Chapter 11

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It's been three days since my outing with Ryan and so far we've been emailing daily and I've also gotten some texts from Fletcher (God knows how he got my number) asking when we could meet up again. Ekkia is coming over tomorrow, mums at work so I told him he could come at 11:30am. I was bored now though so bloody bored. I was sitting in the lounge room watching some crap on T.V. It was growing dark outside but still light enough to see.

"Izzy" my mum called from the kitchen "we need more milk could you walk to the shops and grab some?"

"Yeah sure" I called back grabbing $10 and bolting out of the house happy to be doing something. I jogged down to the shops, my sword hidden in my pocket I was never going to forget it again. No one was out it was like a ghost town, not even a car passed me. The town I lived in, Freeling didn't have many street lights and by the time I reached the shops it was quite dark. I looked at the variety of milks available, there was literally like ten; Full milk, skim milk, soy milk, almond milk and the list goes on and on. I grabbed two litres of full milk and went to pay, it came to $5, yes $5 for two litres of milk. Feeling ripped off I paid and left the store, the wind was picking up so I pulled my black hoodie over my head. It was a fifteen minute walk back to my house but as I started walking down a small unused road I started to feel like I was being followed. I was right. Suddenly someone came charging out of the bushes their face concealed by a dark hoodie. Immediately I drew my sword and I dodged noticing that he also had a sword. He swung at me and I brung my sword up to meet his, hearing clash upon clash of metal on metal. I dodged another attack and managed to push my attacker back and his hood fell off revealing his identity. In the pale moonlight I saw who it was and froze in shock, he took this opportunity to push me to the ground, sword at my throat, my hood came off. His face twisted into a look of utter confusion.

"Ryan?" I managed to make out a choked whisper

"Izzy?" He said but didn't lower his sword from my throat. Anger bubbled through my veins but I calmed myself save your anger for later.

"Tit for tat, you kill my dog, I kill your cat" I hissed and his face twisted in utter confusion. I used his slip of concentration to push him off of me using my legs, i grabbed the milk then I took off running and didn't stop until I reached my house.

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