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We started the long trek home, happy again because we were safe with so much ore. Tiff lost some of her coal when an enderman teleported behind her, took the coal, and teleported away. Max lost a little bit of iron when a creeper explosion sent him flying. Brad lost one of his diamonds when a skeleton shot a hole in his bag, and the diamond fell out without him noticing. I was pretty weary by that point, spinning around, waiting for the mob that would take my ores.

But none came. The camp was in sight by nightfall. It seemed like they made some more fires to keep them warm, because there was a lot of smoke. Nothing else suspicious happened, except we all swore we saw a shape flying across the moon. After climbing the hill, we walked straight into camp.

It was chaos inside. Fire raging. People rushing out the door with wooden bowls. People coming back with pitifully small amounts of water. People trying to salvage things from the fire.

"What do we do?" asked Brad.

"Make buckets!" I yelled. Max placed down the crafting table, and we made some furnaces. We smelted 10 buckets, and started handing them out. The effect was instant. The fire started to die because of the gallons and gallons of water being poured on it. After 15 minutes, the fire was gone.

Everyone stood, staring at the wreckage of the house.

"Can we rebuild it?" Someone called out. As if in response, the house collapsed on itself, slid down the hill, and tumbled into the ocean. "I'm gonna take that as a no." The kid called out.

"What do we do?" Someone called out.

"We're helpless!" Someone else cried.

"We're all gonna die!" someone else yelled. That was just enough to send everyone into a state of panic. I tried to calm them down. Nothing worked.

So I gathered a team of people who weren't panicking and we started to build. We built 20 small homes by dawn. They were arranged in a big circle, with a sort of town park in the middle. The others just stared.

"Alright, everyone gets their own house now, and can decorate or remodel it however they like it. This is mine." I said, standing in front of the biggest house.

"I call that one!" Kiera yelled, and ran toward the second biggest house. That made everybody run toward a house.

"That worked." I said to my team of builders, which consisted of Max, Brad, Tiff, and me. We all chose houses next to each other. I invited them over to my house after 10 minutes. They came in, and we sat down on my wooden couch made of wooden steps.

"So, I invited you all here to talk about leadership. I think that we are the main group of people on this island to do anything, so I think that we should be leaders." I said.

"I second that!" said Brad.

"I third that. Everyone else is so lazy, and just sits around while we feed them and let them sleep." Said Tiff. When she said feed, my stomach made a sound like a bomb. "Have you been eating anything?" Asked Tiff.

"No." I replied, realizing I hadn't ate anything in 2 1/2 days. I clutched my stomach and moaned. I had been to busy taking care of the camp to worry about eating. Or sleeping, for that matter.

"Here. Eat this." Said Tiff, handing me a piece of cooked steak.

"Thanks. Where did you get it?" I asked, taking huge bites out of the steak. I instantly felt better. Now I was sleepy.

"Someone gave it to me as thanks for building them a house."

"Um, I don't know if this is the right time, but I fourth it." Said Max. We all laughed.

"Alright, I'm kinda sleepy." I said.

"Oh. Alright. Have a good sleep!" said Tiff as she and the boys walked out the door. That was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

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