Tragic Backstory : Unlocked

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After a while of talking outside by the pool about what the brother were to do if something happened, Kobra went inside to brood alone in his room instead of outside next to his brother. Party was kind of freaking out about this identity being compromised. 

He didn't even know this chick, he knew she went by Queenie and sometimes Vega but other than that, he had no clue who she was. The years of pot smoking for his health may have blurred his memory but he had a feeling he would remember someone who could ruin his life with the snap of their fingers. 

Who was this 'Queenie'? How did she tie into all the shit that happened eight years ago? These were the questions that kept circling around his mind, no foreseeable answer in sight.  The only thing he could think of doing was asking around with the people who knew her in the past. 

First on the list was Sunshine. 

"Hey, Sunshine?" Party asked as he walked into the eating area where the rest of the killjoys and company were pigging out on what looked like meatloaf?

"What's up, Party?" Sunshine responded in her normal sing song voice, for once not in her bad motherly mood. She hadn't looked up from the food she was eating because she assumed it was nothing important. 

"Um, can I talk to you in private? It'll be quick, I promise," Party squeezed out, terrified of her reaction. Party was one of the only people who was actually scared of Sunshine. Sure, she was 5'1 and a little Asian girl but she could take you down if she wanted to and Party knew that. How Jet managed to score a chick like that was beyond him. 

"Sure, hon, just let me finish my food here. Why don't you take a seat?" Sunshine offered politely and Party was about to sit down when he looked across the table and saw Ghoul giving him a death stare that said I-definitely-don't-want-you-to-be-sitting-at-the-same-table-as-me-after-what-just-happened-30-minutes-ago. 

"I, I think that I'm good actually, I'll just meet you outside in a minute," Party said, pushing his chair in and walking outside in shame. He really did feel bad that he kept screwing up with Frankie because he loved him but overall, Party was a pretty bad screw up in general. 

"What do you think that's about?" Jet whispered to Sunshine as his eyes trailed Party outside where he grabbed his temples and shook his head angrily. Sunshine shrugged and continued to eat the food placed in front of her. 

"Does anyone have the time?" Queenie asked looked around the table, for someone with a watch. 

"It's about 7:45, honey," Baby replied after looking at the permanent watch ingrained in her skin. She rubbed it and then picked up and fork and started eating her broccoli. 

"Whoa, what it that?" Queenie looked at Baby's wrist in awe, a mechanical watch ingrained inside someone's skin had to be one of the coolest things she'd seen in the desert.

"Oh, that, it's a tattoo watch, I got it when I lived in the city and it's one of the only pieces of technology that works this far out in the desert because it is ingrained in my system and relies on me instead of the cellular waves from BL/ind. "

"That is so cool, but I didn't know you lived in the city. How was it?" Queenie asked curiously and she watched as Disco grabbed Baby's hand to console her. This was obviously  a tough topic for Baby. 

"Um, well, it was fine at first. I had a good paying job, I lived in a nice apartment, I had a husband and a daughter. As long as we took the pills every morning, and made sure to follow BL/ind rules we were fine. That was, until my daughter got sick.

"She came down with a strong case of the flu and I took her to the doctor and they fixed her up easily, by implementing a little metal chip into her spinal cord that was supposed to fight off any other bed virus. Now, my husband was weary because he'd never heard of this chip but I explained to him what the doctor explained to me, it was for her health.

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