

"And why is she still here instead of on a cot or bed or something?" Sunshine asked annoyed. 

Jet looked down ashamed he hadn't thought of that his frizzy Afro falling into his face.

"Hey, I'm sorry for yelling just help me get her off the counter please?" Sunshine said while moving over Vega to grab Jet's face and kiss him quickly.

"Okay, let's go," Jet said and he went to grab her top half which still had her boobs uncovered. 

Sunshine made a sound of disapproval and gestured that her boyfriend take her feet instead of this random chicks tits.

They quickly lifted her and carried into the cot room where the dropped her onto a cot in the back corner where it was pressed up against the cement wall. 

Once she was on her back Sunshine recognized her.

"Hold on, I think I know her..." Sunshine said and went to scratch her head. Jet also shook his head.

"Now that you say it, I see it."

"That's Vega!" Sunshine exclaimed and Jet looked confused.

"Vega who?"

"Remember when you signed the punk band I was in?" Jet had almost forgotten about the days when he was in a band himself and he signed other bands.


"She was the band with me. She was the bassist?" Sunshine kept giving him reasons to remember her.

"The one who always flashed the crowd?" Jet asked smiling. 

"That's Disco, you know her now."

"Oh. Um, The one with the dreadlocks?"

"That was Kayla, she played drums."

"Ohhh, Vega! I remember her, she beat my ass one time?" Jet exclaimed so loudly that he woke Vega up. Sunshine ignored the comment and just nodded her head.

"Hey Vega, are you okay?" Sunshine asked directed towards Vega now instead of her idiot of a boyfriend.

"How do you know my actual name?" Vega asked putting her guard up right away.

"We used to be in a band together? The Blacktops? It's me Talisa," Sunshine felt odd saying her actual name, she hadn't been called it in over 3 years.

Vega was shocked as all hell. How did she not know that her old band member lived with the killjoys?

"Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you again!" Vega exclaimed and went in for a hug. Sunshine returned the hug but accidentally rubbed against the cut and Vega winced and pulled away from her in pain.

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