Chapter 18

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

Riding a horse was strange I hadn't really rode one before and plus it was really old fashioned, I would have preferred a motorbike. It was fast though, supernaturally fast getting us to The Underground within minutes. The place was in chaos, guards everywhere and sorcerers running in all directions. The horse seemed to disappear completely as we reached The Underground and I fell landing on my butt in the dust. annoyed I looked up towards where Aurora used to be but she was gone. suddenly there were cries of alarm and I felt a sword jabbed into my back.

"Stand up now" ordered a deep gravelly voice.

I slowly stood up feeling a little mad at this minor inconvenience. Quickly I spun around kicking the dude in the stomach and making him drop to the ground in pain. Bad idea, that caused everyone to turn and aim their guns, fireballs, arrows and swords at me.

"Uhh.. he fell" I said smiling innocently and backing away.

"Argh I didn't ....didn't fall" the man I'd kicked groaned.

"Yes you did" I told him still smiling sweetly then I ran.

I ran straight into the shed and down the stairs ignoring the yells of the people outside. the first thing I noticed was the blood splattered everywhere, there was no bodies just blood.

"Interesting" I said to myself trying to calm my nerves.

Now I have never been a brave person, I have always hated having too much attention on me or having to speak in front of a class. so going in after an unknown evil was making me nervous and jumpy, for a second I considered turning around and leaving but I knew I'd never forgive myself if one of my friends got hurt. I continued walking getting faster and faster until my foot caught something and I tumbled landing right at the feet of Ekkia.

"Hey" I said watching at her face contorted into one of anger and then into something with black eyes, thousands of sharp teeth and long barked claws. its skin was black and leathery and it gave off a strong scent of decay.

"You're not Ekkia" I said and the creature smiled and lunged at me.

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