The War Part 3

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I fell back down on my bed, to stunned to continue to try to get up.

"WHAT?" I yelled.

"Yeah, six months."


"We'll, you flew of with that Wither, then six months later: boom, you fall out of the sky."

"What's happening right now then?"

"Well.. Take a look for yourself. I got up, lightheaded and woozy, and stumbled towards the tent flap. I opened it and looked outside.

After my eyes adjusted to the noon light, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was a battleground. Creeper holes were everywhere, arrows scattered, ender pearls here and there, and in the distance, on top of the hill I used to call home, was a giant castle. And coming out of that castle were hundreds of mobs.

"Uh, guys, should we be worrying about that?"

Brad walked up next to me and looked at where I was pointing. I knew he saw them when his eyes grew wide, then he started barking commands.

He turned to me. "Mark, just stay back and call if you need help."

"Nah, I can fight." I said.

"We don't have. Armor or weapons for you!"

"I'll be right back."

I started running towards the beach. When I got there, I started searching. When I finally found it, a large heart shaped stone, I pushed it aside and started digging.

Then my hand hit clothe. I pulled the large, heavy bag out and opened it. Inside was a full set of diamond armor, a diamond sword, and two diamond picks. I threw the armor on and ran towards the battle.

It was already crazy. Explosions everywhere, random ender men popping in and out of existence here and there, arrows flying, and lots of zombies. We were holding them off, but they just kept coming, and i could tell our troops were getting tired. I realized that we would be overpowered if we didn't do something quick. I searched for Max. I found him in the back of the pack, shooting arrows.

"Max, I need you're help. Do you guys have any TNT?"

"Yeah, but we can't light it in that mess because it might hit our troops."

"Well, do you have red stone, stone, and water?"

"Yeah... why?"

"Max, I'm gonna show you how to make a TNT cannon."

After a few minutes of explaining and building, we finally had it set up.

"But it still might hit our troops." Max said.

"Not if we shoot TNT over the castle walls and destroy the spawners."

He got a devilish grin on his face. He ran around and somehow set up ten canons in a few minutes. Then he loaded them and fired.

The whole battle went silent as everyone, human and mob, stopped to watch the TNT sail through the air. It flew over the walls and exploded with a loud BOOM.

Monsters stopped coming out of the castle. All the humans cheered. The mobs screeched and continued their assault, but with less strength, as they knew they were hopeless. Eventually, all of the mobs were gone.

All of the sudden, a horrible, earth-shaking, rock against metal screech came from above. All of our troops fell and covered their ears. I did the same and looked up into the sky. Descending from the clouds were blazes and ghasts. They started shooting fireballs, and I yelled at everyone to take cover. Just as I got up, a deafening boom sent me flying through the air. I couldn't hear anything as I flew threw the air and landed on the ground. I got up and started running in the direction everyone else was. Eventually we entered a cave.

Brad was looking at me, his lips moving. I pointed at my ears and said, "I can't hear." It was weird to speak, and only feel the vibrations of me speaking, not hearing it.

The silence had now transformed into a loud hum in my ears. It was slowly going away, but it still hurt.

Them everyone was at the entrance of the cave pointing up in the air, talking to each other. I walked over and looked up. All of the ghasts and blazes were flying away, but then dying. I looked for the cause, and saw a humongous dark shape fly across the sky, obliterating any mobs in its path. When they were all dead, it glided down and landeduK right in front of me. I stared at, a mix of awe and terror rising up inside me.

The Ender Dragon had saved us.

I was waiting to see what would happen. My hand was slowly moving towards my sword, which was sheathed on my back. Then I noticed what was on its back. There was a bag tied around its neck. I walked up slowly and untied it. Inside were a note, a purple saddle, and a small tube. The note read:

Take this Ender Dragon and drop the bomb into Herobrine's castle.

Good luck,

The Dimensionals.

I looked at the tube again. I noticed tiny print on it. I looked closely.

Across the tube were these words:

Caution! NUKE. Made in Aether.

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